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Coco Cab 09


Active member
Holy Cow that GA looks mighty tasty Old Soul.
You sure get a good sized plant out of that small pot.

Old Soul

Active member
easyrasta-thanks bro, she is pretty dark. She had 3 main branches and the 3rd one was shaded and stayed green, as well as a couple lower side branches but the rest of her is a very deep shade of purple. I think the chomskis are about 2 weeks, I have to check the dates on the bags, will let you know.

jamrockjay-she is dense for sure. I will get the final weight when she dries.

Seismic-thanks bro, she smells delicious. I have had the pleasure of smoking this cut before and she is a dream.

hazy-thanks brotha, she is actually in a one gallon bag. This next run is all 1/2 gal bags and 2 liter bottles.

peace all


You gona update this thread or what, lol jk
but not really


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
wanted to post sooner but woz't shure this thread woz still going? Nway i hope so :smile:

Old Soul

Active member
easyrasta, you crack me up bro. lol I will make sure to get some pics tonight. I have 3 chem 4 and 1 dpd that are 6 weeks. Everything else is between 3 and 5 weeks along. Those chomsky's are monsters, but no purple yet.

Hey Core, how goes it brotha? Sorry, I have been slacking big time. I will take pics tonight and get this thing updated. Definitely gonna go for a little while longer. It is getting very hot here already, probably gonna grow until august, and then take a nice month or so off. Love the new avatar btw.



Active member
Yeah it's getting hot and yeah, you been slacking.
I think we hit 100 degrees today. and will be more of the same for the next week. We like pics of barely flowering plants too, btw.

Old Soul

Active member
haha hazy, you're funny bro. The car said 102 when I went to pick up my daughter from school. I am not gonna like my electric bill. lol I will make sure to try and stay on top of this thread.

A couple group shots.


Chomsky-anyone got any ideas why the small leaves are curling like that?

Chem 4


Double Purple Doja


Master Skunkush


the White




Veg Upper and Lower




sorry I am so late to your thread Old Man!
you have some pretty mad heat huh?
maybe thats whats curling up them Chomskys??

I hope it works out for you though..

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
hey man it looks really really nice in here :respect:
and 100F = Jebbus H Christo's
i wish it were that hot here !!!!!!!!

man i really love your GA :canabis:
i smoked that strain with my friend when we went up to EC nugs/jugs
then i got cuts from it, my first ever
of course they didn't root :mad:
i also lost SSH at the same time :fsu:

what a beautiful plant, and very well grown my friend
kudos to you :bow:

Old Soul

Active member
Hey cellar, just consider yourself fashionably late. It's 100 outside, stays below 80 at the canopy. The chomsky's have grown just past the light, so am not sure what the temp is at their tops, maybe I should check that.

Brother Bear, thanks for the kind words. 100 degrees is nice weather, but then you think this is only May, in July it will be 115 and you need to find cover or a pool. lol I really love the grape ape, beautiful plant and great smoke. I am sure she could find her way to your garden if you wanted, wink wink.



yo bro they are looking sweet,
the curled up leaves on the chomski is normal, its the kush in her.
they were ready to flower when you took them, got to flower right after they root or they will reach the sky.

Old Soul

Active member
Good to know easy, thought it was something I was doing. I put them right into 1/2 gal bags and only let them veg a week. When I first put them into flower, I thought they were gonna be short, and then they just took off. lol Lesson for next time for sure. At least they are done stretching now.


dude how many strains do you work with???? Looks like you got a hefty list! The papya grabs my eye, almost got a greasy look to those leaves. Of course the DPD is amazing! Hardly see plants with just purple buds and not purple leaves!

Yea I was thinking the strain that has the curling leaves may be genetic like easyrasta was saying. I've had some strains with super curled leaves too, although the one you have here is the most curled for sure! Almost thought it could be too much nitrogen??? Anyways, looking great OS! Keep up the super work!

