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How Much Should It Really Cost?


Active member
Hello all,

I know a handful of other growers that have a surplus and no market fr their product.

I can score #'s 1500.

The place is lousy with top shelf buds.



yeah, shit varies so much from state to state that one grower in CA may have a personal surplus because of no market, yet bring some of the true chronic to the east coast - not nearly as common over here. prices can be jacked, and product is sucked up. just gotta find the right market, because you have your potheads who strictly only buy midgrade (like myself) and nothing better because of the high price.

no way in the world will i pay over $200 an ounce for weed. if i was making 50, 60k a year then MAYBE. i'll stay sober and enjoy having an extra 200 in my pocket


no way in the world will i pay over $200 an ounce for weed. if i was making 50, 60k a year then MAYBE. i'll stay sober and enjoy having an extra 200 in my pocket.

the MAJORITY of the weed the end end user smokes is commercial weed, no matter the quality. commercial grows are big, and sometimes massive. one guy with a 400 watter, on a perfect grow, may yield up to 400grams (14 ounces)...or as low as 5-7 ounces. lets say he gets the full amount at 14 ounces...it cost him a stack to start the grow, and $200 in supplies/electric costs.. $1,200.

around here, if grown properly (healthy plants and buds, good lighting etc) a zip of that shit could again go for 3-600/oz. dealers would be smart to sell at 400 an ounce because 500 or higher is the norm, for BEASTERS.

second....imagine having a 14oz harvest on such a small grow. keep...say...3 zips for yourself..9 left...off@400 a pop.. 3,600....$1,200 startup costs..

NOW imagine...a guy who has 5,000 or more watts and hundreds of plants... again, lets say 1g/watt max....5,000 grams...178oz..11 POUNDS.

say it cost them.. (which is all pure speculation) $500-1000 in supplies/electricity... a startup cost of $2-4,000 (lighting, seeds, equipment, etc.) so roughly say $5k, if not lets say it's super elaborate and say $10k startup cost, and a grand every grow in supplies...so..the first time around..

when selling top dollar/no discount, @400 a zip... $71k.


no wonder big dealers roll on 28s! 1 fucking grow you make $60k? not to mention every subsequent grow you make $70 with only upkeep costs?

in 1 year, say you get in 2-3 grows..almost a quarter of a MILLION dollars.

now, given, legal risks, high quality and high quantity of product make this for only certain types of people.

just goes to show you how much money is in the business..


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
an ounce is 28 grams, that would be about 10dollars pr gram.. thats not cheaper then amsterdam..

or a very likely amount to buy in amsterdam as noone knows how much an ounce is. they use the metric system :D

also the counter limit is 5 grams in coffeeshops, you cant buy more then that, but you will get a substancial discount allready at 5 grams.

normally illegal deals dont carry a discount in europe atleast not most places until 50+ grams

another thing that comes to mind is that us med clubs doesnt resemble an open market by far, its more like a coop.. almost alittle communist inspired hehe

.. lastly, its cheaper in other dutch cities then in amsterdam which is very touristy

if you ask for an "ounce" in Holland you'll be sold 100 grams.. thats a "Dutch Ons".. :smile:

I did mention elsewhere on this thread that a more reasonable price is 3-3.25 euros per gram on the "ons"

edit - LOL @ Metric Ounces... I know, I know...:D
My last grow was harvested on St. Valentines Day. The plants were rocking for a total of 118 days and my costs were around $30 an ounce.

The one part of your pricing formula missing is the risk of going to jail. If I sell you a lid and you get caught, you get a hand slap (in most states) and a road away from prison. On the other hand, if you give me up I could go to jail for life.

The price people pay doesn't even begin to cover that risk. What's your freedom worth?

That question has always resulted in me doing a personal garden for my own consumption as well as that consumption that a few friends who know I grow and who are unlikely to betray me. I don't even charge them.

Price is governed by supply and demand. As long as marijuana is illegal there will be more demand than supply IMVHO.

K+ to you Tony. Interesting thread and an interesting discussion to be sure.

exactly, it's tantamount to R&D... For anything.

I mean... it's obvious growing F2 seeds costs exactly the same as F1 seeds, but i wouldn't expect to pay nirvana 150 dollars nor would i expect to pay wallyduck 10 dollars, cause he is investing something other than money into it, he invested his time and knowledge.

