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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Take A Deep Breath
Just had a look.....couldn't see any larvae....though I've got a few gnats flying about.....big roots spread throughout the new soil OK.

Could well be some root nibbling going on though.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey blimey i would give the BF some seaweed or something with N in it - perhaps start at half strength. looks hungry to me. could also be the cold which slows down the rate at which the plant can feed - red stems usually mean PK hungry (especially if the stems arent usually read) - again could be caused by the temps.

i bring down the pH of my tapwater with citric acid - powder is dirt cheep on ebay. you can get a pH meter for less than a tenner too.




Take A Deep Breath
Haven't fed either BF or PB anything yet....was worried about sativa nute sensitivity...will give them both a little something next time round.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i wondered about that too but i flowered the BF and the PB in my regular mix which is fairly rich.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Another vote for low temps causing your problems Blimey, mine looked like this recently, now recovered as it warms up.

Yellow sticky traps are low tech but satisfyingly effective for gnats, they also do not like dry tops to the pots, but love dampness.


Take A Deep Breath
Chaos - Thanks for dropping in!

Yes....the worst aspect of my low-fi environment is when I feel I am flipping a coin as to whether something is problem "x" or "y".

The nights are still dipping below 0c outside....and everything has been slow recently compared with before the cold started (December? seems like forever)......and I never noticed problems with my big city tap water before.....but I'm not discounting it (water pH) as at least a contributing factor just yet.

Stumpy and the BF/PB are all big enough that I'm happy to give them some food next time the pots get light. Nutes will lower the pH a bit in any case. Also the soil mix I have the PB/BF in is not ideal for drainage....got some perlite now, so I might transplant the two little'uns from 1L to 2L pots and try and improve the drainage. Got a NL that's developing testicles (first boy since September), so he can give me a little coughing practice and free up some space in the flower cab.

I may also be able to ninja up some sand or horticultural grit, if I'm sneaky. Gotta get these gnats sorted out....


Take A Deep Breath
Am I mistaken or is Spring finally in the air?

To celebrate, I threw the Black Cheese into the flower cab. A bit of burn from where it grew into a light in the veg cab.


Power Black, looking a bit better after a feed.


Black Forrest, ditto.


Stumpy....the latest installment of stretch doesn't have red stemmage, which makes me think that it was just the cold.



I think you're right Blimey... spring looks like it's finally arriving :jump:
I've just been for a walk in my t-shirt and I'm usually a cold arse, I've been suffering from the same problems as you so hopefully things should pick up soon.

Black Cheese doing her thing as well... good times bro :friends:


Take A Deep Breath
I think the yield off Stumpy this second time round might be a bit improved on the first run...

Day 22 of 12/12.



Take A Deep Breath
Power Black is a boy....or rather, was a boy.....he is rolled into a 3-skinner and is in my gob as I type...any port in a storm....and I can always use the space in the flower cab he frees up.


Black Forrest has yet to declare.....very delicate leaves....very pretty...


Black Cheese is growing well with none of the teething problems the others had. Also is a much darker/lusher green....which doesn't really show in the pic.



Take A Deep Breath
Thanks, VG....I have high hopes that it (BF f2) will be a girl...the PB boy really stretched before showing his manhood, whereas the BF f2 is still staying short.

The smoke off the male was quite impressive for a male taken so early....nice buzz that lasted me all the way through Goodfellas....which is a good 3 hour film...and then let me get off to sleep with no problems. Can't ask more off a male plant than that!


Things are definitely on the up bro :good:

B.F. looks great and you know I have a little soft spot for B.C. :D

I'm with you on the 'any port in a storm' line as well man. I just took a pipe out to clean with some iso and discovered a lot of bubble residue which I hadn't burnt off. It was the tastiest burn I've had all year ;)


Love the thread. Came late but found it but all the same. Hope you cleared up those fungus gnats. That B.C. does look nice Freeman, doesn't it? Reminds me of some Ultra Sonja (which is primarily cheese). Good grow Blimey.... hopefully you'll be laughing your ass off walking into the sunset with a spliff of smoke grown at a penny's price.


Take A Deep Breath
FreeMan - always a pleasure, bro. I've killed more than one pipe by being overeager to get the resin out lol. I try to make a point of smoking hashplants in my pipe....so there's some goodness left for a rainy day.

