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ICMag Donor
the common man was never allowed to have pistols in the uk,, only the very rich and powerful could have them back in the day


Private ownership of handguns was THE shooting sport of the working man , with an FAC and membership of a gun club pretty much anything apart from full auto could be legally aquired, was growing fast prior to Dunblane and the ban on pistols.

Much less expensive sport /hobby than many would think , secondhand guns and reloading enabled me to shoot extensively and im very common and quite poor.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
^^^^He's right, I had a Colt Python and a couple of 9mm auto's until there was a Columbine in the '80's

As for the 'riots', it's not a big deal at all ...... just some looting and fires

The CCTV is good, you see some 'rioters' go to one who is injured, what do they do ???

Take his wallet .... yes real class war

3 Young men hit by a car and killed last night, just for standing in front of the family shop whilst the robbers came to visit .... lots of them in court today for looting on Monday, many sent to jail today from the courtroom still bleating
Armed cowards are what they are!

NO ONE is willing to risk life or limb for a pair of shoes if he knows the owner is there, armed and ready.

These are coward sociopaths with no redeeming qualities, preying on disarmed honest and hard working citizens.

Never underestimate the power of self induced political denial!

You are acting like a mainstream media puppet. What the mainstream media does not report is the fact that the police killing of a father was merely a spark. The British population is angry.

Angry at who? Angry at the authorities who have made life harder for them, and angry at the system which seems to only bring to power individuals who pursue their own self interests rather than the interests of the population. They are angry because the UK government sends British kids to wars of aggression, spends trillions in these wars, and then has the gal to increase tuition fees to make up for the waste of Britain's wealth and resources.

What fuels this anger is the continuous wars and theft of British wealth, and continuous broken promises by a government which is supposed to represent the masses. This fuel has spread, and a small spark can quickly turn in to a flame. Something which we are literally seeing right now in London.

Other European nations are not immune to such angry protests. This could start a domino effect in Europe.

If we're lucky, this could spread to the US. The US citizens are in an even worse situation with their government lying and stealing from them.

lost in a sea

i hope that is why these people are angry mate,,, but then why dont they go and attack parliament or chatham house or something?

instead of stealing some trainers and smashing up mobile phone stores,,, its just pointless and helps the authorities clamp down on all of us for the most pathetic reasons,,

these particular people obviously have no brains and are ruining what is left of our rights and freedom of expression without knowing it, even if they did know the wider implications they would probably still go out and loot,,,,

its all meant to go tits up,,,america has been a planned disaster since 1776,,,


What I find odd about the situation is that when the Treasury was attacked a few months ago during the students protests/riots, the cops were all over the scene.
Peoples houses and businesses burnt to the ground and they just seem to allow it??


Well-known member
What I find odd about the situation is that when the Treasury was attacked a few months ago during the students protests/riots, the cops were all over the scene.
Peoples houses and businesses burnt to the ground and they just seem to allow it??

The old bill just protect Babylons interest.

The police were guarding the roads where the banks and post offices are situated.


Hmmmm their on about us "taking responsibility " and "criminality" well i just cant help thinking back to the expenses scandal and also all the bent cops that just got laid off recently cos of NOTW,
i wonder if those are these good examples of taking responsiblity and criminality ?


when you see only a few MP's going to jail for expenses robbing ... ppl will think WTF ............. lead by example not do as i say not do as i do !


What fuels this anger is the continuous wars and theft of British wealth, and continuous broken promises by a government which is supposed to represent the masses. This fuel has spread, and a small spark can quickly turn in to a flame. Something which we are literally seeing right now in London.

I wouldnt be surprised if this event was a setup to bring in the police state, and more brutal police force. It only takes 5% of a crowd to get the rest motivated and what makes me feel these riots could be easily sparked is that most of this motivation has been done over twitter. There's alot of groups on the internet that spread disinformation and infiltrate groups hoping to radicalize/pervert them, im talking about government agencies.

The economy has been collasped intentionally, and the people know they have been robbed, unfortunately they waste there power rioting. Its not the way to make change.

An agent for the CIA admitted that they want people to riot! why? it gives them order out of the chaos they created in the first place.


Well-known member
You are acting like a mainstream media puppet. What the mainstream media does not report is the fact that the police killing of a father was merely a spark. The British population is angry.

Angry at who? Angry at the authorities who have made life harder for them, and angry at the system which seems to only bring to power individuals who pursue their own self interests rather than the interests of the population. They are angry because the UK government sends British kids to wars of aggression, spends trillions in these wars, and then has the gal to increase tuition fees to make up for the waste of Britain's wealth and resources.

What fuels this anger is the continuous wars and theft of British wealth, and continuous broken promises by a government which is supposed to represent the masses. This fuel has spread, and a small spark can quickly turn in to a flame. Something which we are literally seeing right now in London.

Other European nations are not immune to such angry protests. This could start a domino effect in Europe.

If we're lucky, this could spread to the US. The US citizens are in an even worse situation with their government lying and stealing from them.

