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I have a request.



First off my Hat is off to all the wonderful posters here in this forum.
This forum has revived me from a MJ website funk I was in.
Burn out.

My request is that the posts have better spelling and better paragraph formation.

I have a hard time separating the flow of ideas in a post if the entire post is one large block.

I have given up on some posts when I can't determine the relative connection of one sentence and another.

Indented paragraphs mean I'm starting the next idea ( to me ) Or Changing the focus of subject from the previous paragraph.

The enjoyment of your written opinions is the goal. I want to understand what your are writing.

Please take time to format your posts and please use a spell checker. Mine is automatic with Mozilla Firefox AFAIK.

It will make this old man's time here more enjoyable and make all of us look better in the eyes of the general reading public.

We have something to say and let's look good doing it!



ICMag Donor
There are people from all over the world who access this website. Good point, we need to make it as easy for us to interpret as possible.. I've seen some of what you are talking about... People will learn eventually... You have to make things readable if we are to get anything accomplished... :)

This was probably not the right forum to bring up this topic in though...


Active member
Yea I agree, we should all take some more time to format our posts and go back, proof read them/spellcheck at least a bit if we expect a decent response from someone else.

In my opinion.


I've seen some pretty bad threads/posts on here, although it has been awhile.

Sometimes the punctuation is so bad that they might as well not have even used their space bar.

The particular thread I am thinking of, has the main post edited, but I scavenge up some examples of what people said about it ( kind of funny).

hahahah I thought dude was either really stoned when posting that (and anyone who made sense of that posting mustve been high as hell too) or when he went back and edited the post, something got lost in translation. A page down, I still am not sure what the hell he meant.

Me neither. I still can't really make heads or tails of what he was getting at.

May I make a request. Upon starting a thread, please use the proper punctuations, a period here, a coma there... Really helps to put things into perspective.

original poster post's :

yeah im always stoned init thats why i always ask these funky questions

all right with the punctualtion i just wanted to ask about when people dont smoke/cold turkey ect. and i was wondering about what happens to me and another friend when we dont smoke for a while.i know my punctuation is very bad and im sorry.

It's kind of sad, An I am not trying to pick on anyone, and I understand this is a Cannabis forum, an most people are posting on the go so to speak, but still :wallbash:

I think the people who post poorly are still in high-school/underage.


I weel trie and do bettur on mi speling and punkuation in the futture.

Mebbe sum of these pepples is used to texting alot and they dont take time.Mydog is barking now outsid.better see what she wants



That's funny and I like that.

Your point is clear and your humor understood.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Good idea jack. This will help lower the number of arguments, based on bad communication.

Just a nice guy

I agree!!!!

also trying to get my post count up... really appreciate the forum to do so... wish i could be more articulate, but my spelling is impeccable.


hey, I'm using voice recognition software.

hey, I'm using voice recognition software.

don't sell your self short. :) you have a witty bill maher quote

Dear hash,

I am trying out the voice recognition software in Vista.
wow, it's hard. This will take some practice.

I can understand how people don't want to have someone telling them do this do that. All I am pointing out is that we look stupid sometimes even when what is being written is intelligent. The reader may very well for go struggling with an intelligent but poorly formatted post.

I don't want that. They don't want that.

Enough said on this issue.

So here is my first speech to text post.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I have to type because my brain has no filter. I just type away and try to delete most of the dumb shit, and organize a little.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
My request is that the posts have better spelling and better paragraph formation.

I have a hard time separating the flow of ideas in a post if the entire post is one large block.

With regard to spelling, there is absolutely no excuse. When the second you type a word and it's underlined in red, it's only laziness that stops one from correcting it. Or being in a hurry, which is OK as an occasional excuse.

With regard to the more general issue of constructing complete sentences and dividing those sentences into paragraphs, it's not so simple. Many native English speakers in the U.S. are simply incapable. I speak from first-hand experience, as someone who has taught at the college level. I was constantly amazed at the amount of trouble so many upper-level college students had with the English language. And I'm guessing the number goes up with people who have not had a college education. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not blaming the people. I'm blaming the educational system in the U.S. No one should be granted a high school diploma unless they can, among other things, compose and write a proper English sentence.


that is great jack but tony is right

I'm one of those tony speaks of my teachers hated me they used to make me write reports over and over. when i got to high school that all ended. if you were not an honor student then you did not matter much basically sorry your on your own.

some people are born with no natural ability to write it wasn't like i tried

it does make learning more difficult.

Many people also come from broken homes with a single parent working 3 jobs.

I just love online people who insult and bash people over the spelling and writing it goes to show how much they really know about the world.


I agree there's quite a bit of people with very poor writing skills here. Problem is, they will probably not read this thread. It is what it is...