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Climbinghigh's Creekside Garden 09

High Everyone,:wave: your most gracious and grateful host has returned for an update.

But first, thanks for the good vibes, its nice to see people from all over meeting here to chill by the creek:friends:

Well its been getting warmer and Ive been busy prepping planting, prepping more...

The 8 seedlings I started on 5/25 were ready to put in the ground so I put those in holes from last year that I amended with Neem seed meal, Algamin, dolomite lime, and a little mexican bat guano. Also planted 3 cheese clones and 1 kush bagseed clone. Heres pics of the 8 unknown seedlings-

So all 15 of my holes from last year at the creekside garden are filled and I still have 15 seedlings left:yoinks: I had to do some digging.

I dug fourteen holes- half a 2.2 cubic foot bag of Miracle Grow enriched peatmoss :wallbash:(not my first choice but willymart was sold out of the regular bales, wtf?)
and also half a bag of manure and compost went into each hole, about 2.5x2.5 ft
All in all about 600 pounds of dirt that I hauled alone at least half a mile into the woods- 7 trips with a bag of peat moss and a bag of manure strapped to a packframe. I did ten one day and four the next, I still have an extra seedling but I'm hoping one of the older ones will show its a male so I don't have to dig another hole and haul more dirt. My back is pissed off.

I guess that since I am using peat moss with chem nutes (though very light, like .5-.5-.5) and I am still planning on using Rainbow mix, Earth Juice and guanos again this year, this new patch is going to be semi-organic.

I think that having nutrients immediately available in small amounts early on while the organics breakdown will help the little seedlings grow explosively and get large enough to harvest some decent weight- I hope-
I was just reading the thread Silverback started that turned into a chem vs. organic discussion- Interesting to me, I almost went totally chem for these fifteen seedlings but decided to go with the rainbow mix- I do believe that the taste and aroma is superior in organic ganja, but also that there is not just one way to grow a plant, but there are better ways, but even "better" is a subjective term... its all so confusing:yoinks:

I am lucky to live in a beautiful peaceful rural setting. I try to give back to the land by feeding the micro fauna, to make the soil better after I'm done growing there than it was before. Its like making an in-ground earthworm farm:woohoo:

I'm just trying to do it as big as I can this year as I think it will be my last at this location for a while.

I'm trying hard to push these little ones to grow as big as they can

heres some pics of the first 3 I planted- the Manitoba med and 2 SAL mix The Man med smells like fruit loop paradise- intense dankberry smell. Ive got some Primal Harvest solution guano 0-8-1 to start feeding it to get it ready for full flower.

I got two camoed tarps set up to catch rainwater and a barrel tied to trees underneath each of them to collect it- hopefully that bear doesnt want to tear them to shreds. Ive got a feeling its going to be a dry summer so I want to stock up on water while its raining.

I also trimmed back and limbed up trees around my hillside plot and the creekside to let in more afternoon light- a lot of work but I think it will make a difference in yield, especially on the hill.

I'll be mixing in the rainbow mix and planting those seedlings this week. Also have to make cages for all those now.

I will update when I can but wont have new pics for a little while cause my friend is borrowing my camera for Rothbury:abduct:

But stick around cause the show must go on!
going out to the creek today to check on the ladies and get some pics. they've been growing a lot lately, those eight seedlings would all be at least five feet tall now but I trained them over, super cropped twice and topped them so they bush out. right now Ive' got 27 plants out with 13 confirmed females, and only two males- but I think there will be more. I'm hoping to see more white hairs today. I had to move my rain collecting tarp and trashcans to a spot where the bear hopefully won't go. I've been worried about running out of water cause it was so dry in June, but the rains are coming more often now. Iv'e seen at least five bears in the past couple weeks, three of those were close encounters in the woods- I wear a bell when I go into the woods now so i dont startle a bear hwile its busy eating dew berries. gotta love the northwoods!
I'm going to feed my plants with some alfalfa tea cause they could use the extra N now.
i'll get some pics up this afternnon/evening- If I dont get mauled by bears (;


don't put organic stuff like bone meal in the dirt, cause the bears will dig it up thinkin something dead is just out of reach!

Chemical ferts the way to go with all those bears around. good luck, thanks for the entertaining pics.
Update with pics :)

Update with pics :)

High, how are you?

I'm doing well. Spent some time with the plants the other day. tried to upload pics the same day but I have to resize them individually, and they were still too big. So I finally got around to fixing them today.

