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For those who are skeptical about this Alien/ufo subject that has been ridicule for over 50 years please do some research, there are far more greater things that we can imagine. Humans have been around for a while now Technology has been around for longer than what we think, I believe this has happened before and many times man has destroy himself and others only to re-start again from scratch. There is far more than we can imagine be open minded, if you see something youve never seen before (ufo) more likely your mind wont register it because is unknown to you and anything you've ever seen before so naturally your mind erases it there has been experiments done about this subject. There is alot of countries right now that are opening their books up on this subject there is numbers of studies done with this and all around the globe do your search Canada, France, Mexico, Japan, chile and many more the technology is out just not in everyones hands specially if their not in the need to know.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Satan the jealous kind eH, I've heard your Gods jealousy is much greater. Threatening man with a fiery hell if we place any others above him. He put the j in jealous. Isis is known by many names she's the African Eve. East African with an Asian characteristic, separate brows.


St. Elsewhere
Gotta love Blavatsky-style dot-connecting. If Adonai is Saturn, then the God of the Old Testament is really just an extension of Seth, Set, or Setukh, the "Evil" God of Egypt, who was only considered "Evil" after his demonization by the Cult of Osiris.

Set - Saturn...





Active member
God owns jelousey. Godly jelousey is the jelousey to fear. Fear of the Lord is wizdom. -My cat fears me. She loves me. She dont fear my by crouchin everytime I walk by. Shes not skittish round me or nothin. But when shes outside and I yell for her to come in she dose. She knows I can see eagles while she cant. We live in the mountains. She just knows somehow that I goit her best intrests at heart. Thats how she fears me. I wouldnt want her wanderin off with someone strange either. Only I can love my cat the way I do and I know that no one elce would have my cats best intrests in mind. So Im jellous too. From God to us this is a Blessing.


Domesticator of Cannabis
My dog will shut down working if he feared me. He's almost twice wise but its a Toller's response to do that. He needs a firm command with no yelling & with no fear of harm or repercussion ever. Even if it happened he disobeyed me he should never fear me.


Active member
Did ya ever swat him when he was a pup? Like when he was doin somethin wrong? If you did smak him now for somethin would he snap on ya? How bout if sombody elce tried to diceplin him?


Domesticator of Cannabis
Did ya ever swat him when he was a pup? Like when he was doin somethin wrong? If you did smak him now for somethin would he snap on ya? How bout if sombody elce tried to diceplin him?

No, I will never hit them or even a swat. I talk to him & reward him with attention or treats. He's very driven by the munchies. If a neighbour, lets say sprays him with the hose or teases him he's on their ass from that day on. That's their problem & I let him bug them since I know although may not have seen it that they messed with my family. I have cameras all around so I keep an eye out. I'm big brother on my street. You don't want me catching them disciplining my dog I will adjust their attitude in a heartbeat.

UFO's ARE real- too much empirical evidence to deny

UFO's ARE real- too much empirical evidence to deny

By the way..my exwife and I had a very close encouter with a craft one night back in early 1986. I reported it some years later and Brian Vike from Canada called me and asked if I would participate in the Jeff Rense radio-internet show and tell the story. I did so, and i have reported it to a few other UFO sites so others can hear a truthful account of a weird encounter.

Now, I cannot tell if the craft we saw was flown by huans or aliens. it may well have been a back-engineered anti-gravity craft under military control. No way to twel. But what WAS for sure is what we saw:

While riding my Yamaha Virago 920 ( 1982 model) home one night in March ( 86) along a deserted county road in Jackson county NC..near Sylva, on the old highway by the Bud distributor that leads to the Addie community...it was a clear night with no clouds and I did not see the moon.

We were tooling along slowly, totally sober ( as I always was when biking) when we looked up. What I saw made me yank the bike to the side of the road and tear my helmet off. My wife did the same. Directly above us was a craft, with three red lights, one at ech tip of the triangle. The single light as at the ' front' and the two other leading, from south to north, roughly.

It was so low, and so huge,I was experiencing a sort of primal fear: It was at LEAST 300-400 feet in between each tip, massive, and I knew instinctively that if it set straight down on us we would be reduced to a grease spot on the roadside. It looked like it weighed a million tons...no..it FELT like it weighed a million tons. It had a presence to it...hard to explain.

