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Hello... Looking for a mentor


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

My botany is rubbish. I do not have any practical experience. Well to be honest I don't have any experience other than all the reading and videos over the past month.

Just remember, it's a weed. It's survived man's best attempts to kill it for tens of thousands of years. The greatest danger for new growers is killing the plant from over-attention. I say LITFA or, Leave It The F... Alone. Start with a simple nute regimen with NO additives and see what happens. If you want to play with something, that's why god put pockets in our pants.

Break a stem.


@ OP,

(2ndtry says half-kidding)...

You could hire me and I could consult over long-distance, my consultation rates are not high. Or just do what others have told you and spend a few weeks (at least) learning what is what here at IC mag. Get a book, and read it, but realize a good portion of it will be incorrect. Once you have a bigger base of knowledge you can much more easily learn current and accurate info here and elsewhere (but don't believe what everyone writes, most of it is BS, ask for references).


You shouldn't have any hazardous wastes. Period.
I was meaning in the event of.

It would be helpful to know a little background experience that you may have.
Electrical, HVAC, Botany, General Construction, Education, ect...

I am a systems engineer. I build and maintain data centers. I know all the principals for the most part. I can keep a room, Cold, dry and fully powered. Only one of those applies to growing but I get what goes into keeping an environment stable.

My botany is rubbish. I do not have any practical experience. Well to be honest I don't have any experience other than all the reading and videos over the past month.

All you need is love... for the plant and what you are doing. Respect your operation as if it was your child, and in the end everything will work itself out.

I agree with the book suggestions, as well as just plain out scouring the net (specifically ICMAG) for hours - sooner or later things will start to click, and you'll be able to decipher the differences between different setups etc.

Start out at a pace that is comfortable for you to handle. If you aren't used to constantly cleaning your tools/materials, watering, re-cleaning, planting, transplanting, pruning, feeding, cleaning again, harvesting, trimming, and then cleaning again... then things can become overwhelming fast. Especially with 90 plants to care for.

I'd recommend starting out using a space significantly smaller than that whole garage, as already suggested. Build your way up, it will pay huge dividends in the end.

Learn to clone, it's simple, fun, and a great way to save money and avoid downtime in the garden.

As far as mentoring goes, hope someone takes you up on that, but you need to understand that there are a million ways to do a grow op - You don't want to put all of your trust in someone who is telling you that HYDRO is the only way to grow "du bombz" - 10 out of 10 times that person only has experience in hydro, and you would be denying yourself the oppurtunity to branch out and learn other ways to grow.


Active member
My botany is rubbish. I do not have any practical experience. Well to be honest I don't have any experience other than all the reading and videos over the past month.

I'm just curious as to how you ended up with patients then? I mean, my cleaning skills are rubbish.... that's why I don't start a house cleaning business.

Do you mean to say you're just inexperienced and still poor at growing.... or do you mean to say you've never grown anything in your life?


How will you get water in there? ... How will you get wastewater out?

There is an outside spicket right next to the garage to get the water into a containment unit. Disposal of non hazardous waste is not an issue. Disposal of hazardous waste will need to be done by a commercial service I assume.

I hope your outside spigot is heated otherwise how are you going to get water when it is sub zero out? Also, be aware that super cold water running through PVC/hose/whatever inside a warm garage will create a shitload of condensation that can be a real PITA.

I wasn't talking about "hazardous waste" just the wastewater. You might not have this problem if you are just doing soil and watering only what they drink, but if you need to make R/O water in your garage, you will have a shitload (4x) of wastewater that you'll have to get out somehow. Also think about how the water will get out when it is freezing out. I mention all this because I have a bro with this very problem and it is a fucking headache for sure.

Is the garage insulated?
The garage is insulated accept for one small area.. the HUGE garage door at the front ;) This will be handled before growing starts.

How will you deal with the potential extreme temp/humidity and swings?
I will need an AC and a heater. I live in Colorado so the summers are too hot and the winters are too cold for the room to keep itself at a constant temp.

I think that a mountain climate really calls for a sealed room grow. I'd recommend air cooling the lights (triple check for no leaks) because it will drastically cut the need for the AC to run a lot considering that nighttime temperatures are usually much cooler in mtn areas.

While a sealed room will take a bit more planning effort and a lot more startup cash, I think that running a vented room in a geographic area capable of 40 degree temperature swings in a day is too hard to keep under good environmental control. I'm sure it is do-able and you could probably find someone who has solved the problems, but a sealed room offers so many other advantages that I think the only reason not to do it is a lack of startup cash.

There is not a ton of info on going sealed, but it is all pretty solid. Another term for this to google is CEG - Closed Environment Growing.


european ganja growers
Just remember, it's a weed. It's survived man's best attempts to kill it for tens of thousands of years. The greatest danger for new growers is killing the plant from over-attention. I say LITFA or, Leave It The F... Alone. Start with a simple nute regimen with NO additives and see what happens. If you want to play with something, that's why god put pockets in our pants.

Break a stem.

Spot on bro,,,top advice

keep it green


Filtering odder is not important.

I would seriously rethink this one. I can't think of any situation where I would feel comfortable with this risk vector. I'd guess that you are feeling this way because you are confident that you will follow the rules and keep it legal, and that your grow isn't close to neighbors. I will suggest that there is way too much possibility for some redneck johnny law to fuck with you. Then there is the increasing risk of rippers - I know we all think it couldn't happen to us, but all it takes is the UPS guy telling his criminal cousin about the smell at your place.

I also wouldn't trust that the law is going to stay so positive for us in that state in the long term.

It is your call here, but no tell + no smell = no cell.


It is, however, important that you are able to drain all of you N-P-K (nutrient solution)to your yard...Since you have the ability to, it will be much better for the State's water supply if it first fertilized your yard or trees, instead of going directly down the drain.

Props on this recommendation, we also use to use all of our old hydroton to decorate tree and bush bases. The pellets have TONS of nutes and beneficial bacterium that will help your yard thrive!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I'm just curious as to how you ended up with patients then? I mean, my cleaning skills are rubbish.... that's why I don't start a house cleaning business.

Do you mean to say you're just inexperienced and still poor at growing.... or do you mean to say you've never grown anything in your life?
$100-120 per patient/ doctor visit
$90 to the state registry.

And....KaBoom you are now a caregiver.

I mean, Prestige Imports doesn't give you a driving test to buy an Audi.