Windsoft - never too late to join the party, man. Everybody's welcome here. Those fungus gnats are a real PITA...although I think I do more damage by overwatering than they ever do!

I'm always laughing my ass off....weed or no.....work or no.....life's too short and too crazy to wear a frown....had my years of being stressed and unhappy....wasted them imo. Just take every day for what I can get out of it nowadays.

I've spent £30 on weed in the last 6 months.....getting used to the dry spells, and when I have some cash, I spend it on seeds or medium. Definitely aiming towards saving up for a HID, exhaust fan and carbon scrubber......just need the man to actually give me some work rather than the "sometime soon" bullshit he's been giving me recently. But he's more disorganised rather than deliberately stringing me along....I've known him for 25 years. So things should be on the up fairly soon.

Will be a while till the next harvest though....Stumpy is probably next up in about 40 days give or take.

Got an old fridge thermo in the cab now....lights on temps are a steady 70F on the floor....I can live with that.

Here's another Spoetnik....in a 2 litre pot....day 22 of 12/12...you can see very clearly where the red stem stops as temps went up. Should get much more off her than the first one I ran.


And here's another Black Forrest f2 seedling.....a freakazoid....one of the cotyledons was split in two like a cleft lip....and the first leaves are a little weird. Sorry it's a bit out of focus...my camera really doesn't like taking pics of seedlings.


Be happy y'all.....and don't be strangers, ya hear?!?


Your outlook on life is quite unique but I like it and have to agree with it. I really dig the green forest of trees you got going on there. Don't let the lack of dough hold you back, we'll all get there soon! Nice freakazoid F2 there by the way. Take care!


Well-known member
Enjoyin your thread Blimey...Keep workin towards your goal. I'm sure you'll get some funds soon enough.

You must be proper perpetual if you've only spent £30 on weed in 6 months.

Keep up the good work dood.


Take A Deep Breath
Windsoft - thanks, man. Positive mental attitude is everything.

RudeDog - Thanks for dropping in, man.

The hardest part about perpetual is waiting for things to finish up properly...especially after a long dry spell....when I'm taking a bit of popcorn off most nights....but I keep telling myself that the popcorn ain't going to blow up much under a 200CFL anyway.

Plus judging how big things are going to get....i.e. how long to veg...is tricky....I've had stuff I put in flower at 2 inches bang it's head on the ceiling, while other stuff put in at 5 inches has finished up at 10 inches.....it's all trial and error....every time I run a new plant of a particular strain, I veg it for a few days longer than the previous one....to try and find the "sweet spot". But so many strains.....and so little room....but I've had this rant before lol.

I sorta screwed myself perpetual-wise recently when I chopped a few things that were suffering due to the cold...but the quality of the buzz I was getting was still just as good as most sensi I've bought in the last couple of years. And I got a good few days of medication.


So I've got the TV on as I'm typing....The Wurzels are spearheading an online "rebellion" about the massive hike in tax on cider coming in this weekend.....be prepared for endless radio play of "I am a cider drinker" and "I've got a brand new combine harvester".....along with all the strikes ....Russian nuclear bombers flying over Scotland...etc.....it feels just like the late 70s again.....maybe I should dig my old flares out....get myself a centre parting again......and now I see George W. Bush wiping his hand on Bill Clinton's shirt after shaking hands with a black guy......tell me the world isn't crazy....

Time to scrape ye olde wooden pipe again....must be something left in there....

Keep it real.


Take A Deep Breath
The Black Forrest f2 is a girl :) But she really hasn't started to stretch in the way I was expecting....early days yet though, if we have a 16+ week flower period. She is at day 28 of 12/12 and showed sex 4 days ago.


Her younger sibling, the Freakazoid is still freaky...in many ways. Vegging away happily.


The Spoetnik in the 2 Litre pot is also doing well.....visible trichome production on big fan leaves is not something I see very often in my humble box.


I forgot to take a pic of the Black Cheese....you can see it to the right of the Spoetnik in post 136, and it hasn't grown all that much since then. EDIT: Actually, you can see it to the left of the BF....so there you go :moon:

Temps in the cab have been pretty steady between 66 - 70 lights on, and probably only a couple of degrees colder lights off - not ideal, but that's the joy of ghetto growing, and it's certainly better than it was a few weeks back.

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