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Tomato growers?


Heres money shots of a few of my BrandyWine, SuperSweet100 Cherry and Best Boy tomatoes.
Here is one of my Tomato plants, heirloom seeds, I don't remember which strain this is because I didn't mark the containers - this is my first time growing Tomato's, in retrospect should have used tomato cages instead of letting them hang over but the sides of the 5gal but they LST'd themselves lol.

One question I have is can you eat the tomato's after harvesting? Any preparation besides washing?


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Beefmaster Tomato plant in coco

Beefmaster Tomato plant in coco

I use the same method to grow tomatoes that I do weed:

Straight coco + Maxibloom = Dank Fruits

Here is a Beefmaster Tomato plant in an 8 gallon pot of coco. The blooms are just turning into little fruits. I counted over 100 blooms a couple weeks ago.
I use the same method to grow tomatoes that I do weed:

Straight coco + Maxibloom = Dank Fruits

Here is a Beefmaster Tomato plant in an 8 gallon pot of coco. The blooms are just turning into little fruits. I counted over 100 blooms a couple weeks ago.

Wow 100 blooms! How many of those will make it? It seems after my first bunch of blooms the new blooms would start and then fall off? What causes this? I had some watering issues when the summer heat really kicked in, could that be it?


i am astonished at how easily tomato cuttings will root.

Hell, i cloned branches without growth tips and they still took root (still waiting on a new growth tip).

I turned 1 over priced $10 tomato plant into about 10 plants, and the original is hellabeast size right now.

Smoke Buddy

Great Thread folks! I love growing tomatos every year. Grew up working every summer at my grandparents 1/2 acre veg garden... they always had about 1oo tomato plants. Sold everything to the local restaraunts and retirement homes. I hated it as a kid but now I cherish those memories and that experience.
This morning I ate my first tomato of the year, an Early Girl, sliced thick to use the whole tomato on an egg sandwich.... OHhhh how I missed that flavor and Ohh how awesome it was.
This year I have Early Girl, Big Beef, Big Boy, Better Boy, Black Zebra, Golden Jubilee, Bulls Heart and Sweet 100.

Best wishes on all your gardens!



Active member
Wow Smoke where are you located? I've still got all green fruit.
My husband and me grow a lot of tomatoes and go to local farmers markets etc. I prefer to sell starter plants but always end up harvesting the leftovers..lol.
LOVE Sweet 100's for production and cherry tomatoes.I am also growing a new strain from Burgess called Trip L Crop.Black Krim HEIRLOOM AND beefsteak.Also of course have a bunch of romas.I love to make a bunch of sauce for the freezer.
We companion plant with lots of marigolds. I think its mostly for rabbits and bugs.We have deer fencing but still like the results of the combination..Peace everyone..BL


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
my heirlooms arent producing b/c of the heat :( so i just ordered
solar set, solar fire, sunmaster, arkansas traveler and porters pride. these are supposedly more heat tolerant.

Smoke Buddy

Wow Smoke where are you located? I've still got all green fruit.
My husband and me grow a lot of tomatoes and go to local farmers markets etc. I prefer to sell starter plants but always end up harvesting the leftovers..lol.
LOVE Sweet 100's for production and cherry tomatoes.I am also growing a new strain from Burgess called Trip L Crop.Black Krim HEIRLOOM AND beefsteak.Also of course have a bunch of romas.I love to make a bunch of sauce for the freezer.
We companion plant with lots of marigolds. I think its mostly for rabbits and bugs.We have deer fencing but still like the results of the combination..Peace everyone..BL

Hey Buddle, I live in the northern Sacramento Valley. Sounds like you are into your tomatos! Cool. Well, I actually have a mixed bag of results so far this year because I planted half my tomatos early and they just sat there doing nothing but those early ones took a huge set once they got going. It stayed cool abnormally long and now we have heat. Anywhow the second group is practically barren and have only set a few fruit on each at this point.

