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a small Horror


Well-known member
A small Jock Horror to be precise. This will be my 2nd go at growing in my 'micro grow tube'.
Made from thin, prepainted white, aluminum flashing picked up from the home depot. Tube dimensions
are 38 by 15 inches. Mated with a pizza dish fixture with 3 26w cfl's. It's about 1.2 sq.feet and
a total of 78w, so that's pretty micro. Here's a link to my 1st grow for the interested


1st 2 pics are my results from my 1st run with nl#5, 35g of dry bud. Mighty good indica. 3rd pic
is the jock horror seedling, just a white smudge in the center. Really hoping 2nd grow can match the 1st.




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Well-known member
not a good start - i think she(he) is dead! wilted and fell over - 2 problems going on
1st were fungus gnats, had a few in my 1st grow, but didn't seem to be a big deal
this time they came in force - not sure if they did the deed - put a small bowl with dish washing liquid/water as a trap in chamber - seems to be trapping them great
the other thing was heat - set up the grow chamber in a box for cooler weather
thing was, we had a bit of a heat wave, things got warmer than i planned
so i think it was heat stroke - new seed in the spouting chamber!


Well-known member
new setup

new setup

well, small horror shall continue though the form may change a bit
the 1st horror died, but a new horror has been sprouted, such is life

i had winterized my tube setup by enclosing in a 'winter box'
got a small heat wave, and that did the deed, didn't watch temps
but i got to thinking about dealing with an insulated box in january
i didn't really like that idea much, so operation is moving inside

the tube stealthed well outside, not so easy inside
that, and the 35g of the dry bud from the 1st grow is a lot of bud
about 1/10 of a gram is what i smoke a day, if that, very strong smoke
and it's a good 5 hour buzz, it hangs in there strong

so i'm dialing it down a notch, way down to a pc case
but i'm going way down, 1 26w cfl in a small pc case - 7 x 13 x 15 inches
i've seen some small setups here, not sure if any this low that worked
but i think i can get comparable results, 0.46 g/watt - we'll see
pics in next post


Well-known member
pc case

pc case

so a very simple setup - gut the pc case - drilling out rivets was not hard
next a single wood cross beam was screwed in on the top of case to that a cermaic socket was attached - cheap and effective
a pc case fan and some foil to block light and i'm up and running
1 26w cfl, low as you can go?

pic 1 and 2 show cross beam from side and top
3rd pic is from top with bulb in place
4th are the plants - 1st pot is jock horror - seed sprouted but not visible yet
2nd pot is a clone from my revegged nl#5 - she revegged good
clone's been in the dirt for 1 day - my 1st clone - didn't have any root compound not sure if she'll take yet, but am using a humidity dome, it's on the floor
plants are bunking together until i get the 2nd case setup


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day 4 in the case

day 4 in the case

so far, not bad - here's what happening

the jock horror is a slow one - seed took a week to germinate and the seedling is slowly pushing up - had to brush the dirt a little to check on it - so what does a 'slow motion' seed mean if anything?

the other girl(and i know she's a girl) is the clone of my original nl#5
my plan is to mature her a step or 2 beyond what i did last time - a little more body this time
this is her pic out of the humidity dome, she looks good to me, but not experienced in the cloning art


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day 7 in the case

day 7 in the case

Looks good. I'll be watching to see what happens.

good to have you along WTA - all is small at the moment - we'll try to make things a little more interesting

finally the jock horror has broken the surface, over 2 weeks to get this seed to pop - that's the longest i've ever gone on a seed

but when you see this, you wonder how many 'it didn't germinate' seeds were really bad

the nl#5 clone is looking pretty good - been out of the dome 2 days - in the pic the JH is just a little light smudge in the center of the pot


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Well-known member
day 09

day 09

houses for all my ladies(or hope will be ladies), 2nd case setup

1st pic is the jock horror in her new house, this is slowing growing seed i've had yet, her cotyledon leaves were pasted together from a film left from the seed coat, used a needle to separate the leaves and felt the seedling roots lift up a bit - hope this seed was worth it

2nd pic is the nl#5 clone and another clone that i threw in - the mother is going to be disposed of for security needs - the 1st clone is 9 days old so i'm hoping that she has set down a bit of root


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day 12

day 12

well, things could be worse

mostly a slow grow, the jock horror finally has spread its wings - looking like a sativa, though it's just put out its 1st true leaves, it's the 1st pic

the nl#5 clones, they're slow too, i think the 1st clone is showing the consequences of the early cut i took off the mother, the 2nd clone to the right actually looks better, both have kind of saggy leaves, the color looks good though on both


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Active member
Alright something new I can follow along with.

