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good to hear its coming along for ya Socahi. 6 mothers? how big do u plan on making ur grow room? lol. if your only looking for 20 cl's every cycle then one momma is good enough. As for the impuritys remark of your girl friend. im sure somebody well informed on this site can show u some proof other wise. lets see those pics. Oh happy days!
Socachi. It came to me last night about your girlfriend not like cannabis. Heres something that might help you bring her to ease. Sudys show that the brain has THC reseptors. now tell me wheres the imporities in that? good luck.


Thanks SB I'll look into that tea. I keep my ph around 6 I was doing 6.3 - 6.5. On the ferts using pure blend pro, hygrozyme, prosilciate, superthrive 1 drop per gal, and cal-mag, using at 1/2 strength of the least they say.

The yellowing on the leaves with the veins still green I think is N deficiency but I could be wrong. The one with the leaves drying up I haven't the slightest idea.

Give ferts one day and water with superthrive only the next. Some are doing well but 2 possible 3 aren't.

Having trouble keeping the humidity around 60% usually at 45, sometimes lower.
the yellowing could most dif. be (N). also around this time they like (P) for the root growth.
alittle goes a long way in this stage. B1 is an excilent choice to pick up on groth. u can make a diluted suliton of it and foliar feed them as well. They are still CL's so be very careful and dont transplant them yet. get your root base up first.


Hey SB thanks for the encouragement. Would have answered sooner but my internet has been down since last Wed. Of the 6, 2 aren't looking so good the others seem OK. Here's my poor little OG's maybe someone can tell me what's wrong with the last two



yo Socachi, try to keep humidity high and the room not to hot ,remember spider mites thrive in hot dry conditions . It seems to me that Hydro usually has less mites because the plants are more lush and the flooding water make it a little more humid around the plants. soil grows usually have more mite damage.

Like GroDoc says "be diligent " spray safe soap with seaweed twice weekly,set off pyrithren foggers, and keep temp and humidity right

there is some stuff called Azitrol ,look here http://www.pbigordon.com/professional/page.php?id=280
I'm gonna tell you now most all growers have them and most just keep them at bay...they are hard to totally get rid of
anyway, good luck .... dont get discouraged , and dont let your gaurd down ... look EVERYDAY for tiny webs and eggs and sm damage
its just part of the job


Dan thanks for the info. I got rid of the 1st batch w mites and got some others elsewhere. No bugs. But the pics show some challenges I'm having with 2 of them. Any advice?


what kind of lights? how far away? what kind of nutrients? what's the temp in the room ?air flo? have you fed plants? ph balanced nutes?
answer these and the folks here will tell you whats up :)

just from the pics, I gonna guess underfed and/or PH issue and maybe wrong lights or to far away?


temp between 70-80 usually 75.
ferts are cal-mag, pure bleend pro, hygrozyme, superthrive, prosilcate.
about 4"-6" away from 4 T-5 bulbs
ph 6.3 - 6.5 lowered it to 6
fan at bottom and top for exhaust.

Of the 6 only 2 have problems.


superthrive couple drops per gallon
PBP grow & Liquid karma - (15ml) per gal each ,early ,then 30ml (1 ounce)per gal during regular growth
is your water good? city water is not good sometimes
also watch out for nutrient lock out ... dont' pour your nutes in then water after, always make sure you dump you nutes into a 3/4 full of water jug,buck,res,...ect,to prevent nutrient lockout
I dont know about those other products you listed. early on I try to just "keep it simple"
dont over do it . there will penty of time for that later....:)


I filter my water with a PUR filter attached to the faucet. I just dumped my bucket of mixed ferts will start a new one. I got this formula from a grower I met. He used it for his OG's, but he was in NFT I'm in soil less mix, but he knows that. I use 1 drop of superthrive per gal.

I've got liquid karma for my flower, along with pure blend pro and diamond nectar. Also looking for vermicrop, a store has it but they're far away, last time I stopped in they were out.

