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Obama will Prosecute Medical Marijuana Providers

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Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Obama reads well... That's about it...

Get mad all you want. But nothing has changed nor will anything change. There have been two threads about raided dispensaries in Cali, do some research.

I don't live in Cali so that doesn't really apply to me. As far as going into massive debt, that is never a good idea.

Why don't you calm down a little Rain

Yesterday Obama said he was cutting 100 million from the administrative budget. If you make 75,000.00 a year, that's like saying you will not spend 150.00 of it...

Big Government is BS, good of you to fall in line though. Obama will need it for 2012.

Hillary was such a better choice, her husband was one of the most successful presidents ever. So what if the man liked a blowjob, what man doesn't?


ICMag Donor
Rainman, you are defending big government because you work for them stealing other peoples kids away. How can you sleep at night man?
You don't understand the point people are making here, you are defending somebody who is against US. Why? I know, because they paid for your job and you are feeling obligated to defend your master. Right?

I don't think those comments are necessary.....

The fact is, these arrests occured prior to Obama taking office. He can pardon these people but he has no right just throwing them out. I'm hoping he will look at each case singularly and pardon the ones that are incarcerated for solely convicted for supplying medical marijuana.

Like was stated earlier, I have yet to see an arrest for medical marijuana since he took office. Hopefully it stays that way...


I wanted Ron Paul, but realized I had to choose between Obama and McCain; it was like a repeat of the Kerry/Bush Deusch v Turd Sandwich.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Just so yall know California Cannabis Incorporated is a fantasy, I don't really sell weed.


But then again they claim he sold cannabis to minors, (because they were under 21) and apparently a lot of his herb was found in non patient hands.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]

It sure is a fantasy we're just some net geeks that wanted to look cool and we don't sell cannabis of any sort...

What a horrible time guys and gals this country is a fucking joke, I'm so damn offended that my government takes me for a idiot. Like I don't know cannabis is a harmless substance but yet it's such a BIG deal but I was able to get Methadone legally with NO problem sure give out legal heroin like it's candy and keep bars and liquor stores everywhere they wont figure it out... FUCK YOU I SAY!!!!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Please read the threads you are talking about and get some 'facts'!! No arrests since the anouncement of anyone following the state laws has occurred. Period!

Bobby - (aka Peanut Butter) Why should I calm down? I am not the one spreading bad/wrong info. on the boards about half truths and straight BS. That would be you and your 1500 deaths a day! Why dont you tell us where that # comes from by the way?? Big Gov.? As far as I can tell you and I have had a big gov. since the 30's! You guys are all the same. Fight the system, big gov. is bad, your are a sheep if you dont listen to me, fall in line, etc..... have you seperatists ever thought that maybe you are not worth following? Maybe the reason you cannot get on the same team is you cant offer anything of value to the real cause except lips service paraphrased from Rush and GlennB. and people with any sense just dont want to be lead by the trailor park American freedoms brigade. You make accusations and cast aspusions but for what? Big gov is evil!!! Really? None of us that voted for Obama or would give his policies time to work ,would have thought that of course, being the sheep we are. The choice is big gov. for the people or big gov for the companies. Now that is your reality.

Quote:Like it or not.Rainman, you are defending big government because you work for them stealing other peoples kids away. How can you sleep at night man?
You don't understand the point people are making here, you are defending somebody who is against US. Why? I know, because they paid for your job and you are feeling obligated to defend your master. Right?

Anarchist - Rarely do I come across anyone as childish and small as you so I hope this doesnt come across as harsh. You dont know me and you dont know what motivates me. I work for CPS proudly because people like you think it is ok to beat and maim children and I think my understanding of what we are talking about is a bit more than you would give me credit for. As far as my sleep, its best when I have gone into a home and told the parents you will no longer be beating the shit out of your kids, molesting them, or allowing your boyfriend to sleep with them. People like you think it is ok to put out cigs on their backs, sale them for meth and sex, probe their parts with objects like broom handles and hammers. You see I live in the real world were I hope to put people like you in jail for very long periods of time. If you think its stealing you are a fool since I place most with their extended family anyways. My testimony/investigations have sent people like you to jail for life and I enjoyed every second of it. You see, you can say its about money (65k a yr with overtime is nada in Cali.!!) or protecting my master but really its just about kids. When you hit puberty and start making babies with your sister you will see how important they are. Until then you are just in the way here.


