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Has nice weather reached your region?


TV said record high yesterday in Albany (NY) since like 1915. I think it was a record high where we live too. Another warm one today.

I need a personal record high...:abduct:



Active member
TV said record high yesterday in Albany (NY) since like 1915. I think it was a record high where we live too. Another warm one today.

I need a personal record high...:abduct:

No shit!! It was hotter in Albany yesterday than it was in Palm Beach!!!That dont happen too often,enjoy!!:woohoo:
haha Yea, my skirt didn't last long either!

Another gorgeous day today, though it actually hit 90 degrees!!! What happened to Spring?! haha = )


weed fiend
We had snow and 90+ degrees in the same month. April flurries aren't uncommon here but the heat is. This week looks to be 10 to 15 degrees cooler thank jebus.
Oh it's been GORGEOUS here the past week.. started around 20c and went up fast.. Tomorrow it's calling for 31C/89F.. and I live in canada!


Active member
just about gone but still in the mid 20s no rain yet though. A great OD season down in OZ.
It's always warmer here than any place else (I am in weed smoker hell)

i beg to differ...

I remember mid January seeing one of those temperature billboards displaying 94 degrees!

In my part of the woods people don't often look at a thermometer, so realizing we have that kind of heat in the dead of "winter" kinda shocked me...


87-90 for the past 3 days. (west pa)

and, back to low 60s later in the week

I want to be a meteorologist in california. fucking easiest job, ever.


Active member
beeeeeeauuuutiful day in Florida today but granny fell yesterday and hurt myself and lucky I did not break sumthin' as us old ladies bones are chalk basically. But the bleeding was profuse to my laceration on my right hand and a huge hematoma to my right knee which is already F----D anyhoo. So NO KINKY SEX anytime soon te he.....the young here say EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW....but I am here to educate the young that OLD STONERS still do it....te he

But I m on coumadin[once rat poison BTW] as a blood thinner so granny bled out perty good.

But I am gonna live after that fall. after all........I AM SUCH A klutz these days.
so be nice to us old decrepite old geezers out here.

We need rain here as we are having a drought and Alligator Alley is on fire.
SWAMP ON FIRE??????????
Gonna drive those gators into our homes but I am on the 3rd floor ....
That does happen every now and then in Florida.

One lady near here called 911 one day to report and alligator came through her doggie door into her kitchen....and the 911 operator asked her if she was sure it was a gator. But a gator is a gator is a gator down here and we do get up close and personal here with gators. We don't walk small children and animals near our lakes or rivers here are they will be gator dinner. SERIOUSLY!!!!


ICMag Donor
damn madre, hope your feeling better girl!! Im such a klutz too!! ...always doing something to myself..I think I have a little poison oak too! hate that stuff! Take care of yourself madre!!


Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
beeeeeeauuuutiful day in Florida today but granny fell yesterday and hurt myself and lucky I did not break sumthin' as us old ladies bones are chalk basically. But the bleeding was profuse to my laceration on my right hand and a huge hematoma to my right knee which is already F----D anyhoo. So NO KINKY SEX anytime soon te he.....the young here say EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW....but I am here to educate the young that OLD STONERS still do it....te he

But I m on coumadin[once rat poison BTW] as a blood thinner so granny bled out perty good.

But I am gonna live after that fall. after all........I AM SUCH A klutz these days.
so be nice to us old decrepite old geezers out here.

We need rain here as we are having a drought and Alligator Alley is on fire.
SWAMP ON FIRE??????????
Gonna drive those gators into our homes but I am on the 3rd floor ....
That does happen every now and then in Florida.

One lady near here called 911 one day to report and alligator came through her doggie door into her kitchen....and the 911 operator asked her if she was sure it was a gator. But a gator is a gator is a gator down here and we do get up close and personal here with gators. We don't walk small children and animals near our lakes or rivers here are they will be gator dinner. SERIOUSLY!!!!
I hate this time of year in Florida, can't stand the smell of the state on fire. Got a fire burning to the east and the wind is blowing the stank smoke my way.


Active member
damn madre, hope your feeling better girl!! Im such a klutz too!! ...always doing something to myself..I think I have a little poison oak too! hate that stuff! Take care of yourself madre!!

Yeah I am OK BUT my pride naturally....I was just walking to my car and I caught my sandal on something and fell face forward and threw out my right hand which I lacerated to the bone on the pavement. But I hated that one of my neighbors saw me fall....EMBARRASING as I had on a dress and all the neighbors if they were looking out the window facing my car could surely see grannies drawers....glad I had some on......te he scary indeed!

But ppl fall here daily as I am one of the youngest residents here in these condos.... I don't know how I managed to get in such an old geezer place but the whole town is old geezer so I guess I belong here...Not much of an exaggeration but we do have a thriving young life here because of good universities and the beaches.

But thanks for your concern. Granny is too contrary to die yet......LOL


Active member
I hate this time of year in Florida, can't stand the smell of the state on fire. Got a fire burning to the east and the wind is blowing the stank smoke my way.

Yes my man has to drive to Ft Meyers and Sanibel/Captiva Island daily and the smoke is playing hell on his asthma. He retires in Sept and hope he lives through this drought. So with the swine flu ...smoke and pollen I am staying close to home with the grandbabies........

Florida is burning and we are surrounded by water...:wallbash:
Sorry to hear that you fell madre = / Me n' King just went out to grab dinner and I got a flat tire! haha We had to pull over and change it in the parking lot. It was a pretty interested 30 minutes, but we got through it w/ ease . . . and only one broken *nut* lol


We had nice weather on saturday, then there was a riot and well...Karma is a bitch. Finally got nice out again after 3 days of cold rain.

The riot wasn't about the weather, nor was it a true riot more of a street bonfire/ It was just a bunch of drunk college students who were pissed about a concert that got cancelled. Although I kind of wish I was there because it is just something I want to experience in my life, and I saw it right as it was starting. Then in the paper the next day there was a picture on the front page of a cop kicking a guy into a fire, and another one where the cop was macing the journalist taking pictures. All sorts of horrible things were done that day but I have gone too off topic. Sorry.:rant:
Yea it's starting to get a little dry here too! Thankfully the temperature went back down to "normal" Spring weather ~ 65 n' sunny!!!