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Biodynamic / Terra Preta grow


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
yea i know i have that link bookmarked, and hopefully can get to it one day. atm im building a brewer prototype of my own, no time for a vortex or the $ for parts!

if you build one darc mind, post it for sure!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
oh, the maria thun calendar, I have that also.. forgot about that one. I like the layout on that one over anyone's. I just hate how you have to pay for it, should be free, but what is in life?

on the vortex brewers, I have messed with magnetic stirrers, which will do small sizes ( 3 gallons ) and then I have looked into some "mixing machines" with will rotate on a timer, as do some of the magnetic stirrers. long time ago since I've played with them, but I believe they change the water PH ??? and some toher stuff I can't remember

if you want to read more, I beleive secret life of plants book has some text in vortexs and biodynamic, and a guy named patrick flanagan seems to have some secrets up his sleeves when it comes to vortex's. I hear he knows alot of stuff about nutrients and water properties.... also might want to check out viktor schauberger if anyone is interested in this stuff..


New member
Out of the Box thinking will save us all.

well, with steiner you're certainly out of the box...
like w a a a a a a a y out of the ol' box...
but at least it's entertaining, especially when high/baked and, who knows?, it might even be educational!

my pet theory these days is that steiner was a stoner (c'mon! the name's a dead give-away... "steiner" , "stoner" ... ), especially when he says stuff like this:

Now a large number of plants—notably those which we ordinarily count as weeds—are greatly influenced by the workings of the Moon. These are often medicinal plants. Precisely among the [emphasis mine] "weeds," co-called, we often find the strongest curative herbs.
(Agriculture Course, Lecture Six)

you know he's been tok'n on the ganja while contemplating radiation and gravitons.

anyhoo, just for the fun of microscopy, here's tonight's specimen from a lacto b. serum rice-wash inoculum (500x)...




dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
i totally think stiener was a stoner. maybe just not one like us lol. he was "outside the box" like you say his ideas were for sure. he also did A LOT of writing that isnt about biodynamic gardening, some of it pretty far fetched.

nice pic, wish i could get my camera up to my scope. i tried but it worked like crap!


Active member
Microbeman - wtf is that? Some quite distinctive features (nipple shaped front, large pore on top) but I still really struggle with ID'ing anything under a microscope. That large flap at the back - is this thing motile via a large vacuole? In via pore, out via back flap (kinda looks like an operculum).

CT Guy

Microbeman - wtf is that? Some quite distinctive features (nipple shaped front, large pore on top) but I still really struggle with ID'ing anything under a microscope. That large flap at the back - is this thing motile via a large vacuole? In via pore, out via back flap (kinda looks like an operculum).

At 500x it's way too big to be a bacterium. It has to be a protist of some sort, it would help to have more photos, though I've never seen anything like that in my aerated compost teas or compost samples. Maybe a rotifer?


Active member
Lol I can't even do macros and you guys have stereo looking color pics of your germs.

Talk about left behind! I've got micro envy!


Active member
Neat critter! Searched tons of rotifer images, some close so thinking you are correct CT Guy - no matches yet.

Awesome Georgi - give us more!


New member
i totally think stiener was a stoner. maybe just not one like us lol. he was "outside the box" like you say his ideas were for sure. he also did A LOT of writing that isnt about biodynamic gardening, some of it pretty far fetched.

truth. i've spent more time than i wish i had in and among anthropop communities in germany and the states...
some of the kookiest folks to get high with! a little too much "hr. dr. steiner hat gesagt" generally speaking, but whaddya expect from a crypto-cult devoted to michael and those far-out higher worlds!?

i really dig steiner's agriculture lectures though. yeah, the whole thing with "cosmic influences" is a stretch to credulity, but i'm beginning to suspect the ol' stoner was radiation obsessed, and who knows? there might be something to it... (ELF radio waves, telluric currents, solar radiation, lunar gravitational flux, the graviton)

nice pic, wish i could get my camera up to my scope. i tried but it worked like crap!
i wish my scope had an attachment...
as is i have to steady-hand it while adjusting the image controls on both the camera and scope. 'pain in the ass, but it gets a little something.



New member
thanks for the kind words all.

i've been having fun with the scope and that lacto b. serum inoculum sample...

here's some more standard fair in another part of the drop (400x):


there was a lot of activity at this site... 'just wish i had fmv to capture it.


fart star

props for going bio-dynamic. It takes careful observations and an in-touch understanding of your environment! I was hoping to see some cow horns and manure stuffed skulls though! I wonder if Steiner ever imagined that people would be discussing his ideas 80 years later in regards to cannabis production! His ideas are still super far out there in the states. I have given a lecture on the preperations and you wouldn't believe the blank stares I received from the audience! I understand though in other parts of the world there is a fairly extensive biodynamic network through Demeter and all.

