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Wierd request for college paper


livin my way the high way
Alright so I have an 8 page paper due tomorrow. It's a refutation paper so I chose to an article supporting the war on drugs/weed and argue my side. I have all the info to support my side but I've had no luck finding a whole article why it should stay illegal. Please help me find this.
Hmm... you got me stumped. I guess cause its harder to smell other drugs through a cracked window... which means less opportunity to search and seize other weapons and such. They say marijuana is a "gateway" drug. I don't see it as a gateway for the user, but more as a gateway for the law.


Have you had a chat with Frank, he's very friendly and would love to fill you with his propaganda. I'm sure he could point you to some biased scientific 'research'.




livin my way the high way
I'm not askin to hav the paper written for me. I've been lookin for an article to refute for 3 wks. So far most are bullshit propaganda with no evidence to stand on. I need a good article that has so called fact and stats that are backed up. Thx to those who've already helped. Ima check those sites out now.


i think the point has been proven, marijuana should be legalized as there is clearly not a strong enough argument against it, if you have been looking for 3 weeks and found nothing then really you should say that in your essay.

Big D

I've had no luck finding a whole article why it should stay illegal. Please help me find this.

It might be hard to find a "whole" article against legalization but it is easy to find an article against legalization with "holes"!


Active member
You know it is not a good idea to wait till the last minute to do the paper then scramble around and try to do research at the last minute, There is plenty of good literature out there on MJ legalization though.

The WHOLE IDEA of college is to learn and not to scramble and cram last mnute.
Quit wasting your parents and government money and study and prepare more ahead....te he

That way you don't get your degree and still be a dumbshit! If I saw my granddaughter post that I would cut off her college money immediatly.

It is OK to party at college after assignments are done though.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Do your own fucking work.

Ass. I ACTUALLY WENT to college and I can tell you this....where I went, papers and presentations were done almost completely in groups (where people bounce ideas off eachother)...at least if you were a business major. It's not asking people to do your work when you just ask them for ideas....it's DOING RESEARCH.

Madrecinco...yeah he's a little last minute with it. I had to do the same in college sometimes. I had to work to live on top of goin 16 c. hours ( I tested *high* and my advisor reccomended I go over full time), so I had to last minute papers once in a while because I had to...I never slept in college, couldn't.

I remember a few papers I did last minute that ended up being some of my best pieces...haha.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
atleast you graduated..i bombed out, college wasn't for me..no disicipline..

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
atleast you graduated..i bombed out, college wasn't for me..no disicipline..

Oh I hear you....I'll never regret getting my education (regardless of the 30K bill I'm paying back)...but it's not meant for everybody. If I were faced that decision to go to college now, I might not....I don't see how kids can even do it if they don't have help. I guess I lucked out and my time was in the late 90's when things were easier along those lines...education was cheaper, rates were lower and there were jobs.

By the time I graduated in '02....yeah right. This state suffered recession followed by depression before anyone else felt it....there are no jobs. The big University kids are working as waiters and bartenders....underemployed.

:off2: sorry about that... http://www.legalizationofmarijuana.com/


Active member
Ass. I ACTUALLY WENT to college and I can tell you this....where I went, papers and presentations were done almost completely in groups (where people bounce ideas off eachother)...at least if you were a business major. It's not asking people to do your work when you just ask them for ideas....it's DOING RESEARCH.

Madrecinco...yeah he's a little last minute with it. I had to do the same in college sometimes. I had to work to live on top of goin 16 c. hours ( I tested *high* and my advisor reccomended I go over full time), so I had to last minute papers once in a while because I had to...I never slept in college, couldn't.

I remember a few papers I did last minute that ended up being some of my best pieces...haha.

Yeah me also...and I did not go to college till 38 years old......and I admit some of my best papers were rushed indeed.

Some state legislator here named Gordon made the Gordon Rule where college students had to write all these 5,000 word papers so thay can write when they graduate. I learned to hate old Gordon.

But wish my daughter were here as she did her thesis on MMJ....but she is in Caymen Island for her birthday.

I was just giving granny advise that I did not take myself once either.
College is killer anyway.....especially when you go later in life. I am pissed today as college tuition went up 8% even though my grandaughter has a "Bright Scholar" scholarship. It will go up for her anyway/.....
I don't see how ppl are going to be able to afford it in the future though.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
madrecinco....from 4 years ago, I was watching something about college tuition and how it would cost about a million dollars to send a kid to a state university...so now that's 14 years away and THAT'S what they're projecting!?!? How can people even do this? I stopped where I'm at...I can't afford to go any further (I could, I won't sign anymore loan papers though) and I'm still paying 200 a month...I have 17 years to go at that rate to get it paid off. If I can somehow pay the whole thing off this year (ahahaha...) I'll save about 8K on interest.

Congrats on your education....and doing it when you were older. I think I would be an even better student if I were to go back now.