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I have to go to jail on friday for 1 month. How bad does it suck?


as per my first post, as long as your not a total bitch you will be fine. Your not a total bitch are you??? You ever had your shit pushed in??

Seriously, if some guy for some reason decides your the one he wants to make an example out of, its jail, fight hard & fight dirty. Anything that is illegal in the UFC you want to be doing, eye-gouging small joint manipulation ect. That said, don't do anything that will get you in bigger trouble. GL


Wow! Thanks people. I thought I would only get a few responses before I went but damn we are hitting 5 pages now.

To answer a few questions. I'm not a bitch at all, I always stand up for myself in the real world so jail will be no different. The only reason why I was asking these questions is because i've never actually been in jail any real amount of time. I'm 21 years old and have been arrested 3 times. Felony poss of MJ 4oz-5lbs in 2006, I hired a badass lawyer and got it dropped due to an illegal search and some other stuff in the case. But my dumbass got arrested 2 days before my dismissal hearing I got a DWI charge. I hired the same lawyer for my new charge but he pretty much hated me because he spent from 2007-2009 delaying my MJ charge and holding all kinds of court dates, eventually getting that dropped. I got placed on 18 months probation which was so easy it wasn't even funny. I never got drug tested, only saw my P.O probably 2 times. The probation system in my town is so packed it's REALLY easy to scam your way around probation, I forged all my community service cards, AA/NA cards and paid for all my probation costs by. well... Try to guess... I got a public intoxication charge cause I turned 21 while on probation and went through the whole "i'm 21 and can get hammered at bars" stage. The judge sentenced me to Intensive Outpatient Rehab so I wouldn't get my probation revoked and I went to one class and I was like "F*** THIS!" it costs tons of money, it was 4 classes a week three hours a class for 3 months. I just stopped going and stopped doing probation cause they wanted to extend me for another year. So I guess to go to jail for 30 days (the sentence is 60 but you get 2 for 1 credit here) is alot better than rehab probation, fines, ect.

Another thing I have learned is I've been VERY reckless sometimes with the things I choose to do. When I get out I'm kinda thinking of turning a new leaf and doing things a lot smarter and not drinking alcohol anymore. I really get in bad situations because of drinking, i prolly shouldn't do it. I'm just lucky I am not facing a serious felony charge for growing or something similar. I definally want to grow again when I get out but i'm just going to get a real job and have it be for personal use only and not tell anybody except mabye my girl cause she would have to know.

SPEAKING OF WHICH.. Whoever said that comment about my girl..I never thought of that. I honestly haven't even thought about that till' now. Don't even put those kind of ideas in my head, thats the last thing I need to think about. I trust her though, but you can never tell with women... uhhgg.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Well, I guess I'm not going to get a very long thread here. Heh, I'm just sitting here smoking on some amazing sour d because I'm off probation, well not in the honest way. I got revoked and have to go to jail for a month for a class b misdemeanor.

I live in Texas and most people I've talked to have told me that I'm going to be one one the only white people in the jail. So I might get messed with a little bit. But I guess a month can't be that long.

Anybody here been to jail for any real period of time? (over 2 or 3 weeks) Can anybody give me some tips? The longest time I've been in jail is like 6 hours in the holding tank so I really don't know much about sitting in there for weeks and what it would be like

I'm Trying to keep my head high and try to go in there not looking like a total wuss who is scared, nor am I going to be so confident I'd come off as a jerk.

Thanks alot ICMAG,
HAIL. smoke one for me while I'm locked up!

County Jail is a cake-walk. Try not to piss off any COs.

By the time you leave you'll be a great card shuffler and pretty good at Spades, Checkers, and maybe chess.

Seriously, County Jail sucks because you have much less freedom than you would in most prisons (excluding Max and Super Max) but make sure you have some money on your books, and all will be well.

Good luck! See you on the other side :)


if you get put in the same mod as the mexicans in jail here be prepared for some bomb ass burritos , gotta put iin to receive though, trading food or giving up stuff you wont eat, wont get you in trouble, most likely make friends, and you should be getting food back they might not like on somedays. But dont owe or have someone owe you something. All deals are paid in full and final.

do watch out for new young inmates that may have never been in jail because they thing they gotta be hard and there most likely angry beccause they didnt expect to be in jail and unlike you, dont know when there going to get out


gets some
just read the whole thread and someone gave the advise to not tell what youre in for, big mistake, because if you dont say nothing they'll assume youre a child molester, Talking about what youre in there for is a good ice breaker.

