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post your dog or fav. dog breed



myne fav is the american bulldog. have 2. but i have a soft spot for dobermans and yorkshire terriers, family has had both ever since i can remember. anywho heres my 2 abs

hes a genetic nightmare but his loyalty is second to none. also makes for a great pillow lol is almost 8yrs old now

and, hes all go go go all day long never stops movin lol, and the most athletic dogs ive owned as of yet. really quite amazing what he can pull off. climbing of trees is just another day in the life for this goober.

such a ladys man lol. doing work for dad hahaha

and a couple before they decided they didnt like eachother anymore.


tag ur it lol

hope u all enjoy my silly puppys

emerald city

cool pet ya'll....my favorite's are pack of german shepherds...i go find the pix tp post
I love greyhounds and have had them for over a decade. They are the laziest dogs ever, total couch potatoes, and very loveable. Great for apt or farm living, they are super smart and not hyper like people tend to think. Some can even live with cats, as long as they don't have a strong prey drive (and if they've had a successful racing career they will have a super strong prey drive).

Some just aren't cut out for the race track, some get injured. Racing careers are short and brutal. These dogs are so sweet. Hell, everyone knows what a greyhound looks like, I don't think any explanation is needed.


livin my way the high way


first pic 8 wks
second 3-5 months. cant remember
third just shy of a year.

heres my little ghetto bred pit. got her off 7mile in detroit. cool 100 bucks that id now happily pay ten times over. both parents are pits but theres something in her lineage that wasnt a pit. cant seem to put a finger on it though.

izzy was originally a gift for my gf, but she seems to respect/like me more :dunno:

i totally fell real hard for this dog. ive had many, but shes in synch with me on a new level. may have to marry this girl to keep the dog. loll

i can make her do just about anything she knows with a light touch/hand sign and a wisper.

shes an absolute lover, but we play rough and sometimes have to remind her biting hard isnt ok.

on a funny note shes very quiet except for a confused semi bark yawning thing she does, unless theres a reason to bark. then she sounds scary. i like to think shes quiet because she doesnt want to let people know shes a pit. there trying to ban em here. :mad::wallbash::deadhorse



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My gang. Or babies, whichever you prefer.

Aww, now these two look like my kinda doggie, so cute!

This was my dog, sadly she died 3 years ago, I miss her every day still.


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To all the dogs lovers out there

To all the dogs lovers out there

My neighbour was watching telly on the sofa with her pet Chihuahua ( LITTLE MEXICAN RAT THING) when she realised he was missing .
The back door had been left open & she called & called but the pup never showed , for the last 3 days she has been putting up lost notices around the neighborhood .
If you should spot her lost puppy please E-Mail [email protected] .



New member
my dog

my dog

this is lobo,(my boy) my dog since he was 10 weeks old,
a 9 year old white sheperd. worked with me as a denfence dog when i worked with security.
very nice breed very loyale and easy to train do to their willingness to learn, and work.


Nice dog lala. Nice that he lies in the chairs, my dog do that too.

Here is my dog (Kato), a white shepherd too, he is at little under 2 years old.

Happy growing.


Active member
nice looking pup ^^ I had a white sheperd/samode mix was a great dog..

heres my baby -- shes a great watch dog too, luvs to chase off the vermin... likes to ride on the motorcyle too hahaha...




May your race always be in your favor
Blue Great Dane and Chocolate Standard Poodle. Danes are a German Mastiff, an ancient breed and the poodles were one of the first water dogs also believed to be from Gremany. Both are always on guard and alert.


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
wow.... some very fine looking dogs....

mk6... great pics.

mine is always the life of the party... this was at his daughters first b-day... thats the mother hiding her big dog....



We currently have a Siberian Husky, great dog, he's an outside dog loves it outside I don't think he would be able to stand it inside. Had a chow mixed with who knows what, that looked like a picture of a Euroraiser I think I spelled that correctly, that I saw in a magazine. He was a great watch dog very much a one family dog if he knew you were in the circle of friends you were good to go if not, better stay away.
Question about pits I was told by somebody that had pits that you shouldn't feed them everyday, didn't make sense to me , always have food available for our dog .

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