Anyway, it was so low, i recall thinking" My God, I could hit it with a pistol!"...and then" I could hit it with a strong bow!!" It was maybe 300 feet overhead, if that much, totally blotting out the sky above us. However, it did not have clearly defined edges..it seemed like you could not see the craft itself so much as the litghts at each tip..but it did blot out the stars.

Meanwhile, I am asking my wife to tell me exactly what she was seeing. I had to make sure I was in my right mind. She confirmed every detail and was seeing the same thing I was. The craft gained some altitude, moving away slowly, and I mean maybe 5-10 mph at most,very slowly...toward the north..and when it was perhaps a half mile away from us, it turned up on edge and cartwheeled off into the eastern sky!

Now, for sure I cannot tell is the actual craft rotated to make the effect or if the lights were simply staggered..like chasing lights on an Xmas tree..no way to tell. But it LOOKED like it was cartwheeling away. We had the immediate feeling that whoever was operating the thing was doing t intentionally...BUZZING us in a way..maybe for a laugh. They see a single motorcycle on a lonely road ( believe me, I was praying another vehicle would come along so I could point the thing out )...and pulled a little manuver for a laugh.

Who knows? But it did NOT try to hide itself, and the goodbye act was for sure meant to say something...it was so strange. Thank God I was not alone and had a witness. Even though we are divorced and not close..she still will repeat the details when asked. It was a shocking, frightening and puzzling encounter.

I am trying to think if I am leaving out any details..oh yeah: it was TOTALLY silent. it made NO noise at all. That made it even more scary...it took it out of the realm of conventional craft. It was like a battleship floating along in the air...that big..amazing. If anyone has any questions, please ask away. This is all true and verifiable...and like I said..it was more scary than cool..until it was gone. It is too big and too quiet to deal with normally.


Active member
When my li'l Peaches was a pup I knew that if I wanted her to understand that her teeth wer sharp. It made a dif to me cause I needed her to sociate with lots of kids. I knew that in order for me to be certain of her saftey Id have to make shure that she understood that bitin kids aint allowed. Rite away early on. I got her rite fromn the tit and she slept in my bed. I had to show her that bitin wasnt good. I did it by pikkin her up and bitin her ear when she went overbord. If she really screwed up Id bite her nose! I never drew blood on my dog but when she needed to be bit when she was a pup, I bit her. She feared me threw the pain I gave her but she was the best dog ever. She didnt even know she feared me. I think she knew she loved and respected me but I dont think she was aware that she feared me. Except when she'd sometimes do stuff that might hurt her. Every dog dose. But if she we'r to chase a stik that a kid threw into the street Id yell to her NOOOOOO SUIE! And she would fear! Mabey your missin my point.


Now DNA, how much would it take to change HS which is just about the complete package into modern man? Chimps have what 87 - 98.6+% of the same DNA structure of modern man? The latter being widely accepted at the moment.

Maybe one mutant genius with separate brows? Known by the name The African Eve.Than interbreed into the birth family than onto the entire race. Thousands of years of selective midwifing removing single brow babies. We are all today HSS.

A 2003 study on Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA, published by an Italo-Spanish research team led by David Caramelli, concluded that Neanderthals were far outside the modern human range, while Cro-Magnons were well in the average of modern Europeans. MtDNA retrieved from two Cro-Magnon specimens was identified as Haplogroup N.[10] Haplogroup N is found among modern populations of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia, and its descendant haplogroups are found among modern Eurasian and Native American populations.[11]


Many people are unaware that, There is less variation between the DNA of two human beings from opposite ends of the earth than there is between the DNA of two gorillas from the same African rain forest. The extent of DNA sequence variation of chimpanzees is several-fold greater than that of humans. How do these facts support our alleged ape ancestry?
Shouldn't our DNA sequence variation be the same as the rest of our "ancestors"?

Perhaps the most important thing we can say regarding this evidence is how much scientists still don't know about DNA and its supposed evolutionary connections. research shows just 2.5% of DNA is different between people and mice, and only 1% different from a chimpanzee. We share half our genes [DNA] with the banana.... This convoluted field of molecular evolutionary biology is obviously becoming more puzzling??

the odds of some random genetic mutation happening.... and it be a benefit ot the organism.. at the exact time it was necessary... and then to become the dominant trait.... taking us from monkeys to man apparently less than 200,000 years ago are to astronomical to even be considered as an actual explanation....


