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Canada 4th Best Place to live in the World


Domesticator of Cannabis
Canada 4th best place to live in the world
United States in 13th; Niger the worst

BANGKOK — Norway enjoys the world’s highest quality of life, while Niger suffers the lowest, a United Nations agency said Monday, as it released a ranking that highlights the wide disparities in well-being between rich and poor countries.

Canada was listed fourth, well ahead of the United States which was in 13th place.

The annual Human Development Index, unveiled in Bangkok by the UN Development Program, takes into account life expectancy, literacy, school enrolment and per capita gross domestic product in 182 countries.

“A child born in Niger can expect to live to just over 50 years, which is 30 years less than a child born in Norway. Furthermore, the differences in per capita income are huge for every dollar earned per person in Niger, US$85 are earned in Norway,” UNDP said.

Canada’s life expectancy was also among the highest with a child at birth expecting to live up to 80 years.

Norway was followed by Australia and Iceland on the list, which drew on statistics dating from 2007, before Iceland was hit hard in global economic crisis. Afghanistan and Sierra Leone rounded out the bottom of the ranking.

Trends in the index since 1980 showed an average improvement of 15 per cent in countries’ scores. The greatest long-term improvements have been shown by China, Iran and Nepal, but progress has been concentrated in education and health rather than income, said the UN agency.

Afghanistan is new to the list this year — reliable statistics were not previously available — but otherwise leaders and laggards are largely the same.

However, five countries rose three or more places — China, Colombia, France, Peru and Venezuela — while seven countries dropped more than two places — Belize, Ecuador, Jamaica, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, and Tonga.

The index was released as part of the UNDP’s annual Human Development Report, which this year highlighted migration.

“Most migrants, internal and international, reap gains in the form of higher incomes, better access to education and health and improved prospects for their children,” said the report. “These gains often directly benefit family members who stay behind as well as countries of origin indirectly”.

“ It also suggested that as the populations age in developed countries, they could benefit from increased migration to boost their work forces.”

Through analyzing data taken in 2007, Canada’s migrants were found to account for nearly 20 per cent of the population. The UN agency did however caution that encouraging migration should not substitute for “efforts by developing countries to achieve growth and improve human well-being”.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
number 1 for me is


Do other countries share what we have to offer

dense cities in one area while dense untouched forests a few hours away

The worlds largest supply of fresh water

Probably still, one of the least in population density

how many countries, is it still safe to walk the streets at night

free healthcare

13 stat days a year, and paid vacation for fulltime employees

somewhat lenient MJ laws


i wouldn't put it at number one just cause we have some major flaws in our government systems...mainly, voters arnt really represented..... and the major one that i hate the most, the MP responsible for anti-drug propaganda/information and control; compares cannabis to methamphetamines ...... but in light of all that... i still think its a pretty damn awesome place :p

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
governments change
and they are not the country either

I heard an interview with an old Russian man years ago( whilst still communist)

He said he would never leave, he loves the country, he does not love the government, but governments change and Russia will still be there.

same idea here... It is a tough world to survive in the way it is set up. It is based on greed and deceit. Countries have to govern themselves in such a way, so will fill our leadership posts with secrets and lies.

500 years from now(barring any huge geographical changes) Canada will still be Canada, another name? maybe.. But will still be the "land" I love.


I can understand where you are coming from... there is a definite intrinsic beauty to Canada and I would more than agree to what you have said........ I would have to say after my many years of travel its still on the top of the list.... very diverse in not only topography but also in demographics... but there is that North American mentality...which seems to be very egotistical and destructive...
big rant..... but, I guess my point is... even the land may not remain if the governments are allowed to misrepresent the population...
To have a government who does what its supposed to, is to have a government who loves its country; as opposed to a government who loves to be a country.

anyway, im gonna stop cause its prolly going in the wrong direction...

the point is....