In response to Lolagal's comment- I've used "organic stuff" in this spot before without issues. As long as you let the soil sit for at least a couple weeks, it should be alright but it depends on the area you're in and what kind of and how many animals are around. IME cyotes and or wolves will dig for bone meal more than bears.

Bears just destroy everything else left out.
It also seems to help if the bone meal has been steamed- might smell less, but it still stinks. I do try to avoid using It, I just forgot that Rainbow mix has it , but so far only a couple plants got dug up and the digging has stopped so I should be fine.

Theres different strokes for different folks, I grow on a small enough scale that I can try to maximize quality first, instead of just thinking about yield.
Instead of bone meal I use indonesian bat guano or fossilized seabird guano, both pack a lot of P in a delicious organic meal that the soil loves.
You dont have to just choose between bonemeal or chem ferts. Thats why I love organics, it allows for a varied diet.


I ran out of EJ grow and wanted to give my plants some extra N, so I ground up some rabbit food I had laying around and mixed it up with some Super Nova, Dark Energy, Fulvic acid, EJ Catalyst, EJ bloom, and fossilized seabird guano= tasty!

Heres some pics:
creekside garden 1

SAL mix 1

SAL mix 2

Iv'e been doing some pretty extreme super cropping/ LST which is really HST, check it out-

thats probably enough pics for one post, but theres more on the way.
I had an unfortunate dilemma with the Manitoba Medicine plant- MOLD!
The main cola started revegging/ half ass flowering, while it branched out well below this and grew normally. But i saw brown calyxes on it and i thought hmm, it must be finishing already? But when I touched them a little puff of spores came out- Shhhit! I had to sacrifice the main cola for the good of the garden, chopped it, picked out all the mold, and am now drying the little scraggly buds now. I dont think they ever would have filled out, its a shame because I thought it was going to be a mini baseball bat bud.
heres some pics:

here is the creekside garden 2 (for lack of a better name)

and here is a cool spot along the creek where I like to draw water from

heres the little ones that were started early-mid june(cant remember exactly), and planted in the ground on july 1st- They really like the Rainbow Mix (;

I decided to supercrop and top these as well to bush em out.

A few more photos left...
And for the end of our show this evening..
the hillside plot:
three cheese clones

one kush bagseed clone

and two mystery plants- perhaps my own cross of Wonder diesel and Mister Bubble

I finally have a decent water collecton station that the bear hasn't messed with- (yet)

thats it for now, theres more pics of my training methods in my old gallery if anyone is interested.

thanks for the comment shroomy shroom. I haven't been around for a week and a half- on a camping trip.
I couldn't wait to see my plants when I got back, and I got back just in time.

My little manitoba medicine plant was now infested with gray mold- not covered but it had small bits of mold spread throughout the whole plant, shooting little puffs of spores out when touched- Dammit!

Not a big loss in the scheme of things since it was such a small plant, I'm just bummed that nothing was salvageable. At least i got to test some before the rest of the plant went rotten- definitely potent.

the good news is that the two SAL mix plants right next to the man med seem to be only slightly infected or not at all. They are probably 2-3 weeks from harvest, but I'll have to wait as late as I can cause I hit the lower branches with white skunk pollen. I chopped and disposed of the man med plant and immediately sprayed all surrounding ganja plants with Greencure.

the older seedlings have come through their rigorous training session bigger and bushier, which will hopefully equate to bulkier later on.

Its amazing how much stronger they get from a little tough love:joint:

Two of the plants are definitely looking like C Plus x Mandarin. the Mandarin is a bagseed plant that I grew a clone of outside last year. It has characteristically dark purple/red brown stems, long legs, light skinny sativa like leaves, BIG fairly dense, but kinda leafy buds, exotic spicy orange flavor= not citrus, more musky, like an earthy incense orange rind. butI like it cause the high is mind warping if you overindulge. About a month after I met my girlfriend last year, we smoked a fAt joint at my house, and she got so high that she freaked out and had to leave. Sometimes it was too much for me, and Ive been tokin for fifteen years. Serious head trip that can induce severe paranoia.
Now that you've all been properly introduced, heres pics of the two plants that are definitely showing mandarin's purple stems. one is tall, leggy, a lot like her mother. the other is short, strong, and bushy like her father. The C Plus male I used was heavily leaning towards its blueberry dad, so the purple stem trait could also come from him- all I know is the expression is pretty extreme check it out-

the hillside plot is coming along, but I think less sunshine and less water makes this a less than desirable spot- the plants are much smaller in this polt but I thik they will bud well, especially the cheese and kush.
heres 3 cheese plants
Hillside plot continued:

the bagseed kush showing some pink pistils!

and two mystery seedlings, I think they are Mister Diesel's Wonder Bubble- My cross of Wonder Diesel and Mister Bubble- the father was a reverse herm.:yoinks:

More good news: Theres water in the creek!:woohoo: Lots of water in the creek. and I've got two 30 gallon trash cans buried and full of rainwater. Looks I might not have to haul water this year.