Active member

the odds of some random genetic mutation happening.... and it be a benefit ot the organism.. at the exact time it was necessary... and then to become the dominant trait.... taking us from monkeys to man apparently less than 200,000 years ago are to astronomical to even be considered as an actual explanation....[/QUOTE]

Aint everybody seein this? We got smart as a result of the genes of Gods perfict one Adam, gettin expelled from the garden. His genes got into the genes of the ape people and made them smarter. And the ape people wer bein made smart by the devil from mbefore Adam ate the apple I think. I think the devil was usin shrooms. When Adam was expelled from the garden and bred with the people who God incedently made outside the garden, it made the ape people smarter. It weekend Gods intended gene line for Adam tho. This is how the devils tryinna stikk it to God. he corupted the Herb for Adam, got his ape people smarter, and he intermingled Adams genetics into the ape people thereby weekining Gods intended genes for Adam. I look more like that monkey than them crazy forhead romans. I dont know xacttly what it meens but Im coverin myself with fluffernutter.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Now, 200 years after Darwin's birth, the stickleback has become an unlikely superstar

Now, 200 years after Darwin's birth, the stickleback has become an unlikely superstar

Many people are unaware that, There is less variation between the DNA of two human beings from opposite ends of the earth than there is between the DNA of two gorillas from the same African rain forest. The extent of DNA sequence variation of chimpanzees is several-fold greater than that of humans. How do these facts support our alleged ape ancestry?
Shouldn't our DNA sequence variation be the same as the rest of our "ancestors"?

Perhaps the most important thing we can say regarding this evidence is how much scientists still don't know about DNA and its supposed evolutionary connections. research shows just 2.5% of DNA is different between people and mice, and only 1% different from a chimpanzee. We share half our genes [DNA] with the banana.... This convoluted field of molecular evolutionary biology is obviously becoming more puzzling??

the odds of some random genetic mutation happening.... and it be a benefit ot the organism.. at the exact time it was necessary... and then to become the dominant trait.... taking us from monkeys to man apparently less than 200,000 years ago are to astronomical to even be considered as an actual explanation....

It appears the earthly possibility is now starting to heavily outweigh any extraterrestrial interference. See recent studies on stickleback fish for mutant genes if you're interested. It does seem the DNA researchers aren't in total agreement at this time even on the chimps or man.



Following the melt down (The Collapse of the Ice Age) lead to the perfect situation for evolution along certain lines.

Chimpanzee to man, no.

Homo Sapien to Homo Sapien Sapien. That chimp is pictured for its resemblance to man & how close they are but these are even closer & wiser. Cro-Magnon, they were homo sapiens & just about the complete package. They were wise humans. They herded, breed livestock & farmed agriculture. They built simplistic shelters for living quarters, painted etc. Add one mutant genius & you have HSS ~ twice wise. Cro-Magnon didn't disappear they were breed into HSS.

Seeing how this would benefit their family like it did their domesticated animals they interbreed her amongst themselves. Offspring would later go as gift wives to other kingdoms, the worlds earth mother goddesses. Eventually the genes went to the entire population on earth. "There is less variation between the DNA of two human beings from opposite ends of the earth than there is between the DNA of two gorillas from the same African rain forest."

It wouldn't take much after a world wide flood to breed her & her offspring (the two brow babies) to the rest of the worlds population, which would be very small at this time & place. Son(s) could speed this up tenfold. Kings are known to have 70ty plus children. Anyone that wouldn't go along with the plan would be killed off & or raped. They walked with a big stick.

Women today now look for genius genes to fertilize their eggs via injection hoping their offspring will have those genes. In the beginning if you didn't have the separated brows you were to be terminated insuring those genes of preference (genes of Isis) would live on. That went on for a thousand years or so. This is the genesis of homo sapien sapiens.

Scientists call modern humans, Homo sapiens & Homo sapiens sapiens, without making clear distinctions among them. They are all names for anatomically modern humans.


Active member
it did not have clearly defined edges..it seemed like you could not see the craft itself so much as the litghts at each tip..but it did blot out the stars.

