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Germinating Help me.


New member
I got two bagseed in water left em in for a few days they popped just wanna know do i put them into the rockwool white dangly down or seed down. I just used the cup method to crack the seeds yet now i got a lil big of didlybombs coming down off the seed.

Sour Joe

Plant them white tips facing down as always and sometimes you can drown a seed if you leave them in water to long. Soak them for a day or two at max if you have to and then put them bewtween paper towels some use sponges dripping with water in a plastic bag set over cable box or tv for day or two. Good luck bro


New member
fo sho thanks ogers aka ic magers. i just forgot in all this time from the last germ. fo sho thanks . close this one out.