If you are risking your home and your liberty you are free to charge WHATEVER you want... IE, when a friend ask me to do a run for em, i don't cahrge em what i got charged, do i? If the friend was too afraid to risk his own liberty, why not charge him for the privilege of unloading the risk onto me?


no way in the world will i pay over $200 an ounce for weed. if i was making 50, 60k a year then MAYBE. i'll stay sober and enjoy having an extra 200 in my pocket.

the MAJORITY of the weed the end end user smokes is commercial weed, no matter the quality. commercial grows are big, and sometimes massive. one guy with a 400 watter, on a perfect grow, may yield up to 400grams (14 ounces)...or as low as 5-7 ounces. lets say he gets the full amount at 14 ounces...it cost him a stack to start the grow, and $200 in supplies/electric costs.. $1,200.

around here, if grown properly (healthy plants and buds, good lighting etc) a zip of that shit could again go for 3-600/oz. dealers would be smart to sell at 400 an ounce because 500 or higher is the norm, for BEASTERS.

second....imagine having a 14oz harvest on such a small grow. keep...say...3 zips for yourself..9 left...off@400 a pop.. 3,600....$1,200 startup costs..

NOW imagine...a guy who has 5,000 or more watts and hundreds of plants... again, lets say 1g/watt max....5,000 grams...178oz..11 POUNDS.

say it cost them.. (which is all pure speculation) $500-1000 in supplies/electricity... a startup cost of $2-4,000 (lighting, seeds, equipment, etc.) so roughly say $5k, if not lets say it's super elaborate and say $10k startup cost, and a grand every grow in supplies...so..the first time around..

when selling top dollar/no discount, @400 a zip... $71k.


no wonder big dealers roll on 28s! 1 fucking grow you make $60k? not to mention every subsequent grow you make $70 with only upkeep costs?

in 1 year, say you get in 2-3 grows..almost a quarter of a MILLION dollars.

now, given, legal risks, high quality and high quantity of product make this for only certain types of people.

just goes to show you how much money is in the business..


and thats bullshit. its a security risk of monumentous proportions for one. and it is way too much work to part out the buds in zip increments. or i am really lazy... i don't know what kind of experience you have in the retail world but if you are a good "connect" you work all the time the phone doesnt stop ringing and at the end of a long day weighing bagging and exchanging you're fucking beat. trying to maintain a grow of any kind imo in that situation is not condusive to quality floral results.

i could be wrong here, and if i am, please give me the heads up....

if you grow in bulk your distribution channels are not retail, but WHOLESALE. you don't want to deal with the ankle biting "i only have $200 this week can i get you next time" fools... no matter how much you "mark up" your product... interacting with the end users gets really old really fast. BESIDES THAT DIRECT RETAIL DISTRIBUTION FROM A BULK GROWER IS SECURITY RISK GALORE

so lets look at the wholesale model, shall we?

5000w in flower, and a grower who knows his/her shit (ie 1gpw), growing a top shelf plant that gets $4000 per elbow...
Power is $1500 per month, location is $2500 per month, (and nutrients/medium/supplies is another $500 per crop, but we won't add those costs in right now).

$4000 per month just to stay in business... 1 pound to stay afloat.

5 lights = 10lbs. 10lbs = $40000. subtract the cost of business ($5000x2... 60 day crops remember), and what are you left with?
$32000. 3 crops per year (summer vacation bitches ha ha ha) not chump change by any means. Not baller shot caller cash, but thats comfy "regional manager" money. WAY MORE REALISTIC THAN INFLATED RETAIL NUMBERS.

15 lights... thats baller....


Lammen Gorthaur
You pay top dollar for seeds so you don't end up growing junk. I can think of no worse punishment than having a grow turn out to be a bust after all the work, blood, sweat and tears...

and don't you dare forget the worst of all - the risk you took to get nothing.

that's why I'll pay hard cash for genetics when I really want them. besides, supporting this community is more important to me than finding a seed price of $10 a pack.

I want results if I am going to take as huge a risk as growing and there is no substitute for a proven performer.

By the same token, if a breeder sends me crap they are going to know about now and forever more. There are vendors I will never trust because of an incident of sending me bullshit seeds that turned into junk plants. It's easy to say it is my fault if a grow goes bad, but how many grows do I have to document before someone takes my word that strain X is junk?

Well, what have you to say to that Tony? Pirate?