Howdy SMT! Those are the devils. Theyr made here on earth. They might have people innem too but I dunno. Theyre the squishey's ships. They been workin with the govt. :abduct: My friend that I worked with in the mid 80's told me bout his encounter with these devils. He was a real smart dude and real serious all the time and not somone whos prone to fantacy. He was a genious. He had a real high iq. I dont remembert what it was but everybody on the jobsite was awarte bout his genious'ness. He was construction manager and I was const man ass. We usta sit round after work at the bar and one time I told him bout my experiance with a ufo. I expected him to laughf cause thats what kinda persona he threw. He didnt dispute my recall not one bit and when I asked him why he told me bout when he was in the navy. He said he was somkinda rael smart guy in there. He got sent to training for all kindsa tek shitt in there. Well he told me that one time while they wer out on manuvers on a aircraft carier a bi9g ship just like you said came up onem and just hovered overem for a while. He said thayt when it came overem everybody was called below deaks. Everybody who saw it got briefed to see nothing. They wer told that they didnt see anything. He said it happened repeatedly for the corse of bout 2 weeks everynight.:abduct: Theyr the devils! I recall hearin boutem with jet fighter escorts. They been workin with certain govt cells. Wer the lights red green and yellow? I think thats what Mike said they had. Anyhow theyr the devils ships.:abduct: I seen the Holey kind. I never saw the devil ones. The one I saw was a white saucer shaped one with blue bands revolvin round it. The white color and blue color seemed to be made of light tho it was a solid object. I told my wife bout it long ago. She knew bout it before we even got together. One time when we wer watchin tv after we been together a fyew years I seen one just like the one I saw in 68. It was rite there on tv. We wer watchin a show bout ufo's and sombody got a pic orf one just like the one I saw back in 68. I called my wife from the kitchen an told her to look cause they had pics of the ufo that I saw. That was prety crazy. I havnt seen it since 68 and there it was rite there on tv. My wife knew I wasnt kiddin her in the first place but it was prety cool when I was able to show her the footage on the tv that had the ship on it that I described to her in detail long brefore we ever saw the show!


Domesticator of Cannabis
A Quinn Martin Production

A Quinn Martin Production

One time when we wer watchin tv after we been together a fyew years I seen one just like the one I saw in 68. It was rite there on tv. We wer watchin a show bout ufo's and sombody got a pic orf one just like the one I saw back in 68. I called my wife from the kitchen an told her to look cause they had pics of the ufo that I saw. That was prety crazy. I havnt seen it since 68 and there it was rite there on tv. My wife knew I wasnt kiddin her in the first place but it was prety cool when I was able to show her the footage on the tv that had the ship on it that I described to her in detail long brefore we ever saw the show!

I have so many dvd's, I've yet to get through the first 3 episodes of
The Invaders ~ 1967 - 68.
Season 2 says now others believe him but will it be too late??



Active member
Dont anybody got any pics of the ones Im talkin bout? Theyr saucershaped and white with blue bands rotatin roundem. They look kinda football shaped when ya see'em from an angle. --Id try an findem myself but I still got one of them old binary computers. Plus I still got dial up.


Active member
Season 2 says now others believe him but will it be too late??


Its bout half past late. I think this is more like a Holey clean up mission. I think Hes commin back to get His Adam genes from those that have somehow remained pure enoughf, and those He would choze, and those who have petitioned hard enoughf, and those who had someone petition on theyr behaf enoughf. He'l take who He choses. Genetics. :abduct: Then He kills the devil and those that would fallow him. Even some that wouldnt. Some folks just aint Holey material. Most of this shitt runnin round out there is just incidental to creatin earth, and then some is ruined from inbreading with the demons. God dont want to save us all. Only who He choses. He'l take us to Heavin to be with Him forever. The way I see it mabey we'l be like Angles or something mbut differant. I guess mabey Hel put His Beautyful Adam back together again outta us. Mabey He'l tell us to serve Adam and His decendants. Thats cool with me. God likes it when ya obey Him. I'l serve Him and if He says to serve Adam I shure the fukk will. This shitt should never happen again.


surgrass, like i said before i just dont except you premise....i as far as the stickleback, which seems to be the favorite of the Darwin/Lamarck theorists, you have to realize the fish mutation was not observed to mutate, people found the fish as is... No observations were made of this fish evolving, nor were observations made that the information in the genome was added. The FACT that the gene was there that made the trait, proves that the gene was in the genome to begin with. Was the trait Witnessed to be a mutation? No. Also, a quick observation of more advanced fossilized fish, we see spikes, and armor on fish...Did you see a transitional fish/fossils or something?
here's a link to wrap your mind around
explain forward evolution with the loss of information?

has anyone else seen this? James Casbolt (former MI6 agent) relesed this photo..
wtf? i believe that Edward Bulwer-Lytton was right!
reptilians are alive and well!
most dont even know about the thule or the vril i bet...
also,here's a good site for everyone interested in ancient texts..