Very impressive first grow with only 78watts!

Good luck with this grow.


Well-known member
glad to have you watching apples, little on the small side at the moment

so here's situation, the clones have really been dragging
of course I didn't use any rooting compound, so I shouldn't be surprised
my 1st clone is well over 2 weeks old, figured a root ball had to be forming down there
so i put her closer to the light, and guess what? wrong! start to get some yellowing lower leaf, the uppers got real skinny and curled back a fair bit
so i pull that clone back a bit, hoping she will recover, the younger clone hadn't been pushed too close to the light and looks better they're in the 1st pic

the jock horror is a much better story, i had given up on the seed/seedling - sprouted real slow(2 weeks), cam up real slow
but now she's beginning to grow! don't give up on those slow seeds! the jock horror is the 2nd pic


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Overkill is under-rated.
Aw I loved my Jock Horrors, letsee Aghani X NL5X Skunk #1, I think, here is a couple tables of my SOG JH's:



go to the hardware store "no pest strips" they call em by me. Looks like an air freshner kills anything flying imo. Sounds like u have a humidity prob, outdoors u cant do much but indoors a dehumidifier or one of those cans with crystals to remove vapor will do. Nice pics, wish I had your tolerance.


Well-known member
go to the hardware store "no pest strips" they call em by me. Looks like an air freshner kills anything flying imo. Sounds like u have a humidity prob, outdoors u cant do much but indoors a dehumidifier or one of those cans with crystals to remove vapor will do. Nice pics, wish I had your tolerance.
thanks for the tips vigil - i've taken of the gnats, a trap with dish washing detergent and water did 'em in
if i had high humidity, it's gone now i think - air has dried out a lot where i live(NY)
my 1st clone attempt, probably went better than i had a right to expect, hoping at least 1 of the 2 will take


Well-known member
day 19

day 19

slow progress

1st jock horror, that plant is beginning to grow normally
been a while to finally have a normally growing plant leaves must be shiny, getting an awful reflection in the picture(1st picture)

now the nl#5 clones, well the 1st one isn't looking good
minimal growth on its top leaves, this is about 3 weeks
but worse, there's a dark area on the base of the stem, stem rot could be setting in
the 2nd clone looks much better than the 1st, may have done a better job on the cut, was also a bit more firm stem on the 2nd clone - these are in the 2nd pic


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Well-known member
day 22

day 22

how slow can you grow? pretty damn slow, my grow is proof

the 1st pic is the nl#5 clones - i'm learning with clones
the 1st clone is really sucking rocks, looks like it's in suspended animation
but the 2nd clone, much better, think i'm seeing some growth in the top - just keeping my fingers crossed

the jock horror is moving along, the slow sprouting was a bear though - but i do not enjoy ordering seeds, so every seed counts for me


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Well-known member
day 25

day 25

clone progress? i think so, but that's just looking at the good example
my 1st clone is looking like it will not be good for further growing, even if it survives(1st pic)

the jock horror isn't really screaming, but that may not be a bad thing(2nd pic)
so maybe female? wishful thoughts are free so what the hell?


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Well-known member
day 28

day 28

i think i finally have a viable clone, been tracking with the grow log pictures, and i'm sure that the 2nd clone is making new growth
so roots have taken?
anyhow time to transplant, 1st pic shows the 2 nl#5 clones - 1st one is really hurting

the jock horror is inching along, healthy but slow
much lighter green color than i'm used to, but looks good otherwise(2nd pic)


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