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My First Grow 400W CMH with 3x strains


youre tellin me eh? whatever, now that im home for a few months the rules are back in play, nobody in the closet except me. no watering except from me.

theyre looking happy though for being 8 days from sprouting above ground, 10 days from seed. i held off on the tea for now because of the hectic weekend and the mild stress they were put under. next weekend hopefully we can get some early sexing from the faster plants and we can give our first dose of tea/superthrive/molasses

heres the fastest hindu kush as well as the fastest white russian hindu kush. 3/4 view and top view.



So today is day 11, im going to apply my first tea on day 13 and have some supplies prepared

The girls are looking really happy at the moment, rapid growth and super short distances between nodes. I started using the easy mode co2 release system aka yeast sugar and some water. I also finally found a suitable fan to agitate air and keep temps consistent.

so here goes on some picture updates.

First up is the fastest Hindu Kush

Heres the strongest White Russian X Hindu Kush

and a few other white russian hindu kushes including the runt and a strange fat leaved pheno (fatter than my pure hindu kushes)

and a lemon skunk with 2 views to understand how short their internodal length really is. some of these lemon skunks are no taller than 1 inch and are already 5-6 inches across

I found a weird early leaf twisting on this hindu kush

the late starting hindu kushes are doing great



is leaf twisting a sign of anything or is it just a trait that can be found? i dont really know enough about growth to say that my upside down leaf is harmless so im concerned

the plant looks really healthy otherwise though, the CMH is lovely with autoflowers


i'm 90% sure it's because of heat stress.

that would make perfect sense. the temps got a bit high over the last weekend (reached 90 for a day while i was away and the fan was off)

now temps are at about 74-80 night/day and the 80 i believe is because the sensor is black and under some direct light. i added a fan to stir up air in there yesterday, so lets hope the heat stress dies down


Nice Grow!

I think I started my grow the day before yours, Its pretty much exatly the same dimension grow cab as yours apart from I have a 250w HPS. it will be intresting to see the difference is yeild between the 2.

Have you noticed any nice smells yet? mine dont really smell of anything yet :(


Plants of mine that had the same crinkle were fine all the way through, had it happen in veg rooms that had temps below 20c (celcius). As well as flower rooms, so i never attributed it to heat stress...

If it stays localized it will be fine, if all new growth keeps malforming i would post in the infermary.

They look good, that wide leaf pheno of the kush should be some good smoke, hope you got a she there.


Nice Grow!

I think I started my grow the day before yours, Its pretty much exatly the same dimension grow cab as yours apart from I have a 250w HPS. it will be intresting to see the difference is yeild between the 2.

Have you noticed any nice smells yet? mine dont really smell of anything yet :(

i noticed the scent of new growth as expected, and the WRHK's actually have a slight musk already being emitted. each strain does already have a unique scent though.

on a side note I'm currently debating whether or not i should supplement with some 2700k 63w cfls that home depot carries. the reflective mylar lining of the box should reflect enough of the light around, i just want some more red spectrum once flowering hits


so i found the first male... that super fast hindu kush already has balls growing, i need to find a way to save some pollen off this guy. is there any safe way to keep a male in the same chamber as your females without pollenating the whole crop? if not i guess its back to home depot, this male is incredibly fast.



Just keep picking off the flowers as they open and are preparing to spurt. I have used a pair of tweezers, and it works well. Little tedious, but effective. It seems to me like the male flowers take about 5-7 days, once formed, to fully open and spurt. YMMV though, as the LED seems to speed things up a bit. How do you intend to keep all of your strains pure during polination? Will be a bit of a task...


the.rise I don't remember where this information came from but I have done it myself with some degree of success. take a cut of the male plant when a few pollen sacs have formed well and place it in a solo cup which has a small (stalk-sized) hole in the bottom, then tape saran wrap over the top of the cup to make it airtight. this top solo cup gets put in another solo cup which has some water in it, that keeps the cutting going long enough for the sacs to start opening and pollen gets collected in the sealed top cup.
this can be done in-room or on a windowsill. it worked well for me during a pollination earlier this grow, though I just lost that all to a sneaky hermi...


Just keep picking off the flowers as they open and are preparing to spurt. I have used a pair of tweezers, and it works well. Little tedious, but effective. It seems to me like the male flowers take about 5-7 days, once formed, to fully open and spurt. YMMV though, as the LED seems to speed things up a bit. How do you intend to keep all of your strains pure during polination? Will be a bit of a task...

i was planning on just taking pollen from one hindu kush male i liked and wanted to cross it with some auto lemon skunk to bring the potency factor up and possibly throw some pollen on a few select short stuff's to make some of my own crosses to play with and look for good traits in.

the method in which i was planning to do it was quite like what helis suggested, i just didnt know if it was possible. i might go make a box though, which for now will serve as a male flowering chamber for one male of each strain. ive got leftover wood from the last box and some cfls i just need lighting fixtures and a fan.


I just been in exaclty the same position with my grow, the auto ak47 x auto hindu kush and the auto ak47 x auto blueberry are both males, I need the pollen from them to make seeds for my next auto grow but only had the 1 grow space. I kept them in the grow cab for as long as i thought safe then put them in a small cupboard above my grow cab with a 125w cfl (its ment for veg but its better then leaving it in the grow room or having no light atall)

Im just about to feed my girls,then update my thread with the male problem photos.

have you done anything about it yet? they start to open really quick, i was told around 3 weeks but some are popping open in 6-7 days!!


i plucked off my first set of balls and am going to let these "guys" grow out to see if theyre really worthwhile males. i talked to my room mate and as of thurs the flower chamber/male box is going to start being constructed.

ive also noticed my first bit of what seems to be a nute def. the tips of the leaves on the HKxWR yellowed a bit on the newest growth, theyre getting a feeding today as the tea is being bubbled right now. whats weird is, the only plants showing any def. are the hkxwr maybe theyre a hungry strain?


Photos and update as of Day 19

the first tea was delivered on the 16th after the first signs of what looked like possible deficient tips on a few of the white russian hindu kushes.

since the first delivery of tea the plants have been doing great, growth has definitely increased and the girls are looking really happy. the deficient tips however have not gone away, and im led to wonder whether or not i should be worried.

heres a few more pictures of the girls showing their female parts :yummy:

in order of appearance
White Russian x Hindu Kush for the first two
dark Lemon Skunk for the third
White Russian x Hindu Kush undergrowth shot, really dense growth with thick healthy stems for the last two

heres a pic of the cab, i believe at day 27 im going to sew some additional seeds.

and the runtasaurus clearly deformed and doing whatever it is deformed plants do with their spare time.


it would be cool if you had a little runty mong male that you could mate with your mong female and see what there offspring are like. 2 wrongs (mongs) dont make a right but it might make a cool looking plant