Terra Preta is equally interesting to me. Your mixing South American ideas with Austrian Ideas man! kick ass.

Have you ever set up a terra preta pot next to a more conventional soil mix and done a side-by-side?


New member
props for going bio-dynamic. It takes careful observations and an in-touch understanding of your environment! I was hoping to see some cow horns and manure stuffed skulls though! I wonder if Steiner ever imagined that people would be discussing his ideas 80 years later in regards to cannabis production! His ideas are still super far out there in the states. I have given a lecture on the preperations and you wouldn't believe the blank stares I received from the audience! I understand though in other parts of the world there is a fairly extensive biodynamic network through Demeter and all.

Terra Preta is equally interesting to me. Your mixing South American ideas with Austrian Ideas man! kick ass.

Have you ever set up a terra preta pot next to a more conventional soil mix and done a side-by-side?

'next time i'm at the farm i'll see if i can nab some horns...
sheesh, why's everyone so obsessed with the bloody horns!?

'haven't done a side-by-side grow... mainly because i have very limited space (this is essentially a stealth grow in effective c2.5' cube cabinets), and as well i was very eager to put the terra preta into action!

i don't think steiner would be surprised at the fact of it, but rather surprised that the elyeusinian mystery sacrament had made such headway in the public space (and ah... to what end? remember albert hofmann's woes over lsd...)

i think one of steiner's "spiritual world" inspirations, as much as he might belittle the practice in diatribes against "materialist science", actually came from observing the microbial world while high (dude! it's all about the microbes! oder... mensch, die mikroben! totale scheissbollen!! :rasta:). steiner's "the etheric energy body", electromagnetic fields aside, nicely corresponds with symbiotic microbial life over a wide range of organisms.

steiner is also intensely fascinated with radiation (/gravitation?) which of course plays a significant role in evolution, but perhaps there's a subtle daily input effect as well, particularly noticeable with plants...?

anyhoo, here's a pic from this morning... they seem to have enjoyed the full moon feeding. 'slightly different arrangement here (playing with the magnetite rock i'm using as a sort of 'paramagnetic resonator' [lower center]): back right is the stretchy sativa auh1, front right is the bfbc, and the left two are subcool's 'the void'.


next up will be topping down at around the 10th (moon in virgo)...
'might take the auh1 sativa down to node 2...
'waiting and seeing on how the rest come in between now and the 10th.

will then later be fiming the two tops to four.


ps this is a very nice talk michael pollan gave at ted ==> http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/michael_pollan_gives_a_plant_s_eye_view.html

CT Guy

Personally, I'm not sold on all of biodynamics. Some of his beliefs seem closer to voodoo than gardening. However, what I think he does right (even if it is an a completely unconventional way, or for other reasons) is take care of the microbes in the soil. What he describes is basically a bizarre form of biological horticulture. He's using compost and microbial foods, his water quality is good. And I think there's something to be said about just being more aware of your gardening practices, and in turn your plants.

I grew some biodynamic wheatgrass and got good feedback from people who tried it versus the stuff you get at Jamba Juice. However, I think I probably could have grown it just as successfully substituting other organic bio-amendments.....Hmmmm.....


New member
i think that idea of 'permaculture' that they're practicing at polyface and that pollan was talking about is essentially steiner's idea in biodynamics of 'the farm as organism'...

but yeah, i agree that there's probably a lot of voodoo in bd discussion, however it does provide a wonderful macroscopic view and approach to doing one's gardening!



Thanks for the vid link,
Have you seen the botany of desire, its based on a book by Pallan and I found it very interesting and enlightening. its comes on pbs from time to time…

I have been reading up on biodynamics, mostly the planting calendar but I so wish I can find a web site were I can just copy it. Been reading up on it on this site
but I cant seem understand it that well….
Great thread keep up the good work!
Im anxious to see how your voids turns out, TGA and sub have some great strains, ive have always seen some amazing buds with vortex and all of subs gear!!

Oh and jay ill be sure to post some pics when I get around to building the vortex. Its my next project but I need to finish what I got going on now, safe some money and if all is well…it will be built..


Active member
we just watched "botany of desire". best bud shots i've ever seen on pbs. too bad all the weed pictured was hydro.