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Weatherboxes all organic indoor/outdoor grow 09


Non Conformist
No worries...

No worries...

....uhhh huh! I tried ta tell ya, keep trainin em! BUT, OOOOOH NOOOO! you wouldn't listen ta me! lol J/K... Get a whip an chair, and train those bitches! You have -plenty- of room all around them. Don't worry if they aren't right under the sweet spot of the light, they do -fine- every where in there. Think about how they'd look if ya kept the screen in there and you trained them down to it, there wouldn't be much light hittin the floor, huh?. It's the same goal without the screen, jus pull em apart and down to where there all even, use that space! By the time the stretch is over they will all have filled in again, ( more yeild mister! ) and yul still have the head room you need.

You could always train the small ones too, or let em go, and if they keep stretching you can roll the maristem back and forth inbetween yer thumb and yer pointer finger untill you crush the hurd, bending the plant to a 90 degree angle. I think some folks call this supercropping. I dunno, but it works, I've done it many times.

I'm not sure why ya think adding the carbon filter will incease yer temps? are ya restricting the exhaust down from a 6" to a 4" duct to add it? ..... 84 degrees is pushing it without co2 man! it gets much worse and yer gonna have ta think about air conditioning. Hot conditions like that will make most plants extra stretchy, and the buds won't get as dense. Every strain is different, So some will cope better than others. Just a heads up....

Fungus gnats huh? the lil baaastids anyway! Add a 2"+ layer of perlite on top of yer pots. This will stop their life cycle. Adults can't get down that far, and the babies can't get up and out, they become food the micro beasties! :muahaha: karma... lol

So, whada ya think of that growth rate?!! kicked inta overdrive, huh! lol later, BC


:yeahthats ^^

you can also use a layer of D-earth or sand on top of your pots to control gnats
....uhhh huh! I tried ta tell ya, keep trainin em! BUT, OOOOOH NOOOO! you wouldn't listen ta me! lol J/K... Get a whip an chair, and train those bitches! You have -plenty- of room all around them. Don't worry if they aren't right under the sweet spot of the light, they do -fine- every where in there. Think about how they'd look if ya kept the screen in there and you trained them down to it, there wouldn't be much light hittin the floor, huh?. It's the same goal without the screen, jus pull em apart and down to where there all even, use that space! By the time the stretch is over they will all have filled in again, ( more yeild mister! ) and yul still have the head room you need.

You could always train the small ones too, or let em go, and if they keep stretching you can roll the maristem back and forth inbetween yer thumb and yer pointer finger untill you crush the hurd, bending the plant to a 90 degree angle. I think some folks call this supercropping. I dunno, but it works, I've done it many times.

I'm not sure why ya think adding the carbon filter will incease yer temps? are ya restricting the exhaust down from a 6" to a 4" duct to add it? ..... 84 degrees is pushing it without co2 man! it gets much worse and yer gonna have ta think about air conditioning. Hot conditions like that will make most plants extra stretchy, and the buds won't get as dense. Every strain is different, So some will cope better than others. Just a heads up....

Fungus gnats huh? the lil baaastids anyway! Add a 2"+ layer of perlite on top of yer pots. This will stop their life cycle. Adults can't get down that far, and the babies can't get up and out, they become food the micro beasties! :muahaha: karma... lol

So, whada ya think of that growth rate?!! kicked inta overdrive, huh! lol later, BC

im thinking it will increase my temps because the only exhaust i have is running over my bulb.. and the filter reduces cfm. wouldn't less hot air getting out of my box = more heat. i gotta either buy more perilite or some sand. i only have about maybe 1 - 1 & 1/2 inches left at the top of my pots where i can put perlite on top of the soil. will this be sufficient? i just dont wan't my oscillating fan blowing that shit all over.

:yeahthats ^^

you can also use a layer of D-earth or sand on top of your pots to control gnats

how much sand do you think i would need to put on top?


Hey man nice grow. You do have a green thumb.

Whatever happen to your Northern Light clone?

Did I miss something?
Hey man nice grow. You do have a green thumb.

Whatever happen to your Northern Light clone?

Did I miss something?
nah not at all.. just look at the latest pic of all five it's the one in the front to the far right (it's the smallest of them all). thanks man! i'm glad you think so.


im thinking it will increase my temps because the only exhaust i have is running over my bulb.. and the filter reduces cfm. wouldn't less hot air getting out of my box = more heat. i gotta either buy more perilite or some sand. i only have about maybe 1 - 1 & 1/2 inches left at the top of my pots where i can put perlite on top of the soil. will this be sufficient? i just dont wan't my oscillating fan blowing that shit all over.

how much sand do you think i would need to put on top?

