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the truth of helocopters


after watching that dvd someone posted here i have a much better insight to things im conercn now is weather to plant the lowryder by my house so i can tend to it and get some good buds from it or just keep it really far away and not get so much good buds. for hunting season i could go out when its pitch black with some night vision gogles lol i still gota look up and see when that is


The trick to planting is 'obfuscation'. Hide your plants, don't place them in rows or in large numbers if you know that aviation will/may fly over your spot. And if you have fly overs (and cant find another spot), plant sparcly and run a bunch of garden hose to your plants, small patches well spread about. Hide the hose as well (of course)

BACKCOUNTRY is right, there are no high tech devices used in the detection of specific strains of ganja, look at how many strains/shades there are? It's just a guy looking for the obvious. Look at how many millions of shades they're available in. No one here lives in the artic or antartic, you don't have to worry about the degree of 'heat' they give off. There are so many different factors involved every square foot of land, that you wont have to worry about all this BS. If you're planting in sandy location, look at how the ground will help clearly point out the nice green herb. It'd be the same as growing a nice vibrant orange plant in a nice green patch of native vegetation.

If you want to grow a 20 foot plant, grow it beside a bunch of look-alike trees in an unhiked area. I'm 99% sure you'll be fine. Why do you think people in northern British Columbia can grow giant bushes any way they want? If you do it in such a remote location, (even if it's by a small town), they probably aren't going to find it if it's hidden well enough.

There is always a degree of uncertainty, I have no idea if you have moles, cut worms, deer, bears, beavers, moose, dogs, cats, bulls, tigers or any other insect/animal that might damage your plants. Or maybe it's just bad planning on your part.

Deception is the name of the game.


well i thank every one here for all of your advice i hope that i can pull this off still have a while to go but that just leaves more time to plan and im serios about the night vision thing ill have to look into the price and such but i deff think that paired with a gps would work amazingly im sourounded by woods everywhere i go so with a gps and night vision lol i should be getting sound good wieght one ? though do all gps s have points of interest that i can mark so i know where to go back to?


Mourning the loss of my dog......
On the IR...............

On the IR...............

There have been rumors going around that the cops have cameras that can somehow pick out Cannabis plants in outdoor situations. I'm going to try to explain what is actually going on, cuz no one seems to ever have the complete answer, and I think I do.

One thing that is true is the fact that the cops can use IR to detect growrooms, this is common knowledge.
Another thing that is true is that IR is used to detect people fleeing from night raids on large commercial outdoor grows.

What is completely false is the idea that they can fly around with a helicopter and use the IR to see individual plants, LET ME MAKE THIS QUITE CLEAR, THIS IS NOT BEING DONE!

That said, there is a little truth to the theory that they can seek outdoor grows with IR. I have a old grow book from the early 80s, most of the book is based on the commercial outdoor grows of Nor-Cal, the huge ones that were common in the 70s.
What needs to be understood is that Nor-Cal has a very dry/hot summer, there is no rain in the summer, the grass and any other non-perennial plants(perennials are plants that don't live and die in one season, like trees) turn brown or golden. Only the trees and shrubs remain after June.
When you take pictures of a group of different plants, you will notice that lush annuals(like cannabis) show up much brighter than plants like trees.

Now back in the 70s, operations with thousands of plants were very common, and using air-craft for searching was being refined. One idea for saving time searching first hand at low altitude was to simply take a picture of a large area in IR, and then search this picture for signs of plants other than the trees and shrubs(which at this point in the season should be the only living plants).

I have no idea if this was used, used much, or if it is still in use, but it would only be useful in certain environments where plants like grass and such dies out completely. I also don't believe this would be useful on smaller scales either, like from a running Helicopter.

So, anyways, stop worrying about the IR people! Let the indoor folks sweat that!


even then from watching that dont get busted again dvd the only real way they can see it is how its being vented out so vent to safe places idk?