I am Canadian! (molson ads :p hahhah) and proud to see her a #4 ....
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I am planning a trip to BC this winter and looking very forward to it.


I love Canada and will probably never live elsewhere. Still mostly untouched wilderness, nice people, low violent crime rate, lots of taxes but IMO its worth it, very good government programs and services for people in need. Good education system with good universities. Montreal and Vancouver are probably the coolest cities in north america. Amazing green for cheap.


Active member
I'd love to move to bc

would love some radical change, first i'll finish this last year of school

california is not too far too


I'm in love with BC......it my fav for sure........ I suggest taking the ferry to sunshine coast or something like that... its a beautiful area... good hiking/biking trails....

cant get enough of those forests! I feel very alive when I'm surrounded by giant trees, ferns and mosses.... fresh air injection :p haha


Norway was followed by Australia
Yay, Australia second best!
I was lucky enough to visit Canada last year for a mates wedding, had some fun at Niagara Falls, turned $15 into $37 at the Fallsview casino (before losing my nerve and getting out while ahead!), and all in all had a great time - I felt very at home there even though it was half-way round the world, and everyone was fun and friendly and easy to get on with and enjoy a few beers with eheh. :)
canada is number 1..... like dr said the land is sweet. winter/summer mix.. clean water.. no uncle sam... i just love it.. never gonna leave this land. born here die here. there is no need to leave canada, vacation here in security...


Active member
All of Canada?

Surely, you can't compare Winnipeg to Vancover?

You're right. Winnipeg is a much nicer place to live than Vancouver. :nanana:

In all seriousness, though, Winnipeg is a very nice place to live if you don't mind winter. We've fared better through the economic downturn than almost anywhere in Canada, and much better than other countries. Our summers are usually among the best in the country with sunny skies and hot temps. We have awesome inland beaches with dunes for miles and the freshwater fishing is unbeatable. Furthermore, the cost of living is so much better here than many other major cities, especially Vancouver and Toronto. You'd practically have to be a millionaire to buy a nice home in Vancouver. Here, anyone with a good career can get a nice house to raise kids. I like the mountains in BC, but I'd rather live here. BC is nice for trips, but I would never live there (OK, unless I won the lottery. lol). The one thing I have to say I'm jealous about is that we don't have the Jets anymore. But one day, we'll have our NHL team again.

Hehe, I'd pick Canada over Norway any day. lol.



Active member
All of Canada?

Surely, you can't compare Winnipeg to Vancover?

hahahahaha, can you compare winnipeg to anything lol hahaha
actually yes, to detroit hahaha

sorry, back to the lecture. canada is the only country which has legalised gay mariage and medical marijuana coast to coast. yay for the most open country in the world, d


Active member
You're right. Winnipeg is a much nicer place to live than Vancouver. :nanana:

In all seriousness, though, Winnipeg is a very nice place to live if you don't mind winter. We've fared better through the economic downturn than almost anywhere in Canada, and much better than other countries. Our summers are usually among the best in the country with sunny skies and hot temps. We have awesome inland beaches with dunes for miles and the freshwater fishing is unbeatable. Furthermore, the cost of living is so much better here than many other major cities, especially Vancouver and Toronto. You'd practically have to be a millionaire to buy a nice home in Vancouver. Here, anyone with a good career can get a nice house to raise kids. I like the mountains in BC, but I'd rather live here. BC is nice for trips, but I would never live there (OK, unless I won the lottery. lol). The one thing I have to say I'm jealous about is that we don't have the Jets anymore. But one day, we'll have our NHL team again.

Hehe, I'd pick Canada over Norway any day. lol.

um, if you arent ducking mosquitos in the summer it bullets from gangs or fist fights everywhere. have you seen the streets downtown in wpg at night, its like a ghost town, cuz everyone is robbing everyone fro cigarettes to shoes and jackets. id live in brandon or the whiteshell, but each to their own. ps, i heard grand beach is closed coz of ecoli

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