The new creekside plot or "plot 2" as I sometimes call it, is doing very well. I came back from vacation to find three males trying to have sex with my girls- so out they went. I took off their cages to let them blow in the wind and get strong, most of the plants had already outgrown them.

heres a Manitoba Medicine f2

and a view from out of the towering goldenrods and ironweed

Peace and happy growing Everyone.
comments, criticisms, and secret tips always welcome:joint:


Well I feel like a real dumbass.:bashhead:

I wish i had taken the time to look back at Silverback's thread on Greencure, cause apparently he's only using it at half the recommended dose: 1/2 Tablespoon per Gallon, and due to my poor math and conversion skills, and being pretty high- I think I mixed it at twice the recommended rate, and accidentally fried my nicest plants. :fsu:

It is 8 plants that are affected, my 2 SAL mix plants that are in full flower, and my oldest seedlings which are on the verge of flowering now.

Most of the pistils on the SAL mix plants are dark brown now, one might not flower anymore, but the other one still has some new white pistils growing.

The two C PLus x Mandarin plants are losing many or most of thier fan leaves.

Three big bushy ones might pull through and flower normally (I Hope)

and one little squat bushy plant that was starting to bud, makes me sad cause it was such a nice green color
its now very yellow turning to brown, very fried and I'm not sure if its going to make it.:badday:

thankfully, I only sprayed those 8 plants and not all of them- still have 14 more females, and I think at least half of those should yield decent.

Oh well... lesson learned, chalk 1 up to experience.

But as a warning to any growers out there who have not used this stuff before: DONT MIX GREENCURE TOO STRONG!!
It is not forgiving.:wallbash:

On the bright side though: It does kill mold. I watched it melt away small patches of gray mold in seconds. I think it would be effective without the major operator error going on- cause its not worth frying your whole crop to kill some mold. lol, wow I feel like an idiot. :laughing:

Suprised by balls!:yoinks:

I saw my plants a couple days ago and was shocked- I still can't believe it...
My biggest plant, the most promising yeilder was a dude- now it is no more:joint:
recovering from Greencure burn

I had 3 other males to pull also- a C-Plus x Mandarin, what I think is a Wonder Diesel x Mister Bubble, and a SAL mix
now down to about 17 females

heres the SAL mix

Also had to harvest a SAL mix plant- I would've liked her to stay out another week, but this year seems to be "The Year of THE MOLD]".

We're having perfect weather for growing grey mold. I sprayed all my plants with Seranade with a 48 oz hand held sprayer- works great. I was using a spray bottle before which seems stupid now.

I think it might be as bad as it is on this plant because i had a White Skunk male next to it for a while and they must have been doin it a lot more than I thought, cause its got lots of seeds- some of the darkest seeds I have seen ,almost black- definitely gets it from her mother (;

Anyone have any ideas about which from the Smokes-a-lot mix she might be?

Ill be back later with more pics

Luckily most of the 8 plants that got Greencure burn are recovering, just one got really fried.

High everyone! back with more pics

some scenery:smoker: click on em for a better view
creekside 1-

heres the male i had to pull- he was a BIG boy

the plant in front is the big male, I pulled after the photo.

ive still got 2 nice females in this spot and the other SAL mix plant in this spot.
heres the plant that got really fried by green cure.


howzit cimbinghigh?

nice plants you got there man! bad luck about the mod issues and the accidental OD with the greencure but your girls seem to be doing OK. hope everything goes well.

keep it up

peace keke :joint:
thanks keke, glad you like it:smoker:

heres some pics of creekside 2, planted later than the first plot but doing well, less N deficient.

I gave all the plants about a 50/50 mix of fossilized seabird guano and sun-dried alfalfa that I chopped up in the blender. Then I added about a cup of Rainbow mix grow that I had left over. I put 2 cups of this into about four gallons of water, then added 1 Tablespoon each of Humbolt Super Nova, Dark Energy, molasses, and EJ microblast. I gave them all a couple gallons of this in hopes that they won't run out of Nitrogen before they don't need as much. Some of the strains Im growing will go till mid October, so they're in it for the long haul.