I've been using a 4 gal bucket throughout the week. Should I not keep ferts sitting for more than 1 day?


hey socachi, are those all mothers? If so I would just pitch the uglies. At this stage of growth they should be doing fine in good plain soil. Don't go crazy with the nutes. I agree with Danimal, superthrive rocks. Seems unlikely to me you already have a nute deficiency if you started with good dirt. peace.
Hi socachi, welcome to Icmag, sorry to hear about your intense pain..
For the bug problems, yes , I can confirm you that spider mites are surely the worst bug to have in the grow room.. I got rid of them using SMC (spidermite control oil), brushing every leaf with a lot of patience.. I cleaned all my grow room inside out with bleach, and after with vapor cleaning machine...
The clening of the grow room is now a must for me and do it every week since the last attack..
Socachi, glad to see you got some pics up? Do you have a PH meter? If not go out and get one. You are growing in soil, so keep PH between 5.6 - 6.5 this maybe the reason for the yellowing OR that your CL's have rooted and they are looking for Nitrogen. (N) they are still young so feed lightly 1/4 - 1/3 strengh. The nutrients you use is really up to your own taste. everybody has there own. you could use only deluted pee if thats all you had. lol.
Happy growing.
Hey Socachi. look into google something called AACT its a compost tea that is out of this world. it can be made for under $25. If it interests you let me know and ill help u make one.
Dont think about feeding your plants. think about feeding the soil and the soil will feed your plants.


Thanks SB. Is this anything like vermicrop? I was looking into getting some of that.

Feed the soil not the plants is my new mantra.
Socachi, It seems that the company you are refering to is making compost tea. So i believe yes you could use it. all the work is done for you. although it may cost you more.

This is what I use as a basic. you could get more detailed with the microbes if you find Micro Biology interesting. ( but microbes from casting or compost have enough life in them for you to breed with.)
1) 5 gal bucket
2) water - if use city water let it sit for 24 hours so the clorine evaporates
2) Mollasse, corn syrup, or any pure sugar. ( Mollasse is best)
3) any one of these 3 -1 cup, wormcastings, compost from ur back yard or store bought, or find some really good soil around your yard or near by park (if you live in the city- look under bushes for best)
4) stocking a used pair from ur lady will do just fine.
5) air pump & air stone. (find the biggest air pump, and stone ur local pet store has)
Fill your five gal with about 1/3 way water. Put cup of castings or compost in stocking and place in bucket. Add air stone and 1 Tbsp mollasse. Brew for 12 - 24 hours then fill 5 gal. the rest of the way the water (unclorinated) What you are do is Exploding Your microbial life by the billions with the CO2 and sugar for carbs. you should notice a small amount of bubbles around the edge of bucket in a few hours with a pleasent smell to it. you can also add a few drops of your b-1 or 1/3 strengh of any other organic food you have when you are brewing. hopefully i didnt confuse u any. Im better at doing it than teaching. This inoculinate is also great for foliar feeding . You will notice that you'll be feeding and watering less as well. Keep a possitive Microbial soil and you have less problems with many things. the list goes on and on. Any more questions and I'll do my best to help out. I wish you the very best and happy Micro Breeding.


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NP for Me!!!!!!!!!

NP for Me!!!!!!!!!

Mites phhhhhhfff,
Hey dude very sorry to hear about your prediciment. Personally had the Borg a few times but i just go out and buy the predator mites that the local hydro suppliers supply they are (phytoseiulus persimilis). Mean little critters that are very visible to the naked eye. They are sold in vials with added vermiculite. Just cafefully pour the contents of the vial around the stem area of your plants and watch them run off to do there work. I think they run because they are starving as i dont see your hydro store feeding them red or spotted spider mites,as this is all they eat. Once they have inileated/destroyed there lunch they just die off causing no harm to your plants whatsoever. No Mess apart from the vermiculite, which you can hoover up after a week or 2. No horrible residues from neem or other sprays to contend with. 100% organic.
Hope this Helps. Be-Lucky............Scrogerman'
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