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want to move to emerald triangle


donut engineer
i already have vehicles and stuff, just need some capital to get a place and when that happens ill be back, you guys are absolutely great, i have read cannabis.coms fourms for a long time and these so i know how to grow, im not a complete newb, just havent messed with HID'S or nutrients, i put alot of love into my grows and they usally turn out good....i just heard 1ks use alot of power and can spike attention

Pay your bills and you'll have no problem.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
The west coast is getting hit hardest by this recession(depression?), Oregon and California have very high unemployment(and I assume Washington), and recovery is much slower here than back east.

If you did come out here, you'd be facing a job market much tougher than where you are, and California in particular has very high property prices, houses or acreage. And indeed, the price of everything seems to be generally higher out here than back east.

No, don't come out west, opportunity is not here at the moment.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Dont do it. seriously, it isnt what is is cracked up to be. Move to southern Oregon instead


He has ruled out the west coast guys..
Plus why does everyone want to move out there. The hills are beautiful but the rest is full of people that either, 1 dont belong in the US. 2 dont belong in cali or 3 peopl that are pissed that the only reason your there is to exploit em for thier herb that they worked so hard to get the medical laws for. Leave them be and work on your states laws or move to one that is just starting to move in that direction and put in some work if you wont to have a right to reap the benefits.

Or you could go the outlaw way like described to you and take advantage of prohobition in you area like many do. And make your money, but just be warned greed is the down fall to alot of things and people. Stay grounded, quite and keep your whitts about you. I was in your place around 04 and geuss what? I just made parole in febuary of 08. And im just a 6 hour drive from ya. But lesson learned and grew up a little in the expirence. Dont make my mistake and listen to the good advice being given.

There not tryin to be harsh, just realistic. Take care man and may nothing but good things come your way.. Oh and by the way, if your gettin 6thou for bows down there then stay, were only gettin 4 tops two states up and that for dank indoor. the outdoor is around 3-2500 and the mexi brick is 500.00
i basicly just want that to be my job, the cannabis industry, i chose humboldt or mendocino because of lax laws and beautiful nature, not owning all the equipment but just working with cannabis. i am as my freinds say "obsessed" with cannabis but its just me, i love the stuff, medicinal value and growin it to.
it ain't wacha think. There is still an "outlaw" element to it; it's all very gray. Don't over-think this. Prop 215 is gray anyway(it's really not, but some LEO types will ring you around for the fun of it anyway), and rippers abound. Competition sucks too. Everybody thinks they are a canna-cup contender until reality hits and, as they say on Weeds, "Oh shit...I've been smoking cheese-whizz!"

Don't change the world in one swoop my brother. And fuck a trailer, that's retarded. Those communities are cop and ripper havens, known for trafficking everything under the sun Worldwide.

Get a normal apartment. A house of course is better but it sounds like money is tight. If you wait until everything is perfect you'll never grow till you're 30 and got a mortgage. If you've got enough to cover 4 months of living and a grand-ish to start, get started bro! If not, work a normal job for a while and save up. Grow as your finances allow. Expand after your first harvest, rinse, repeat.

One last thing-better to wholesale to one or two people for a price that doesn't make ya rich than sell 60 dollar eighth to every retard with allowance money.

GL man.


Better to try your skills in the south where meds arn't so abundant. Open competition means survival of the fittest. Also having some mainstream job skills will help you out of the unexpected. Best of luck, HappyDog.


Overkill is under-rated.
Napa is a beautiful area.

You should move there.

Or sack up, and grow in your closet.

Sheit, you serious man? I lived there for 16 years, it's super expensive, boring as hell (city closes at 5 pm) and they don't allow more than 6 mature plants. There are a dozen better counties in California to grow in, for hundreds of reasons! lol

I'll admit it is pretty, but the only folks who get to enjoy the gorgeous vineyards and wineries are the rich old white guys that own them.


i already have vehicles and stuff, just need some capital to get a place and when that happens ill be back, you guys are absolutely great, i have read cannabis.coms fourms for a long time and these so i know how to grow, im not a complete newb, just havent messed with HID'S or nutrients, i put alot of love into my grows and they usally turn out good....i just heard 1ks use alot of power and can spike attention

Hate to break your heart but you definitely do not know how to grow. Indoors. Reading and experience are two different worlds. There is no slack in california you have to have the BEST product around to get any attention. Anything less than that and it's over. Maybe you should travel to mendo or wherever you are thinking of first for a weekend to see how pathetic the guys like you really are, hanging around trying to get work while all the hot girls get every job before the guys do.
Hate to break your heart but you definitely do not know how to grow. Indoors. Reading and experience are two different worlds. There is no slack in california you have to have the BEST product around to get any attention. Anything less than that and it's over. Maybe you should travel to mendo or wherever you are thinking of first for a weekend to see how pathetic the guys like you really are, hanging around trying to get work while all the hot girls get every job before the guys do.

i do know how but thanks anyways, not going out of state
We don't want more people moving here just to take advantage of the laws and political climate.
Someone who lives in the pot capital of the world, has an avatar of dumping loads of buds, who undoubtedly grows pot for a living under the roof of prop 420 is waxing poetic about "taking advantage" of the pot laws?

I know true self-awareness takes some tough psychological work, but holy shit dude....it's like you're living vicariously through a different person entirely...

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