I used sand I feel it was the least effective one in hind sight, if I ever need to use something again I would go with food grade DE 1st choice then perilite 2nd choice.
PICTUERS. figured you all would want some pictures of local color. apologies if they are shitty quality my camera was dying so i took them fast.

1. northern lights
2. purple lady
3. white rhino's
4. thai superskank (one was destroyed because of bawls)


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Wow man those plants sure look healthy! Should make some nice smoke:D How far into flower are they?
Wow man those plants sure look healthy! Should make some nice smoke:D How far into flower are they?
whats goin' on bt? thanks for your positive vibes.. they are 13 days into flowering. the thai ss is barely showing flowers right now.. it's lookin' like a really sativa plant. hopefully it's worth the wait :joint:.


Non Conformist


That thai girl is really showing her genes. She may stretch for awhile yet, by the looks of it. Everything else looks set, and lookin good! Yer gonna have a very nice harvest, esp for yer time. Rock and Roll man!....... Watch, next yer gonna want to fill a whole room with plants like that. It's a bug that's bitten us all! lol later, BC
That thai girl is really showing her genes. She may stretch for awhile yet, by the looks of it. Everything else looks set, and lookin good! Yer gonna have a very nice harvest, esp for yer time. Rock and Roll man!....... Watch, next yer gonna want to fill a whole room with plants like that. It's a bug that's bitten us all! lol later, BCl
haha true bc.. very true. I can see a larger room in my future. Maybe multiple rooms? Who knows. I'm loving every minute of it though. :joint:
alright ladies and gents. sorry i havent been able to update you with pics of my babies lately. some of you may know ive been in the dam/brugge. im returning on the 16th though so be ready for some frosty pics. the difference two weeks will show should be amazing! the dam definitely slapped me hard in the dome with my pot holiday almost nearing two months. im in brugge now and will be back in the dam for two days before i return. while i was there the sampling rundown went as follows (all sativa/sativa dom):
1. grey haze (grey area)
2. napalesian temple balls hash (grey area)
3. hawaiin snow (barneys)
4. dr. grinspoon (barneys; a pure sativa with very sparce budding)
5. amnesia lemon (amnesia)
6. g13 x amnesia haze (damkring)
just wanted to let you all know whats up and don't worry this thread ain't dead. when i go back before i leave for the states i plan on trying some chocolope. if you guys think i should go for something else let me know!


You're doing it so right, keep it rockin'. Don't count on yourself being too useful a couple weeks after harvest time though. :smoke:
You're doing it so right, keep it rockin'. Don't count on yourself being too useful a couple weeks after harvest time though. :smoke:
hehehe for sure, i just got back into the dam yesterday im leaving for home tomorrow already. add nevilles haze to the list of what ive smoked out here ;). a lot of the seed banks / canna college guys over here are talking about curing buds for 1-3 months after harvest. i was thinking a month tops? this is gnarly and alot of the drying/harvest threads are vague on here. if i could get some insight on for example, what temp the room should be including humidity level and how long curing should last.. that would be sweeet!? im gonna keep trying to find more specifics.
hey guys i finally got back from the dam last night. here are the pictures you have hopefully been waiting for! everything looks great except for the white rhino. the healthiest of all the plants seems to have taken a turn for the worse. maybe it's a bad pheno? some of the lower and mid fan leaves are freckled with yellow/brown spots. also compared to the other plants it doesn't look as matured. should i trim up some of the lower flowers/growth to tighten up the top buds? or just let her do her thing? sorry about how white the buds look im still trying to experiment with lighting so i can show you all how frosty the purple lady and northern lights have become. also my outdoor plant "snicklefritz" looks beautiful! i will get at you guys with some pictures of that later.

the first three are of the white rhino please give me some suggestions on what i should do!! thanks this plant matters most to me! the fourth is the purple lady which looks beautiful!


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also here is a pic of the northern lights and the thai super skunk (already smells of chocolate). i had to bend her over again she was literally touching the top of the box above the lamp. :O


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Well-known member
I think the rhino looks pretty dam good your gonna see a little leaves like that it doesnt seem to be much of a problem shes gonna be big . As for the trimming it looks like you took care of her good as well Ide just let her ride it out she will be fine.
I think the rhino looks pretty dam good your gonna see a little leaves like that it doesnt seem to be much of a problem shes gonna be big . As for the trimming it looks like you took care of her good as well Ide just let her ride it out she will be fine.

yeah i might do some light lst on her to give the lower pistils some more light. hopefully its just a little slow at the beginning of flower.