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Diversion Evaluation Question

Fat Tone

I have and appointment to get evauated for a misdemeaner marijuana charge at a Addiction Center.It cost a $150 bucks for the evauation for diversion.This is the first time I've been in trouble out of 25 years.

My Question is will the guy giving the evauation give me a drug test.I go to court on July 13 to see if they put me on diversion.If they put me on Diversion on that day,How long will it be B4 I have to take a test.I've been clean for like 3 days and want 2 smoke.Should I risk it.I'm in the kansas city area.


Why would you risk it?? Nothing good comes out of failing the test.. If your not sure side on the side of caution and just don't smoke... How would it look going into evaluation and failing the drug test haha?? Tu Capisci?


Active member
I would seriously not smoke.

You have seen cops, crazy police chases, convience store robbers gone wild ect..

A lot of the time you hear the narrator say "And this guy was just out of jail three weeks ago" or " just out on bail/parole, so and so starts robbing a store".

I would just lay low. If they catch you smoking now, thats a bad bad picture. Play it cool, play it their way for a moment. Let it cool off. This is your life, take care of future Fat Tone..

I feel you btw, I want to smoke so badly but can't right now... (I dont have any)

Fat Tone

Well I went to my evauation today.Said I had to take a all day $200 drug class with some crackheads.Didn't have to drop a UA,but I think I was clean by following a thread on here(Asprin,Vitamins,etc.)I went to the restroom and seen a sign saying leave your UA on top of the toilet!!!The thing is I don't know when they want me to take a UA.I havnt went to court yet so I don't know what they are going to do.They probably going to put me on supervised are non supervised diversion according to the guy who evauated me.Will I have to take a UA during the all day class are what?I'm toking right now and I'm BLAZED!!!

New questions.Would you have smoked today?When would you quit smoking?Has anyone ever been threw these classes are diversion.Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Fat Tone

Thanks Haps.Just want to help others in the same situation as I am in the near future.I want to beat the system if you catch my drift.I havnt smoked since my 2nd post so I'm not that worried.Also would like to know what to look forward too in the class.

Also how do I Clean my system for good?Not mask it.

Fat Tone

Going on 2 weeks.But am nervous as shit.Don't know if I'm clean are not.Got too go pay for the drug class Saturday.If they test me then, am I going to fail?


Active member
Hey mate if you were busted for marijuana and get a positive test for the same thing you were busted for your really in hot water I would just play it clean for a while as far as cleaning up your system goes working out and drink lots of fluid!


Fat Tone

Well I go to court tommorow.Wish me luck that I get Unsupervised diversion.I would hate to quit smoking for a whole year.

I love this website!!!!