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Rockwol+soil= ok?

I got a free clone from a local club, and being the noob i am, was wondering if the clone is rooted in rockwol can you trans. it to soil?

Moldy Dreads

Active member
It's not the best IMO, because you don't want the topsoil to dry out and then the rockwool could dry also constricting the fragile roots. That being said, I've gotten many rockwool cuts from clubs and they worked fine in soil. The cubes are usually small and a healthy root system will outgrow the dangers of constriction with a few weeks of veg growth. The main concern is for the small roots in the beginning since the top layer of soil tends to dry our before the rest does..It should be fine, just don't let the topsoil dry out.
What strain?
Thanks, I wont let it dry out. The baby isnt in the best condition but im going to try and get it better so we will see how this turns out. Sour Diesel strain.

One more question, how many plants can i keep healthy under a 400 HPS?


Like Moldy Dreads already said, don't let them dry out when they're young.

Just took a couple pics to show you what my rockwool clones look like in soil. I asked the exact same question in the chat room before I did it and was reassured by several people that I would be ok.


Thats whats up, thanks so much again. Maybe ill get some pictures on here, im on week 2 and a half from seed. Maybe i can get some knowledge from you educated fellas.
I've had upto 9 plants under a single 400w in my old closet.. not sure if you can do more.. I guess it all depends on your setup, scrogg or non, and how much bud you want to get per plant.. I got a nice yeild on mine, but nothing compared to some I've seen on here.


Well, the "General Rule" is to have 100w of HID light per plant... but up to a point as your lights get bigger, you can fit more.

The answer is at least 4 vegged for a few weeks then flowered, depending on your space restrictions. The number could go all the way up eight or so, but that's probably the upper limit I'd say on one 400w. YMMV.
Well ill only keep 2 per 100w of light. I have a pretty big space, its roughly H/8ft x L/6ft x W/6ft. They are just huddled in the corner right now. Pics will come when i get a camera, i planted 4 of my first seeds on the 8th of this month and they have shown much progress since i switched from the 250w MH 3 days ago. I also have more seeds that i put in some solo cups this morning. i have about 19 overall with 4 of them already well on their way. Not 100% on what the strains are, i know for a fact one is SOUR DIESEL, and some others will be PK. Ill be "weeding" out the low end plants as time goes by... Again thanks for everyones input/help. They are on 18/6 schedule by the way. Being the novice that i am, i must say watering in the right amounts is difficult, especially with the clone. I am worried about mold in the rockwol if i water tooo much.


Just plant them deep enough so that the rockwool is covered in top soil and then water normally.