What I have learned from avoiding copters for years is that nothing is a given. Some years they fly over and do nothing, some times they pull even singles. I also know a lot of copter traffic is NOT Mj eradication. You can tell the green harvest or camp or whatever you call it where you live. They hunt and look at certain times and will be low and slow and do circles to get a better look. They fly at treetop level and have no regard for privacy. See one of those copters and chances are good its an eradication copter.
I know for a fact also that Mj grows are VERY distinguishable from the air. Trails, broken brush, clearings are all instantly seen and lead cops to grows. Rows of plants or groups of plants stand out in terrain to scanning eyes. I am even convinced its the trails and clearings that draw the first attention, not the plants themselves, then upon further review, wammo, BUSTED.
I have hidden plants that have undergone almost constant helicopter eradication.By constant I mean every month for sure and most times it was at least twice a month and they flew for 3 days straight each time, so that would be 6 days a month Guaranteed that I had to dodge the copters. A lot of times a low flying slow flying aircraft was seen also. I think this was the spotter plane that everyone always talks about. Anyway what I was saying is that it can be done. The ones they never find are the ones on really well hidden trails and camouflaged heavily. The other kind they never find are the singles way out on lines that are just that single big ones far away from anything else. They never find those, pain in the ass yes, but worth it. The odds get slimmer the more you have. More trails, more traffic on those trails, more chances to fuck up.
Another way that really works is planting under other stuff so they have to look through vegetation to see your vegetation. Just make sure it is all the same color. We have a saying in Hawaii " yellower is mellower, dark green can be seen" It is all about blending in to the surrounding vegetation. Master this and you can succeed anywhere.
I also know that a large portion of funding for Mj eradication is used by the national guard. Most of the hardware and copters are guard copters. They use the manpower also. Pilots, spotters, ground troops, all sometimes are guard. The local law enforcement guys get their time in also as does D.E.A. The money trail has deep pockets.
Just to throw this out there, I know people that have been flown and recorded tail #'s and markings and called the police to complain and been told " That's not one of ours, we don't have a copter with those markings and we were not flying missions at the time." That opens up a whole other can of worms. The organized ripper.
We know for a fact in Hawaii that organized rippers are real. They fly copters, have night vision goggles and use trained dogs. They are whole generations of family known as rippers. They fly copters and scout and come back and rip ya. We even know that sometimes the cop copter will pass you up and they come back later on their own and rip your patch, or tell their cousin or uncle or whatever. Happens more than anyone knows or believes.


i wonder how easily they would be able to see black pots or colerd pots matching the suroundings now the plan is to plant some monsters randomly and keep the gps handy for them but id want to feed them on ocation ik not to make trails but what exactly makes a trial one time would make it kinda seeable from air maybe? how much time between is good and how should i hide plants from hunters. most hunters here arnt gona go in the woods just enough so they can see into the fields but in the woods my concern is that i wont be able to have monsters do to the lack of light ish?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Try camo pots in trees, right in the middle of the top of the canopy. Nobody really looks up and the copters can't really see them in the tops of trees since they are looking on the ground 99% of the time. For watering ease use some polymer moisture crystals & coir/loose rockwool as your medium with some sphagnum peat moss on top as this holds in alot of moisture so they don't dry out fast. With 3 to 5 gallon pots or bags plan to water heavy at least once a week unless you get some rain. Bigger trees are easier to climb and safer as they don't blow around as much as the smaller ones. You can experiment with different watering methods of course and there are all kinds on ingenius solutions out there, same with securing the pots/grow bags in the trees. Heavy duty zip ties are your best friend. Silk colored flowers with twist ties on the end from the craft shop can work wonders too for plants trained along the ground on in trees to look like a vine (use zip ties), get creative and you are sure to get very stoned eventually. :joint:


i was thinking about up in trees for my trees lol and then like u said trian them prolly to go out in the branches or something idk


Invertebrata Inebriata
Try camo pots in trees, right in the middle of the top of the canopy. Nobody really looks up and the copters can't really see them in the tops of trees since they are looking on the ground 99% of the time. For watering ease use some polymer moisture crystals & coir/loose rockwool as your medium with some sphagnum peat moss on top as this holds in alot of moisture so they don't dry out fast. With 3 to 5 gallon pots or bags plan to water heavy at least once a week unless you get some rain. Bigger trees are easier to climb and safer as they don't blow around as much as the smaller ones. You can experiment with different watering methods of course and there are all kinds on ingenius solutions out there, same with securing the pots/grow bags in the trees. Heavy duty zip ties are your best friend. Silk colored flowers with twist ties on the end from the craft shop can work wonders too for plants trained along the ground on in trees to look like a vine (use zip ties), get creative and you are sure to get very stoned eventually. :joint:

Gosh! You win first prize for thinking outside of the box.