First of all, I can tell by your post, you have never owned a home, business, or any property of your own. Because, if you had, you wouldn't be posting such rubbish.

Let me ask you one simple question.

How would like it, if a small group of thugs were mad at they're Government, and due to they're anger at someone else, came and burned down your home, looted & destroyed your business, which by the why is your only means for providing for your family, and basically took from you everything that you worked for your entire life in a matter of minutes? All because they were mad at someone else?

This isn't political, it's nothing but a bunch of fucking lazy bums, that most likely wouldn't work if you gave them a job, out for an easy score, and too chicken-shit to attempt to carry-out theses acts of plundering alone, therefore, they run in packs like a bunch of wild-dogs on a baby-rabbit.

That would be like me saying, "Oh, I'm pissed-off at my government because they raised my taxes to take care of all theses fucking worthless bums & crack-heads, that wouldn't work if you gave them a job, therefore, I'm going to out and burn down other peoples homes, loot & burn down they're family business, and basically destroy everything they have worked for they're entire lives"...... Bloody F#*king Brilliant!

Oh, and BTW, that shit would never go down in the USA where I live. Why? Because there are too many citizens like me who have enough fire arms and ammo in my home legally, to take out the whole lot of those thugs before you could say " I'll have a Happy Meal & Coke Please"



trouble theres no excuse for what these people have done, but this country reminds me of an experiment done with rats (im not saying all people are like rats btw) if too many rats are put into an unnatural confined space/cage (a city is unnatural) and there food is restricted (massive inflation), they will start to attack each other. Put the rats back into a more natural setting, they become settled.

People have become so dehumanized through this system and are having everything essential for living removed from them, and this is only the beginning, are we surprised they are pissed off?


Well-known member
I wouldnt be surprised if this event was a setup to bring in the police state, and more brutal police force. It only takes 5% of a crowd to get the rest motivated and what makes me feel these riots could be easily sparked is that most of this motivation has been done over twitter. There's alot of groups on the internet that spread disinformation and infiltrate groups hoping to radicalize/pervert them, im talking about government agencies.

The economy has been collasped intentionally, and the people know they have been robbed, unfortunately they waste there power rioting. Its not the way to make change.

An agent for the CIA admitted that they want people to riot! why? it gives them order out of the chaos they created in the first place.

Yes Harold.....Couldn't agree more mate. There are dark powers at work in this country.


Feeling good is good enough.
First of all, I can tell by your post, you have never owned a home, business, or any property of your own. Because, if you had, you wouldn't be posting such rubbish.

Let me ask you one simple question.

How would like it, if a small group of thugs were mad at they're Government, and due to they're anger at someone else, came and burned down your home, looted & destroyed your business, which by the why is your only means for providing for your family, and basically took from you everything that you worked for your entire life in a matter of minutes? All because they were mad at someone else?

This isn't political, it's nothing but a bunch of fucking lazy bums, that most likely wouldn't work if you gave them a job, out for an easy score, and too chicken-shit to attempt to carry-out theses acts of plundering alone, therefore, they run in packs like a bunch of wild-dogs on a baby-rabbit.

That would be like me saying, "Oh, I'm pissed-off at my government because they raised my taxes to take care of all theses fucking worthless bums & crack-heads, that wouldn't work if you gave them a job, therefore, I'm going to out and burn down other peoples homes, loot & burn down they're family business, and basically destroy everything they have worked for they're entire lives"...... Bloody F#*king Brilliant!

Oh, and BTW, that shit would never go down in the USA where I live. Why? Because there are too many citizens like me who have enough fire arms and ammo in my home legally, to take out the whole lot of those thugs before you could say " I'll have a Happy Meal & Coke Please"



Praise the Lord and pass the ammo!


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Isn't the full quote - "Praise the Lord, pass the bullets, we'll all be free"?


Well-known member
Hey trouble...What is with people in the US and their fascination with guns? Very foolish if you ask me. Guns were only made of one thing....Destroying life, not good pal.

Like Harold says, what we are seeing is the result of ghettoising the poorest people in our society. Kicked off in Bradford a few years ago didn't it?


Feeling good is good enough.
Isn't the full quote - "Praise the Lord, pass the bullets, we'll all be free"?

First came the phrase "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition"; the quote you offer is from a song written in 1942 by Frank Loesser.

Regardless of origin, anybody who's been in "the shit" knows exactly what it means and why it was said.

I wouldnt be surprised if this event was a setup to bring in the police state, and more brutal police force.
While I don't think the event is an orchestrated conspiracy from the beginning, I do suspect there have been quite a few "looters" that were "on the job."


Feeling good is good enough.
Hey trouble...What is with people in the US and their fascination with guns? Very foolish if you ask me. Guns were only made of one thing....Destroying life, not good pal.

Like Harold says, what we are seeing is the result of ghettoising the poorest people in our society. Kicked off in Bradford a few years ago didn't it?

Guns are tools, nothing more.

And for some situations the right tool makes all the difference.

I hope you'll never have to be in "that situation".

Free men defend themselves, always have and always will.

But if you wish to be unarmed I totally respect your right and choice.

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