Active member
Wow! I noticed that somma them links got somthin to do with what Im sayin. Thats just fukkin incredible. I usually dsont do links caussa how long they take so I only looked at the first one but I seen one on the side that said"fallen angles". Thats just fukkin crazy. Same shitt I come up with. Theyr the devils. :abduct: I figured this out durring this thread. I aint been to a movie in bout 30 years. So then is this what that "Angles and Demons" movie was bout? Wow. So other folks see this too then huh. Cool. :abduct: Yea see, its bout genetics. It aint bout who been bad or good, its bout who's who and who can cry out to the Lord the loudest. I figure prolly most folks that are chozen are prolly good people. James says you'l see works to suport theyr faith. It aint the work that brings the faith, its the faith that bringa the works and the faith comes from the New Heart we'r given when we'r chozen. All the "work" is done by God. We cant do anything to save ourselves. It all depends on who He wants and who He choses. And how much we beg Him. We can beg too. Thats one way in. Sometimes if ya beg enoughf He'l save ya if He choses too. Kinda like when a cat gets stukk in the boarded up buildin next to ya and keeps myowin. Ya hear it everytime ya leave for work but your bizzy. Pluss you got your own cat to keep. But ya hear him for 3 days and he gets more and more pannikt. Hes startin to realize hel die in there if he dont get out. He gets fainter by the next day but when ya come home you can hear him cryin, It just gets to be too much so ya start pullin wood offa the window and ya get the cat out. You "save" it. Not cause it was on your list buty because you wer perswayded. Sometimes God can be perswaded like that. Its a good idea to do this like the cat just in case you aint chozen. Just in case you aint on the list. Theres no future here on earth with these devils. They TOTALLY fukkt up the Garden. If your mom kikks ya outta the house for ruffhousin and ya wanna get back in waddaya do? Do ya keep kuttin up outside while your bein punished, or do ya act repentfull? Well anyhow, far as I can see I got it prety well figured out.:abduct: Hey, who wer the "low brows". Wer they decended from Adam? Is that why the devil wanted to bread them outta existance? I got lotsa friends with just one eyebrow. If I aint mistaken Niel Young got just one eyebrow. Big motherfukker too. Somtimes it lookes like hes playin a uekilaly. Sometimes I think thats why Zappa never fukkt with Niel. I figure Zappa was prolly scared that Niel would kikk his ass!

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
After trying to load that vid my comp froze up t.baggins. Finally watched it, looks interesting but pics can be manipulated.

I don't know about the thule or vril, would like to know, any links would be appreciated. Also, who is Edward Bulwer-Lytton?

Beam me up scotty...:abduct: LOL


After trying to load that vid my comp froze up t.baggins. Finally watched it, looks interesting but pics can be manipulated.

I don't know about the thule or vril, would like to know, any links would be appreciated. Also, who is Edward Bulwer-Lytton?

Beam me up scotty...:abduct: LOL

Edward Bulwer wrote the book the "Vril, The Power of the Coming Race" that gives account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril".. http://www.sacred-texts.com/atl/vril/vrl00.htm

theirs a link between the vril and the Nazi UFOs... and the escape by high Nazis to Antarctica...(mabey due to the expected polar shift? idk yet)..
The Vril Society was founded as "The All German Society for Metaphysics" to explore the origins of the Aryan race, to seek contact with the "hidden masters" of Ultima Thule.. the Vril Society was also known as the Luminous Lodge, or the Lodge of Light, or the Brothers of the Light...The Thule Society was originally a "Germanic study group" headed by Walter Nauhaus, a wounded World War I veteran from Berlin who had become a keeper of pedigrees for the Germanenorden (or "Order of Teutons") ..they later joined Vril society... The NSDAP (nazi)(National Sozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterPartei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later... Dr. Krohn, who created the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist... i think i posting here before about spinning right angles (swastika) and zero-point energy... They claim the ability to travel in some inter-dimensional mode of channeled flight with the Jenseitsflugmaschine (Other World Flight Machine) and the Vril Flugscheiben (Flight Discs).....
ill find some cool links for you, if you still trust my links... i haven't had any problems with any of them iv ever posted..... anyhow, im not sure what to think of that pic either something (my 6th sense) tells me its real.... very interesting! maybe someone familiar with photo shop could pic it apart, tell me if its a fake??? :abduct:

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