You're are so right those sweet 100s are so dang good. They are my fav cherry. I also freeze tomatoes. I like to cut them in half, salt, pepper, olive oil, herbs.. then roast em down about half way dry and freeeze em in sandwich bags. They are good for so many dishes. Works great.


Cookie monster

Tumbling Tom

Tumbling Tom

Tumbling Tom are sold as a hanging basket tomatoe over here, they are a cherry variety and perfect for folks with limited space.

I kept 13 plants in pots on the windowsills in my conservatory and they blew me away with their sweetness and the amount of fruit they produce.

A few of the plants had well in excess of 100 tom's each, one had 140!
Strangely enough for an outside tomatoe they do amazingly well in the consevatory where on a sunny day with the doors closed temps will hit 35c no problem.


in the thick of it
I'm kind of bummed about my maters this year, we got a TON of rain earlier and now it is just super hot with no rain. Most of my tomatoes have not formed well and we've had to toss the bad ones in the bin. I'm hoping we can pull together some kind of crop by the end of the season so we can at least make some sauces.


gets some
I'm kind of bummed about my maters this year, we got a TON of rain earlier and now it is just super hot with no rain. Most of my tomatoes have not formed well and we've had to toss the bad ones in the bin. I'm hoping we can pull together some kind of crop by the end of the season so we can at least make some sauces.

The weather really has been bizarre. It's been messing with my veggie garden too. Spotted blight has gone rampant on my tomatoes with the wild temp and humidity swings. It's been 55 degrees through 100 degrees just in the last couple of weeks! Im still pulling edible fruits but the blight is eating my plants up. Im seeing that this is pretty common this year. Starts as yellowing of lower leaves with black spots and just works upward on the plant, crisping every leaf to dust on the way. Once it is infected with this fungus you can't get rid of it.

Anybody else having blight issues this year?


Anybody else having blight issues this year?
Yes, It's terrible. Luckily mine are still producing ripe red maters.

I also got attacked by over 13 horn worms this year. Ate a few of my plants to the ground overnight. Hungry little bastards. It's amazing how fast they can turn a big mature plant into nothing but a few stems. Now they are all covered in sevin dust, and I gotta keep my dogs out of my patches because of it. I believe my little ole lady neighbor is the culprit. She says she brought her plants home from a relatives house.. Never ever had a problem with pests till she started planting around here. Now we got bugs and worms tearing our shit up.

They didn't touch the peppers though.. Never have any pest problems with the peppers. Except spiders.. They seem to love to web my shit up.

i am astonished at how easily tomato cuttings will root.
Amazing isn't it. I took several cuts with small greens already on them. Stuck in the dirt 2 days later they was growing, and the small tomatoes never died or had any bad effects.


Don't let them live! If you turn your back for just a couple hours your shit will be deader than hell. I use sevin dust and ecosense insecticidal soap to keep bugs and critters away.

Look at the little bastard. Heading right for the growing tips. He knows what he's doing.

Mitch Connor

Haha yea I'm having to deal with a lot of bugs now that my plants are in production mode.

This year I'm growing San Marzano's. I plan on making a Greek type spaghetti sauce with them and making the best homemade spaghetti ever! Of course, complimented with pit-roasted lamb, Greek salad, and baklava for dessert.

Got about 5-6 tomatoes ripening at the moment on a 2ft tall plant. There are more flowers but I guess not enough juice to bump up production.


ICE Cream eater


bastards got a couple of mine also

man seriously WTFFFFF.
This scares me :laughing:

but tomatoes talking...
The best tomatoes I have ever ate are those:


Home grown by grandma :p
Their name is Bull Hearth(bivolsko sarthse), (at least their Bulgarian name is like that, maybe they are know with different one I don`t know)
I can admit that they aren`t very nice looking, but the taste... I cant wait to eat some.
They are a later growing strains I think.
Also I haven`t tried anything special maybe.
I will have to look for some more exotic ones.
Are there tomatoes seed banks :p

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