Manitoba Medicine f2- it sprouted inside in the pot that its mother was in after I chopped her, so I thought Id give it a chance at life outside (;
its barely a month old and already budding.

more to come (;
Just a quick update, well pics are almost a week old already- but oh well

3 cheese clones

1 mystery plant from seed - possibly a Wonder Diesel x Mister Bubble

and 1 Kush clone

Buds are on the way!

Buds are on the way!

Welcome back to the creek friends:wave:

My favorite time of year is approaching- September

the month of my birth and the time of year when I can look back and reflect on most of the season gone by -phew, and also finally start to see (and smoke:joint:) the fruits of my labor.

This year is already better than last thanks to the early genetics I got from UDG- now I'll have some birthday buds:woohoo:

I tried the greencure again- cautiously, so I wouldn't overdo it again.
I used the small end of the scoop provided in the jar, looks like about a 1/2 tsp.
Put it in a 24 oz spray bottle.
Then I doused the SAL mix plant.


I checked the plant 2 days later and could not see any damage to the plant and the mold was knocked way back- still a little bit of new mold, but I think it would have been much worse without the greencure, Its 50 F with 100% humidity past couple days, perfect conditions for bud rot.

Plus there are a few seeds that I made in some buds and the calyxes that hold the seeds are mold magnets. This is where the mold starts, also on any wounded tissue, like spots that were moldy and cut out- it will come back.

So in fear of the mold I chopped the cola off the SAL mix plant and a few more mature side nugs that seemed to be susceptible to mold.
She's lookin pretty ragged thats for sure lol.

I'll try to let the rest of it go for another week, might have to spray with greencure again- the weather is just shit now but looks to be better later.

Anyways, I don't know what this mix plant is but it sure gets me high, and smells up a room too, funky/sour+skunky/fruity smell- before cure, havent jarred it yet- just a taste test.

Does anyone know what the minimum time is for greencure from application to smoking ?

I waited a week and didnt notice any weird taste.
got some more pics for ya-

kush, her pretty pink/white hairs are turning brown )-;


forgot to take a pic of the third cheese clone.

Mr. Diesel's Wonderbubs, slowly starting to flower-hurry up! lol

thats it for the hillside plot, small but coming along steadily.:smoker:

back at the creek...

heres the plant that got really zapped by too much greencure

its budding!

This is either a C-Plus f2 or a Mandarin x C-Plus- I'm leaning toward the latter.

this is one of my older bigger ones, possibly a C-Plus f2. I tied this one down lower to keep it getting bushy- but I accidentally cracked the stalk about halfway up- :yoinks: OOPS!
I tied it up and braced it a little, I think it will be fine- and will definitely be bushy now.:laughing:

and this is the other also possibly a C- Plus f2. I staked this one to spread the branches out, bend down the tops, pinch the other tall tops just a little
Trying to get some of the weaker branches to bulk up instead of just cutting them off.

The older plants seemed to be very hungry, at least for N.
So I gave them each a cup of FF Peace of Mind Fruit n Flower, raked it in well.
Washed it in with 1/4 cup EJ grow, 1 cup EJ bloom, 1/2 cup Neptune Harvest seaweed, 1 Tbsp Dark Energy, 2 Tbsp molasses, In about 4 gallons of water spread out between them.

heres an early gem standing out in my creekside garden 2- maybe a Congolese x GG or a C99 X GG, not sure thanks to the furckin bear!:fsu:oh well

this plant seems starved for N but it is far along into flowering so...

I'm wondering if extra N like whats in the fruit n flower (5-8-4) is too much at this point, also slowly released/broken down compared to liquid ferts, maybe just EJ grow with EJ bloom for now?

Anyone with experience with using FF fruit and flower as a top dressing?

I wanted to give the younger plants some of the fruit n flower though some wont be there that long and some will be there till October.

So at different stages of bud development... I'm wondering if I should give it to all of them, just the ones not yet flowering, or what?

I'm concerned that too much N too late in flower will lead to leafy, spindly buds, lower mold resistance, and harsh smoke, are these all just wives tales? I see lots of outdoor plants that are green as can be well up to and through harvest- I'm thinking pics of trees in Cali. What's up with that?

discussion welcome...

and some more..