Old Soul

Active member
Hey caligreen, good to see ya bro! Right now I have Trainwreck, Dustin, Chem 4, the White, Double Purple Doja, Grape Ape, Green Crack, MTF, Master Skunkush, Deep Chunk X, Green Giant, G13 x Burmese, cat piss, strawberry cough, chomsky, and papaya. So 16 I guess. lol I haven't had a chance to smoke them all yet so I am still figuring out what I am going to keep. So far my keepers are Trainwreck, Chem 4, Green Crack, Double Purple Doja, and Grape Ape, still trying to decide on some of the others.

I had high hopes for the papaya, she looked and smelled great, but the taste and high was disappointing, so this is the last run with her. Even though I didn't like her, I just couldn't bring myself to kill the last cut I had. lol

The strawberry cough are cuts I took from seeds I popped. Don't know if they were crossed with anything as the person I got them from doesn't know how the buds got pollenated. My buddy ran the original seed plants I popped, the smoke was ok, but no strawberry flavor, so these cuts will get run and that is it with them. I have more beans if I want to pop more.

The 2 chomsky cuts I am just running for a friend to see if he kept the right pheno or not. I didn't keep a mother since I don't have the room right now but can get another cut if I like her.

The Master Skunkush is super frosty but has super low yields, so I am gonna run the last of her cuts and she will be done.

The deep chunk is an unknown cross. There are three posibilities in the cross but I don't even know what those are. Has a great smell and taste but she veg's so slow. I just got some Norcal Goo x Deep Chunk cuts gifted from Maj.PotHead so I think I will replace mine with his since it is a known cross. I think his veg's a little faster than mine as well.

I am still deciding on Dustin. I really liked the first run of her, but then on the second run she did not have the smell and flavor like the first one. Gonna have to figure out if it was something I did during dry/cure stage.

I still haven't smoked the cat piss, white, green giant, g13 x burmese, or the mtf. I have a white and mtf flowering now, and am vegging a cat piss and g13 x burmese right now. Gotta take cuts from the green giant so I can flower her.

It will probably take me the rest of the year to get through all of these and find out what I am going to keep or not. I am going to try and narrow it down to 9 or 10 so I can have some room to pop some of these beans I have.

As far as the leaf curl, I thought it might be nitrogen too, but for how big they are I thought they could handle the little bit I was giving them. Will keep an eye on them for sure.

Whew, that was a long post.


Looking great, Old Soul!
Man, you've got some variety in there! :yes:

:listen2: FWIW, I've gotta long flowering SSH that curls like that.

Ive heard it's a symptom of too much N &/or N sensitivity.

I've gone lighter on the N with her clone, while still avoiding yellowing.
She's still curly. :D

Maybe, that's just how she grows?
She's yet to burn...

Good luck! :friends:


No Longer a Human Watering Can
nice work man !!!! you have got a massive collection in your 16 >>>> i had papayaa running for a while it is so sweet i love it !!!!


Active member
Nice, Old Soul.
Hey i got those cuttings in coco and they're doing great. This Grape Ape bud didn't have a chance. I didn't either after i smoked a nice bowl or two. It locked me into this chair Sat. afternoon, and lights out.

Had a little left to wake and bake a friend on Sunday morning.
Thanks a million.


Grower of fine herbs...
WOW OS, you really got quite the lineup over here:yoinks: Cant wait to hear which of these ladies are gonna make your cut because I'm on the lookout for new genetics. So keep us updated on the smoke reports.. And man does that Grape ape evvver look Delish:headbange Keep up the hard work homie, because its definitely paying off!


Old Soul

Active member
Hey Peat, I think it was a combination of too much N and it being somewhat normal for this strain. Thanks for stopping by.:joint:

JACKtheREFFER-thanks bro, it is quite the collection, a little overwhelming at times, but I love it. My Papaya was not as sweet as I had hoped, got my last one in now at 6 weeks, gonna take her to 8 or 9.:friends:

hazy-good to hear about the cuts. glad you liked the grape ape, that purple kush was very stoney as well.:yes::headbange

NorthernKronic-thanks brotha, I will definitely keep everyone posted and let ya know what makes the cut.

Gonna try and get some shots tonight. The white is looking beautiful, and she is only 34 days in, 3 weeks to go. The MTF has a beautiful smell coming from her, I have a small one that has two weeks left.

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