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Anybody grind and then store?


As the title says, I'm wondering if anybody grinds and then stores their stuff?

I've read quite a bit about it, but I've seen very little discussion of the first hand variety.

Do you do it and in your opinion has there been a loss of quality? If so, how much?

I'm thinking a year in storage would be what I'm wondering about.

Is there a "definitive" piece out there somewhere about this?

Inquiring minds want to know!! Thanks!! :joint:


Active member
Grinding Rocks! I got a good quality palm sized grinder last year and I'll never go back to stuffing whole buds into a bowl again. Smoke is so smooth and powerful... plus I probably toke a third less and get the same results.

Never stored grindage.... when I leave some in the grinder for a even a couple of days, it dries out and doesn't taste that great.

I would think that grinding would be reduced to dust in a short amount of time and the smoke would be pretty harsh... better just to store whole buds in jars and grind only at toking time.

My guess is that creating more surface area by grinding allows for increased oxidation rates and general degradation of taste, smell, and maybe potency. Just like wine that is exposed to air and oxidized (thus turning to vinegar), weed will degrade over time and exposing more surface to air will accelerate the process.


ICMag Donor
I have never tried storing it that long...but there is with out question a loss in the quality. The flavors and strength diminished in about a month of storage...I can imagine that a year would really degrade the quality.

I know in even personal usage...breaking something up prior to traveling, for easier rolling....but even then, say 2 days later...I notice a decrease in taste.

I think it is probably best to keep them as buds...and only grind prior to immediate use. No real proof of this...but experience is a good teacher.



weed fiend
good info, Merman!

Anybody ever stored weed improperly? Too long? Back in the 70s, a buddy of mine stashed a qp of Colombian orange bud in his in-laws' attic. He wasn't able to get it back for a year. lol. Back then we didn't store in glass and this weed was in sandwich baggies. He broke it out and we sampled it. Nothing. No smell, taste or buzz. Total loss. Ever since I've been a total fiend and pot doesn't get the chance to get stale.


I usually grind up enough for a few days and store that in a separate airtight container so that I don't have to open my bud jars every day. It works well for me.
if you've ever had fresh grounded herb you can never go back to store bought ground herbs.. especially peppercorns, I just grind as I go.


Ok, the spice analogy drives it home. Now it seems obvious.

Thanks, guys.

Sometimes I just can't help myself.... it's like many other things within my immediate reach... I just wanna to play with it.


nothing better than sharp scissors cutting ribbons out of you buds and it burns for a long time


weed fiend
There's nothing wrong with isit4's method of precleaning stash for a few days, if it's stored in something air tight. Especially for fiends like me who enjoy the convenience factor.:D


Active member
Last year when I got my sweet a$$ grinder(before it was jacked) I would tear all of my buds up. So much in fact that I had apparantly set aside one of my Jam jars with a gram of chopped up nug in it... While I was moving and unpacking a few months ago, I found it... at a time when I was reduced to resin, it was a godsend. It smelled harsh, like grass or hay with an earthy undertone. The taste was earthy a$$ and grass... It hurt to inhale, and expanded imensly when held in the lungs causing uncontrollable convulsion like coughing. I would have stopped smoking there, but well, it was that or resin...
It got me stoned and probably more so due to the coughing (anybody who has taken some good hash hits knows about coughing till you see the darting white spots)
All in all, I am glad I found the ground stash. I am even more glad that I have learned to store whole nugs.
I like the theory on oxidization because it makes sense to me... not saying it's true, but, who's to say?
I wouldn't recomend the stashed grind green, but if ya got it, and that's all you got, blaze away!


weed fiend
Smoke68, I bet the chopped stuff would be a little smoother if ya let it breath a little before smoking. Kind of like letting red wine breath before drinking. Breathing gets the stanky out to a degree. I know about the coughing, I had that problem with my first few batches of hash. Found out later that lots of hashers let it cure for up to a year for smoothness.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
The main reason it degrades the quality is because it destroys all the THC glands. If you are to smoke it right after there would be no problem, though storing it for any length of time will degrade it, the longer the worse it will be. After a year you would be lucky if you got a mild buzz, very lucky.


Terpenes begin to volatilize at extremely low temps (around 80f IIRC) You will certainly lose the smell and taste if you store ground up bud. As for potency loss...maybe physical damage to all the expose trichromes could be a problem as well.