Active member
Anarchist - Rarely do I come across anyone as childish and small as you so I hope this doesnt come across as harsh. You dont know me and you dont know what motivates me. I work for CPS proudly because people like you think it is ok to beat and maim children and I think my understanding of what we are talking about is a bit more than you would give me credit for. As far as my sleep, its best when I have gone into a home and told the parents you will no longer be beating the shit out of your kids, molesting them, or allowing your boyfriend to sleep with them. People like you think it is ok to put out cigs on their backs, sale them for meth and sex, probe their parts with objects like broom handles and hammers. You see I live in the real world were I hope to put people like you in jail for very long periods of time. If you think its stealing you are a fool since I place most with their extended family anyways. My testimony/investigations have sent people like you to jail for life and I enjoyed every second of it. You see, you can say its about money (65k a yr with overtime is nada in Cali.!!) or protecting my master but really its just about kids. When you hit puberty and start making babies with your sister you will see how important they are. Until then you are just in the way here.


great post! best thing i've read in any forum in a long time-

now hopefully you will not take this as an act of spamming:biglaugh:


well I have to say that the two party system is equally representive of our elective choics for pres:dueling 12 shades of brown that both smell bad,and unlike anyone here soap works when they take a shower,mirrors reflect back what you see,we say what we like not what we need.
rain I don't think it's aso much about winning,but realising that our gov is hopelessly corrupt with undue influence expressd in terms of war,the merging of financial and goverment is now de facto facism as the lies that their balance sheets are (banks)are on less equal footing than the used asswipe i flushed o r the chickenshit between my toes.so iran next or how about the weapons we sent israel so they could use things like white phosphorus shells,or the new tungsten enrinched explosive that turns the blast into sonic guilloitine to flesh vaporizing whole limbs of those unlucky to be within the concussion blast.
the goverment is for the people wrong!it's for the elites (corporations,nations)
our foreign policy is dedicated to the spread of democracy and human rights!wrong our foreign policy is manipulated solely for strategic and economic interests.
look up to see the top 25 most censured stories of 2008 and think how they directly effect each and every tax paying american or g-8 conutry. now when you have answered those questions ask are we sheep?duh!or are we already sheared..
that hollow feeling in your stomach is from the realisation that the two party system manipulates minor differances,but on the largess of iraq,the bailout they are both the same and equally complicit in doing away with depression era laws such as the glass steagall act that seperated commercial banks from investment banks.
or how about the patriot act slipped into congress the day before they are supposed to vote on it?you want to know who reads 10000 pages of legalese a night? nobody you would want to know unless you got into trouble maybe,whomever voted for that bill is a sellout to pressure(bush) and the american people.
the sad fact of american politics is it sux the only bright spot that gives me hope is state referendums,propositions.as being direct line common sense salutions that can only be manipulated by propaganda (advertising)by opposing corporations employee unions.prop 13 prop 36 prop 215 fine examples of an electorate taking action against bad goverment.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
No arrests since the anouncement of anyone following the state laws has occurred. Period!
I believe there have been 6 raids of CA dispensaries since Obama took office, one right after AG Holder made his statement about not busting law-abiding dispensaries. I don't know if any actual arrests were made, but it seems pretty obvious to me that what Obama and the AG said mean nothing when it comes to what the DEA is or isn't going to do.

And really, why should it make a difference? The DEA has always said they go after dispensaries that break both federal and state law. What Holder said was just reiterating this policy. So nothing has really changed, nor should we expect it to based on what's been said and done so far.

And until marijuana is rescheduled or the CSA is done away with, we should not expect anything to change. Getting your hopes up based on what a politician says for a sound bite is pointless. The law is the law, and people sworn to uphold that law will continue to do so until the law changes. Anything short of a change in the legislation is just PR and means nothing.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Aroma where is the link and if im correct all were evading taxes into the millions! Tell me one private enterprise that would get a pass on that? I dont understand why it has to be as ridiculous as going to your freedoms and losing your rights and its Obama's fault! How? He did not make it illegal and plainly told everyone listening he was against legaliztion but states could make their own MMJ laws and the feds would stay away. That has happened and the DEA hasnt done anything! I repeat!! Anything to otherwise go against that. It isnt about rights and representation! It is about a singular issue that most on here cant put into perspective in the own lives and want to blame anyone especially their own gov, for their short falls and dissapointments. The government is not here to opress you or take away your rights as a citezen to smoke herb. We live in a capitalistic democratic society. Who didnt think big money/elites and politics rule? Been that way since the start. I dont recognize any names other than old rich white guys on all my country's historical documents! The thread is about the ongoing prosecution of at least one guy who was sitting on 2 million and selling to anyone who wanted herb. Regardless of whether they had a script or not. OK? Did I miss where that was a grab on my freedoms as an Amercian?


