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Sometimes it's hard not to tell people your growing


My little pony.. my little pony
Pardon me if I appear naive, but isn't letting the folks here know you're growing "telling other people"?

Elfstone? Is Elfstone here? Looking for Elfstone.


Lord Doobie

There's another technique by LEO and Associates called "baiting" where someone throws out misinformation waiting for you to correct them. This shows your specific knowledge about growing. It's probably best to meet misinformation with indifference.

Telling others is an excellent way to get blackmailed.


I feel you! It is really hard when people start talking about what they THINK they know to not correct them.

When i was stuck in rehab court ordered, there was this 1 kid who grow when he was 17 and thought he was so smart, how "hydro" (i hate how everyone calls good weed hydro around where i live) was more potent then soil grown weed. I said nah its a myth he said go look it up.. i left it at that.

Other dude, was Old timer, used to grow his own back in the day, was saying how he used to hang the plants upside so the resin would drip down through the plant from the roots.... Uhg... I was like "oh yeah i didnt know that"

Of course this was discussed when the counselor wasn't around.

Lord Doobie

Ha ha...
I remember some dood was bragging about his supreme growing and said something ridiculous. I was totally stoned and just started laughing uncontrolably...to the point where nothing was coming out...LMAO! He got mad at me and asked what the hell I was laughing at. As my eyes were tearing up with laughter, I quickly came up with, "I just remembered my old girlfriend driving her car off a short cliff and the car's front end was stuck in the mud vertically." Everybody laughed and I had escaped yet again...After the bonehead left, I told my friends what had actually happened and we laughed all over again.


Either they will get you busted, or want you to "hook them up" for free all the time. Then get pissed when you won't ( "....but you got all that shit for free").




Active member
i dont even tell people i have a medical card let alone grow my own and iam legal... cause then they tell people and then they tell people you know better safe then sorry ...thats what my mama always told me...


Thank's to all who posted

Thank's to all who posted

This is like episobe 3
Was out and about last night in this lad's company .
So i asked how the plant's were getting on .
I was staying stum but scratching my head when he told me it flowered and he said when he shook the plant load's of dust came off it , he described it as crystals .
Oh Man . i'm thinking he smoked a male . PML
It is it's hard not to crack a light and tell sometimes .
Remember this lad smokes soapbar , so a male prob tasted nicer .


Great thread,
If you're old enough, you can sometimes
get away with the "...back when I USED to smoke..." line,
when talking about weed without giving yourself away.
Make sure to use old terminology like "columbian" "sinsemilla" etc.
Don't say things like "purple kush" or anything thats suggests
more than brickweed and/or unimpressive backyard experiments.
..Err, Maybe leave out the backyard experiements.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
see I look at this from the other side

As someone who does a lot of work for the medical cause, i am always helping people out.

I march when I need to and tend to make an appearance at any type of MJ event.

It is too bad that you cannot help the kid out and correct his misinformation. Maybe say to him the next time, that you were looking on the internet and found this cool place, and you thought about him.

Possibly help him out and stay silent at the same time
Whenever you are tempted to open your eatin hole just remember how much your freedom is `actually worth...can't let yourself go there.Be smart..be quiet


see I look at this from the other side

As someone who does a lot of work for the medical cause, i am always helping people out.

I march when I need to and tend to make an appearance at any type of MJ event.

It is too bad that you cannot help the kid out and correct his misinformation. Maybe say to him the next time, that you were looking on the internet and found this cool place, and you thought about him.

Possibly help him out and stay silent at the same time

I can only dream about that Dr Dog , keep up the good work .
That's a good idea , hope he dose'nt come across this thread .
I doub't he'll be growing again tho , Said his other half was freeking out about them , told him to loose them .


New member
Been growing for a few years now and my wife still thinks I am growing peppers and tomatoes in the cellar.....ha ha Tell no one!!!!


New member
As a newb I take your advise to heart but find it hard to get info without talking about growing. I am rdy to start my first grow, my room is good to go, my cuttings here in 3 days and I am jacked. Even though I am a medical user that will soon have grown my own (with good results). I worry. I have gained much info from all here and I will ask my questions here when i need help. I will post a few pics as I go )


New member
This is also why its was so hard to get acual info for medical use requirements. Tomorrow will be my last day in the process for Washington and maybe I'll post on our state process if that doesn't break any rules. To answer questions you identify yourself as a user/grower so no one talks. You should have seen the look my family doc gave me when I told him I was using medical weed, I knew instantly he didn't get it.


Every time I get an unexpected knock on the door I'm reminded why 'silence is golden' and why I only use a 'broker' for excess meds. Also don't answer the unexpected knock!:smokeit:


Well-known member
I hear you though, sometimes I so exited about the way things are going I just want to talk about it......but alas......theirs that whole " Going to prison" thing......

Don't Tell,
Don't Smell,
Don't Sell.


Good job...silence IS golden. For a long time now, my sense of self preservation is stronger than my ego. Like the guy said, "I don't need to be the smartest guy in the room." But there have been a lot of people very pointedly asking "Why do you always have the high octane stuff?" "I know the right people," says I.


Lammen Gorthaur
You get to be an Old Stoner by being a mute stoner. I don't grow, I don't know and I have to blow. Nice talking to ya'. Anybody that asks if you grow is the exact wrong person to have this information because they are secret lovers and secret lovers are status pimps who can't wait to demonstrate their status by telling people they "know someone" who grows. Their next run-in with LEO will result in their playing your life like a poker chip to save their own ass. That's human nature.

The best secrets are the ones that never get told; that's what makes them secrets.

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