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Blazeoneup hits the dirt again.


Active member
Foxfarm Ocean Forest has a lot of stuff in it already... Blaze's mix uses a SOILLESS base like promix (i use Sunshine Mix #4)

i would be worried about burning my plants with FFOF + a bunch of organics, just use Foxfarm and maybe some earthworm castings (wiggleworm or vermicrop) and you will be golden anyway...

And i just used the dixie-cup transplanting method of Blaze's, and it took literally 6 hours before they were growing into their bigger pots.... just make sure to break up the root ball a little. plus veggin in little cups keeps your veg space to a minimum until they are ready to blow up

blaze is indeed somewhat of a genius



Hey Schrews! :1help:Did you use 2 or 4 cu ft of the promix or peat moss part in the mix? In one post someone says 2 cu ft then an older thread blazeonup says 4 cu ft himself. I'm just looking for a lil clarification here ahhhh


Active member
Havent been able to scoop up any worm castings, black kow, or mushroom compost locally.

Scooped up some MG Organic Choice Potting Soil on sale. "Consists of 50-55% composted bark, sphagnum peat moss, pasteurized poultry litter, and an organic wetting agent". Fertilizer Analysis 0.10 - 0.05 - 0.05

It is very rich, dark, and heavy. Very reminiscent of composted cow manure and humus that Ive gotten at depot years ago.

Would this be suitable as a substitute for the 2 parts humic component? (worm castings/manure/compost)

edited to say: after looking further into the garden and potting mixes, it appears the potting mix lacks the manure contained in the garden mix. Garden Mix fertilizer analysis - 0.10 - 0.05 - 0.10, giving it twice the K of the potting mix.


Just had a question with this mix.I have run it in the past before and had great results.My question is can I use Timberline mushroom compost instead of the promix?Will this make the mix to hot??


looking sick as always blaze...

always have the killer healthy green ass plants man...

most of us can only dream of your nice setup...whether soil or hydro..

weed science

New member
damn i just fucked up this mix. I bought the 1cf bag of mg organic by accident, and I mixed the soil with only 1 cf instead of two, so now my mix is missing 1 cf of mg organic. I just transplanted in to this mix, and they look okay for now. What do you think will be the outcome of this mishap? Deficiencies? too hot ?


damn i just fucked up this mix. I bought the 1cf bag of mg organic by accident, and I mixed the soil with only 1 cf instead of two, so now my mix is missing 1 cf of mg organic. I just transplanted in to this mix, and they look okay for now. What do you think will be the outcome of this mishap? Deficiencies? too hot ?

Blaze would be the expert on this, havnt seen any post's by him lately...

My .02 is that you will be ok for now, but will be nutrient deficient before all is said and done. Did you use his original recipe or his second recipe?


Yes, I'm confused about the mix as well. He said the bag of promix he used was 3.8cf, but somewhere on the thread he said he only uses 2cf of it. I just want to confirm what he really uses. Any takers?


I truly believe it was intended to be as originally stated as 3.8 cf..
I am not as learned as the host of this thread but, I followed his basic mix and I have the best looking happy girls ever.
Nothing but water and molasses every other time.

Given that 3.8 to 2 is close to 4 to 2 = 2 to 1.
I am on a very small scale and basically mixed 2 parts promix to 1 part MGOC then mixed in the bone meal, blood meal, perlite and lime in in smaller proportions.
I am totally convinced .....
But I know me....i will tweak it next time...lol.

BTW weedscience if you plan on a second transplant at flower...You can catch up then. It will not be too hot. In fact it may work to your advantage.


-edit- WOW lol, the answer was in post above mine^ would have been great if I read this last page ;p

Is it 1 part MG, 2 parts peat/promix? I read up to page ~22 but can go no further Im nauseated from so much scrolling!
I'll be trying this recipe and mixing by the gallon, well I already started, I mixed it 1mg:2peatmoss and it feels ok. Is that the correct ratio?


It is 2cf MG to 3.8cf of promix or sunshine mix #4

If you think of the math, it is close to a 4-2 ratio. Reduced, it would be 2-1. So a mix of 1 cf MG and 2cf promix/sunshine mix #4 would be the same thing.

Also, the promix and sunshinemix #4 is practically peat moss with additional water retaining crystals and dolomite lime. Hence why he used only half a cup of the lime.

I am using this mix as we speak, and my plants seem to love it. The only problem I have with it is that the MG soil almost always has fungus gnats. But I tend to take preventive measures and use gnatrol and NPS.

I hope there is someone there that uses this recipe and replaces the MG with another type of hot soil with similar results. Is the FFOF just as hot as the MG? I might want to try 2 cf of that instead. I'm getting tired of the smell and fungus gnats.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit muh brother..?? Hope all is well.. Man y r ur gardens so dang dirty and messy??? LMao... We all know thats a joke... Man as usual much love for ur skills.... love the menu u have going on... I'll bbl to peep the gurls some more.. peace..



New member
blaze mentions specifically that the mgoc or ffof is roughly 40% of the mix, the promix is roughly %40 and the rest is amendments and perlite.

so if you guys wondering, i am running this mix (original blazeoneup mix from a few years ago) as we speak with :

2cf of mgoc (or 1.5 cf of ffof) 40%
2cf of promix 40%
1cf perlite 20%
1.5 cups bone meal
1.5 cups blood meal
3/4 cup doly lime

it works great! no problems, no deficiencies, no burn as long as you use rooted clones or seedlings:2cents:



Active member
Hey there Blazeoneup :wave: I'm a little late but i just read thru this thread and got tons of great info. I can't wait to try this mix, i'm not sure if i get Pro mix around here, but i will check HD. If i can't get pro mix, i will substitute with something else. Your results look amazing. How far do you keep the reflectors from the tops of the plants? How is your a/c built into your room, i want to put a a/c in my 8x8x8 room but lack the knowledge of what to buy and how to install it, do you do anything for odor control. Thats all and thank you for sharing your knowledge, your yeilds are amazing. Very inspirational thread.


hey blaze... I'm a consistent hydro grower and I was wondering, I have a large space .. like 13x14x10 and I wanted to do my first "soil" grow with like 40 large tree style plants. I have PowerPlant genetics and plan to grow these untopped, being that I dont grow soil, for a beginner, what type of soil and nutes would you recommend? I want to grow large containers just as in your grow. Any other newb to soil info would be great. Thanks blaze.
Just keep it simple bro. use the blazeoneup wix from this very thread.

2cf of promix, any variety
2cf of miracle gro organic choice (mgoc prolly has gnats in it though)
1cf chunky perlite
1.5 cups bone meal
1.5 cups blood meal
3/4 cups dolomite lime

mix thoroughly and you will get approx 30 gallons of mix. it will feed 90-100 days or so with only water. ONLY WATER! its fucking tits! I run it all the time and it works! btw, you can substitute the MGOC with Fox Farm Ocean Forest. it has less fungus gnat eggs etc....