You can believe that trailor park logic if you want but, he was elected by the vast majority of the PEOPLE!! One of the largest victories in history, I might add!!!
Every place that people got to vote about marijuana, weed got more votes than Obama did. Do you think Obama is mad about that? Is that why he laughs at us?

Again, he never said he was for legalization and actually said he was against it so what has he deviated from?? Nada!! I see a bunch of whiners but no proof! Wheres the proof???
By the time he was running for president, Obama had backed down to hints only.

However, early on he spoke out about the entire war on drugs.

Never a promise, always an opinion and a hint.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Obama is a pussy, he laughed and joked that he "even" got mail asking him to legalize MJ. He had to publicly make a mockery out of it. I bet you he smoked tons of bud and is just a pussy scared to stand up for what he believes...but then again it could cost him alot to man up and support the casue. I emailed his office and I imagine thousands did too. While it was good he brought up the issue, he did it in a lame ass way by scoffing at it while he said it...

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Aroma where is the link and if im correct all were evading taxes into the millions!

Here are a few stories about that last raid:


I can't find anything where the DEA commented on why they conducted the raid other than the dispensary was in violation of some state law.

But let's say they were in violation of a state law for whatever reason. Since when is it the federal government's job to go after those who violate state law? It's just a way for them to spin what they're doing into sounding like they're just going after the really bad guys who are abusing the system. Again, what they've always said. And I would put money on it that after every future raid the DEA will say there was a violation of some unnamed state law. Which would not even be allowed to be mentioned in federal court where state laws are irrelevant.

I don't mean to be negative, but I'm not going to start celebrating until I see an actual change in federal legislation. Until then, it's all just talk. Same shit, different day.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Danut - You now have my attention! More votes for weed? What are you talking about? Where did that happen? Again all conjecture and rambling! He hasnt changed his stance once on the issue. Prove me wrong.

As for working for CPS? Guilty! Thinking im in charge? Never! Helping "you" think properly? Impossible. Got it?

Moldey - Great contribution. What if your cause isnt his cause? Again has nothing to do with the thread. ANd all you are doing is giving your op. of Obama and nothing more. He didnt bring up the issue, he was asked his stance on it.

Joey - Good spuedo-racists reference to our Black Pres and historical sterotypes! But still got nada to do with our little discussion. Real smooth.

Aroma - Good stories but no facts like I said. You gotta get your news from somewhere other than "stopthedrugwar.org" anyways! Look!! You are enjoying the most openly tolerant culture for MJ on the planet. Everyday, I see major news stories on the debate from big news outlets. I can legally grow and possess up to 2lbs of weed at any one time and you want to tell me its not a time to celebrate? Come on! You have it better right now than you ever have when it comes to herb. Obama is not the Anti-Christ! He just doesnt see weed as a top 10 issue affecting the country.


Active member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rainman again.

BTW anyone who truly protects innocent children is cool in my book.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Whatever Rainman. You are obviously part of the Hope crowd. Hope it works, but the numbers just don't.

If you knew anything about actual business, then you would know you are wrong. Chances are you are someone else looking for a handout.

Thing is I don't care what you think. You are nobody. Just a ranting Obama follower. I already said Clinton was much better suited for the job. I think Glenn Beck and Rush are laughing all the way to the bank. They do radio, which is crap. I get my talking points from business, since I own 3. That's what matters to me.

Tax me, and I'll just let go of employees. Like EVERY OTHER BUSINESS. Including the Govt. and there huge 100 million dollar budget cut...What a joke.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Bobby - What numbers are you referring to? Please do share. Actual business? You own 3? Me looking for a handout? Tax you? Bobby you dont own any businesses. You are prolly a 1st year general ed student at a jc, if in school at all. Business owners arent quoting Frank Lucas and actin like little turds on ICmag during the day. Let alone the owners of 3. Lets be real with that and understand you are a faker and Rainman knows it. Me looking for a handout hasnt happened since I last tried to steal sips of my uncle's brew at family gatherings.

And lastly, You dont care about what I think? Im a nobody? My babies think im a tickle king of the pillow castle fights!!! So shows you!! I am somebody dammit!!!

Back to the topic. Can we please show the people where we were better of with repubs., conserves, and not the current guy. Any ideas on how it would be better on another path? For all this irrational reaction, I have yet to see where he hasnt done a stand up job on most issues he is dealing with. I just want some rational debate and not this Obama is a pussy stuff. Anyone?
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