Heavy duty zip ties are your best friend.-
That's in my signature now!


so upon making my list of seeds to get from nirvana i have kaya gold 5 feminized. i picked that becouse it does well in harsher climates and finishes early so it says. then maui waui again 5 fem. i got this one becouse its gona be my "tree" plant then i got whiterhino 5 fem. then my lowryder my current ? now is whiterhino is an indoor plant so how well will it do outdoors the only reason i picked that is becouse of its high thc% my plan is to build an indoor cab that will look like a subwoofer box for an 18 not sure on dementions right now but im gona start those 3 i listed in the cab and take clones off them for this season but i want all the clones to be around the same size so im gona have to keep topping the hell out of them so my next ? is when should i start these plants indoors to be mothers if i wana put them out sometime around whenever the season starts in northern ny im not to sure thats why i ask im also gona clone everything i top and do a sea of green indoors to make 10000000% sure i do have females even though they are feminized but im a sketch ball so lol


Id say now. I've already got clones in veg to be made into the moms I'll need to supply my outdoor plots. And I've already went through the male female thing, crossing the best of the best( future seed stock) and cloning the best females( 2010 outdoor mums).
I've got Early Misty, Ducks Foot, Mazar I Sheriff, as my mom line up from seeds.
I've also got( from clone) the pre98 Bubba Kush, Viking and a few other hybrids I've been working on(G-13 and some fast maturing indicas) for moms. Anyhow point is to get sizeable moms ( big enough for a good 100 clones) takes a little time. I started a bit late last year so I may have started a bit early this year:)
I really don't think so though. Early bird gets the worm eh?!? :)
I'll be putting plants out as soon as the weather permits. 40-45N
Everything from autos to early season high prep monsters to late season minis and yet again another round of autos. I'll be planting every week till mid August.
Your determined to climb a tree this year huh:)lol just kiddin but really tho stay safe and on the ground. KISS methods with the guerrilla OD start those mums asap Pothead!


i cant start them till i get the funds wich will come via selling shrooms wich spoors i shall order the day after xmas so i can go get a visa gift card i only plan on putting out 15 clones per mother so im thinking 1 maybe 2 months veg time on them before i can get 15 each what are some good fertilizers i can get to make those things grow like crazy ive used super grow and it worked wonders so im deff thinking that and alot of topping but like i said everything i top will also be cloned for a sea of green methed " that does not include the 15 others" i wana take all 15 at the same time so thats where the planning needs to come in i also need to build my cab still but my subtotall on nirvana comes to around 283 thats with my lowryders as well so my thinking here is ill order those spores grow them out im pretty sure i could easily get well over 30grams dry weight " shrooms sell for 15 a gram here about" so id sell retail and get some money real quick use that money to fund my cab build/ subwoofer box and order seeds im gona be using the rye seed methed so i can go to bulk substrate im going to read up alot more on the matter though so i am sure i can acomplish this if i cant then idrk guess ill be fucked. thanks for all u icmagers help i used to be a member of rollitup.org but fuck that you guys seem to help out way more so thanks to all and to all a marry xmas unless ur jewish then honica sorry for my spelling idk how its spelled


When I hear them coming = I just run around the yard yanking/sawing tree branches off of every tree i can and laying them over my plants, I was literally ducking and weaving my way through my yard as the NatGaurd blackhawk hovered along the mountainside about 1/2mile away....



Yeah your spelling isn't the greatest:) but this isn't a vocabulary forum so...
As far as your plan to use the " tops" for your sog your also going to want them the same size/ age when you run them. I'd start in rw and run a dwc or aero for fastest growth.
Good luck with the shroom run to get the ganja run goin. Gamblin man I like it:)
Really tho for your sake take thirty bucks go to cumbys get a money order and grab a pack of beans before the new year. I'm telling ya you won't regret it. Spring comes quick and if ain't got your chicks in a row don't even think about countin eggs. Just saying if you wait for the shrooms then wait for the sale then the order, you might be planing 2011's plots instead. Happened to me before so... Even if it's a single pack of ten reg non fem you'll have a head start. Order all your favs a few weeks later when the extra money comes. Better safe than sorry.


30 gs doenst seem like that much dry weight and ik i can deff get rid of them fast im gona go to walmart tomaro and get a visa gift card and get my spoors tomaro does anyone know what ralphsters charges for shipping for a 15 doller syring ill prolly but 25 on the card

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
choppers do a grid search, here...they start in the backyards; and work their way out

...they got my neighbor, with 20 pots in the backyard and more problems inside....20 years.....worth.


^ the INS have always prevented me from doing anything out at the same location. Sorry to hear about your friend.
Related: keeping your yard and surrounding area tidy and " normal" is very important. Spotters finding plants out back will lead to ground crews searching all buildings possibly increasing problems as we unfortunatly have been proven. Keeping grow related items out of view is equally as important. Near the home and in the bush. Watering equip,hose,rez,
Pots, buckets, soilbags etc. Pick up your grow sites and stay safe.