For years and years I've been buying meds from this person, that person. It's always a joke. Oh, this is good shit man! Oh, this is the last of it, if you don't want it I might not get anymore, blah blah....... And pay whatever they want, they have your seeds in a vice most of the time and you do the dance if you want anything at all. I'm rather stupid and start looking way later than I should, like almost out!

Anyway I've found a MMJ grower, the grows the best meds I've ever smoked, he's fair about the price (not my caregiver cause he has one already), lets me know when the crops are going to come in, lives close to me so I don't have to travel.

My point is................. This guy deserves what he ask's. I know the electricity he's using, the time he puts in, the spider mites and what ever comes along he has to deal with and even if the crop is going to turn out, no guarentees, right? My hat's off to him and I hope he keep's doing just what he's doing........

Sometimes cost (yes I'm a penny pincher) in this case has nothing to do with it!!!!!!

I've many, many times paid much more for NOTHING, it turned out.


I wish, i so wish i could grow this very moment. But, I want to do it right, with quality equipment and genetics, and a secure mind. I mean all things taken into considering isn't easy, and it takes time to launch it all at the same time...picking a grow room in your home, managing the temperature, odor control, power consumption, smell, noise, fire protection (alarms and extinguishers), etc. takes a lot of cold hard earned cash to get the "proper" setup with no strings left untouched.

My biggest problem..

Fan noise. Dunno how to avoid that one even with a ducting muffler DIY thing..


If you've ever personally known any growers before doing any type of growing and they hooked you up for way under street value and huge fat sacks, that's how it should really be as far as I'm concerned. But people need money and that's what it comes down to with selling weed.

Do hippies who give out free weed still exist?


Mourning the loss of my dog......
..........So the way I figure it, if I yield only 3 oz per grow (typically 3-6 oz), I've more than recouped my set-up costs after the first grow. After that it would work out to costing me roughly $50 per ounce. And that's based on worst-case estimates, high costs and low yields.

So worst case, production costs $50 per ounce. Even with a 100% markup, it could still be sold at $100 per oz for a nice profit. Now if you start talking larger-scale production by people who really know what they're doing, I'd bet a production cost as low as $10 per oz. is not unreasonable.

I don't know what my point is other than how ridiculous the cost of a product can become when the black market is involved. We have something that costs next to nothing to produce yet is worth more than gold in our current market. In a legitimate market, even with huge mark ups and high taxes, I think we'd still come out way ahead. We'd pretty much have to, because in a free, legal market price is based on supply and demand. As it should be.
I guess the missing elements in your cost figuring would be the cost of risk(going to jail), and of course the fact that many growers do not sell first hand, depending on the quantities the original grower produces the bud may go through 1-4 more sets of hands before it reaches the smoker, each set of hands takes a cut(just like the middle man in any retail situation).

I have a friend who got busted a few years back, he was transporting 9 pounds from one state, and delivering it to another state. He claims he was buying pounds for $2000 a pop(my jaw dropped when I heard this), this would be $125 per oz, a very good deal!

How was he getting this deal? Its because he was buying large quantities directly from a HUGE grower(or possibly a Canadian importer), if he was only buying 1 pound he would have payed much more for it I'm sure.

Larger growers can produce bud much cheaper than closet growers, when buyers take large quantities it makes life easier for the grower and so they get a price break.

So in short, bud is being sold for cheap, but only in quantities, or perhaps if you know a kind grower its being sold in small quantities for cheap to.

But as for how much bud should sell for? Ideally it should be free, and I'm sure the price would be close to that if it was legalized across the board.

In California, the relative freedom the medical MJ programs have enacted has dropped the prices in many areas, especially for bud that would be considered of adequate quality in most of the rest of the world but is not quite to the standards of the local picky smokers. Basically level of supply is slowly approaching the level of demand, basically because the large quantities of growers there have increasingly less fear of incarceration.

If bud was legalized to this extent across the USA, we would definitely see a major drop in prices, and if it was just flat legalized, I'm sure a 1/8 of weed would be as cheep as a pack of cigs or a 6-pack of beer.

For now, the best plan is to get as many smokers as possible responsible for producing their own smoke, and lessen the reliance on commercially produced bud, who are frequently busted and then lead to a drop in locally available weed.


Lammen Gorthaur
That's a non-issue. Duct boarding, rubber foam and that's the end of it. Fan noise is a no-brainer.