I suggested that and Im sorry but that's just absurd. We're talking local county jail, not a maximum security prison. You're watching too much tv.


Tropical Outcast
Have all your bills covered before you leave.

Mortgage/Rent, Utilities, car insurance and what else is around you don't want to find yourself past due about.


I would agree with what most people say about county jails, they are a cake walk. I spent 40 days in Santa Barbara County Jail, lots of bangers...over crowded, in a tank that's supposed to hold 15 people but had cots in the 'day room' so it fit 35, me and one other white guy. I wouldn't go in swinging on the first big guy you see to 'prove' yourself..just lay low..be cool and don't get in any shit unless you absolutely have too. Just cause you can kick the biggest guy's ass doesn't mean you don't sleep at night...

I also spent a weekend in LA County Jail...that's NOT a cake walk..large city jails can be as rough or rougher than prisons... I don't scare easily...but I'll admit, I was not comfortable in LA County and glad I was out quick.


Active member
Another thing I have learned is I've been VERY reckless sometimes with the things I choose to do. When I get out I'm kinda thinking of turning a new leaf and doing things a lot smarter and not drinking alcohol anymore. I really get in bad situations because of drinking, i prolly shouldn't do it.

Hail, I just want to wish you the best. Time flies and soon this will be just a memory, I hope.

I have no experience to share or advice to give, but after spending the past week studying all the news I can get over the decrim/legalization issues, what you said above really strikes me.

The irony that weed got you busted but booze made you screw up is probably really common. It just isn't right.

Good luck and hang in there.

el clandestino

super chato
I honestly think you got of easy man. I got caught dirty for herb while on probation and got sentenced to 6 mo.to 2yrs at a rehab here in Tx. Total mindfuck!! Its diffrent in jail much easyer. The less you say the better. The guys who bark the loudest are the ones who get smashed 1st. Just mind your own and youll be cool. I learned alot about whats important In there. You can benifit from any situation If you have a positive addittude. Its just 29 days, It couda been alot worse. Remember we put ourselves in these situations just learn from every expeirence life throws at you. TRUST NO ONE , KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND NEVER LET YOU GUARD DOWN. Respect goes further then a dollar.


Interestingly (busted) weedgrowers are on top of the "respect ladder" in jail (and prison).

Hell yeah they are, the whole jail knew who me and my co defendant were, and the cell went crazy when they flashed our pics on the 5:00 news :)

Make sure you come back and let us know how it went, stay strong, you'll be fine


As has been said county jail is a cake walk only saw two fights the whole time I was in there one came from somebody talking to much and another from somebody acting like they belonged in a gang. I like reading so I did that, do some cards and chess and shit will fly by. Also lot's of times you can get somethings people don't want on their tray by trading in my experience Mexicans love oranges. Be prepared for lots of beans too!


Active member
if you aint a pussy then you wont have any problems. stay out of gang shit . keep your mouth shut about opinions. start working out and reading alot. keep busy and before you know it you will be out . good luck.


ICMag Donor
County jail is a joke. You're going to be there for a lousy 20 days, lol....

When you get there keep your mouth shut and don't try and push yourself on someone for friendship. Don't brag and don't make comments on other peoples conversations. Most peop[le are there for a short time and no one wants to lose their good time. Don't give the guards a hard time, but don't be a pussy either. Do what your asked but don't act like you enjoy it. In a few days you'll see who to talk to and not to talk to. Stay away from the child molestors and the woman abusers or you'll get labeled as one. That's why I say not to talk to anyone for a few days until you see what they are there for.... If you can set up your commisary money beforehand then do it. If not find out beforehand how to get your money into a commisary so you're not waiting a couple weeks to get stuff.....


Active member
The main thing is not to worry about your girl,its only a month,she's gonna be just fine :wave:
always remember the most useful thing in jail is not being tough its being calm and avoid lying these fuckers stare at one and other all day they will see straight through your friday night pokerface.The less facts people know about you the better