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Landrace Lover
the top looks healthy as, but the side fan leaves look screwed. i'm debating cloning off the top of it in the next week or so and putting it into a hydro system DWC and hopefully they proves better than soil
Invalid Attachment specified is what the page says when i click on it...maybe its me just thought i would share... hope it works out for ya..


I wouldn't think about cloning it and starting over. That'll take atleast a month just to get back where u are. Flush the hell out of it and don't bother it for a couple days.

What did u add to the soil??


Landrace Lover
it's been suffering from nit def for about 2 weeks now and had it's growth stunted. we had it in potting mix with vermiculite then transplanted into coconut husk when it outgrew that pot, and i started using THC A and B nutrient fert. i flushed it a few times and so yeah here we are. stopped giving it nutes for about a week then diluted the shit out of a nute mix and gave it a bit every few days. i think it's recovering but yeah i'm not really in a rush to get bud from it, i've just cloned a few other plants and am wanting to switch from soil to hydro so i'm thinking if i take most of the top of this plant (all of the healthy part) and put that into hydro it will take off a month or so but that doesn't bother me as long as i get healthier plant out of it and don't have to worry about this soil bullshit

Zen Master

the new growth looks way healthier than the old stuff, the old stuff wont get rejuvenated so its gonna look like shit till it dies completely and falls off. I pluck these leaves as they probably use up more energy trying to survive than they would provide for the plant.

that being said....

whats your pH?


Landrace Lover
the new growth looks way healthier than the old stuff, the old stuff wont get rejuvenated so its gonna look like shit till it dies completely and falls off. I pluck these leaves as they probably use up more energy trying to survive than they would provide for the plant.

that being said....

whats your pH?

i think it's in the high 6s, 6.8ish maybe, it's at a mates place i'll have to check it out sometime soon myself and get more info. but if does look much healthier than a week ago.


Ya what zen said. Trim those dead ones off, let those roots dry out and just give it some water for a week or so. Ur soil already has nutes so u don't really need to heavy dose them or anything. If ur worried bout nutes, top layer ur soil with some bat guano. Ull see results over night.
And let me just say this, I really think u should just leave it in the soil. I do my my babies in hydro and I usually wish I worked in soil. If I didn't want just that extra little bit of sparkle, I would use soil all the time. Soil is so forgiving if u just let it do its natural thing.


Active member
Hmmm? Is it a soil grow or a coco grow?

You may have nutes in the soil it was in at first, but then you put in in coco? Well coco has no nutes so maybe you need to treat it more like coco. My guess is that they are hungry. Aside from your pH being high that is. Stuff like stopped giving nutes for a week, flushed multiple times, diluted nutes, all say leached out nutes, feed me!!!
For coco 5.8-6.2, for soil...6.2-6.6

why don't you try just coco next time? maybe coco and perlite?


Landrace Lover
it's a mix of soil and coco medium hazy, mostly coco but it was transplanted from a 4" pot originally that had soil in it, into coco. i'll try feeding them a bit as it's been left for about a week without food and just being watered.