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How to Garden By The Moon



Heehee, I'd RUN back to civilization and worry about planting later..lol.

All you need is an accurate clock and a copy of Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book, take them with you to the wilderness with you so you know date, time and have book to look up when is best to Moon Garden. It also has the best hunting and fishing dates and times so you can eat in the wilderness... :D

HELP ME!: I have a 400 watt problem. What do ya'll think is wrong?

Turned on 400 watt this AM. Bulb glows, but does not light. Changed to new bulb. Same thing.

So I changed cords and light fixtures and used a 3rd new 400 watt bulb. Same thing. Bulb glows, but does not light. Has a lot of strobe thingy going like it's trying to fire bulb, but can't.

Gotta be the new ballast I got in December huh? Opinions sought.

You get that fixed? Have you used that ballast before? My homeboy has a 600 watt ballast with a 400 in it. If you have no warranty or you cant take it back open it up and see if you cant fix it, if it is phuckt. whatever it is i hope you get it str8nd out.


Guess I'll just send it back to the factory. Such a shame, only 2 months old. Thanks!


Discount-Hydro has a new one in the mail already. They are so good at customer service.

Got the old one in a box and taped it up!


New member
Hi Lola, what a great thread you've created here! I was wondering where you gater your astrological info from, the moon phases are a no brainer (just look up at night, or use a calendar) but I'm unsure where to find the astrological aspect of your methods. I was hoping of highligting the dates or weeks on my calendar by color to correspond to the times that are good for cloning, repoting, trimming/pruning, harvesting etc. to have a quick reference at a glanse. I'm just unsure where to gather such info, and you are so knowledgeable on this subject. Thank you very much in advanse for an answer.


Hi Ya'll!

Good planting tomorrow nite after 8:22 PM EST, All day Saturday and Sunday!

Moon in 3rd quarter and Scorpio. This will be great for cloning and planting!

I'm being took over by my clones! They grow about 2 inches every day! All my seedlings are doing great.

My SSH does not look happy. It's not growing as fast as the others. I wonder if there is any knack to growing SSH?

Still puffin and transplanting! Gonna have to put a bunch of the clones into 8 inch pots or bigger. Little buggers are already putting roots out the bottoms of their pots! And the Ice Cool in the big 8 inch pots are popping roots out the bottoms already. Amazing.

I am getting tired of totin all this dirt and will be glad to get them all into big pots and get it over with....whew.

:dance: Thanks for stoppin in Ya'll...see ya later :dance:


Hi Lola Gal and everyone

wish to let you know about some seeds started last moon in scorpio days third quarter : it took little more to sprout (first I soak em one night , then plant in the jiffies), three days instead of two, and things seemed to be slow at the beginning, so the first repot happened after more than a week, the next water days.... now we are in the third week of veg and they are doing great....short internodes and powerful bushy vegging....today is libra moon and it would be nice to flip 12/12 but it's too early...maybe I'll flip em from fluo to hps...

I also planted some seeds during new moon....just to try (all cause I missed the first quarter last moon and didn't want to wait so long till another) they all came out and are entering now the second veg week....just starting to explode....lol

all the best


Puffin' In The Moon Garden

Puffin' In The Moon Garden

Howdy Ya'll!

Getting ready for the big transplanting tonight. Had to buy some yucky Miracle Grow Soil I hate that stuff, as I seem to be fighting the pH the whole time I use it. Lots of rocks and sticks as well!

Thanks for stopping by Pinball Wizard, Pirate, and GraceWeed. It is nice to see ya'll hanging around!

I'm having a lot of fun here testing ballasts and getting ready for flipping, which I still haven't done...heehee. I have the world's oldest vegged plants. lol.

My Cali Orange Mom had lots of tops, so I have been LSTing them and getting a big bushy plant going. It's working pretty good.

My Rhino Mom seems rather thirsty now that I have the pH back in a more normal range of 6.5 runoff. Watered her last night till she had a little drainage. Lots of new tops on her since LSTing.

My best fertilizer additive to date has been Worm Poop! I can tell a big difference in the plants that have had Worm Poop added to them. That Worm Poop is some good stuff.

Well, I better go tote me in some Miracle Grow Potting Soil from the car and start flushing some dirt. Hope I don't fill up my bathtub with perlite..haha. Too cold out to do flushing outside where it belongs!

Does anybody have any idea how much of the added MG fert I can get rid of by flushing, etc.?

Thanks for coming by!


Oh...Lazy Me!

Oh...Lazy Me!

Howdy Ya'll! :D

Whooo Doggies! I sho nuff be high today...(big grin.)

I was so lazy last night I did not flush my potting soil before using it...!!!! I am such a bad girl! I hope they do not suffer for it, but will instead Thrive in the wonderful Miracle Grow-i-ness.

Well gonna go upload some pics to my album...see ya'll in a couple hours..haha

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
The flush is only helpful for starting seedlings...IMO...straight transplants...not necessary....except, it settles the soil.


Back from DialUp Hell.....

Back from DialUp Hell.....

Lot's of good stuff to show ya'll from the Moon Garden today!

First Up, Here's the Moms after LSTing the heck out of them. Soon to flip!

Now here's one of my star pupils....White Widow Hog. Planted on Valentine's Day.

Just had to show ya'll how my clones are doing! Here's a before and after!

Those are my Cali Orange Clones and look how good the roots are doing!

:dance: Thanks for coming to visit! :dance: Keep planting and cloning today....Moon is perfect for rooting and cloning! See what happens! Those roots are from 3rd quarter cuttings when Moon was in Scorpio!


Garden Nymph
Hey Lolagal!

I planted 2 Mandala #1 beans on Saturday. Thought I'd take advantage of the good vibes. Your clones are looking good, especially in that last picture!


I have been having terrible germrates lately, even with newly sent seeds.I am using like always, reverse osmosis water, paper towels and heated seedmat, etc. I'm going to try this and see if my rates go up. Gotta do something.


Hey Lolagal!

I planted 2 Mandala #1 beans on Saturday. Thought I'd take advantage of the good vibes. Your clones are looking good, especially in that last picture!

Thanks Hippie! Thought I'd do a before and after. Little rascals are about 1 foot tall already! How you been doin? Good to hear your Mandala beans are in the dirt. Can't wait to see. Post me a pic if you get the time!


I have been having terrible germrates lately, even with newly sent seeds.I am using like always, reverse osmosis water, paper towels and heated seedmat, etc. I'm going to try this and see if my rates go up. Gotta do something.

I don't think plants like being started in a paper towel. Too un-natural. I put mine in proMix, and cover, add water. I always get 100% germ with this method. Stick around, and I'll give you a good date to plant. I will make your thumb green with the power of the MOON...lol


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Thanks for this "illuminating" thread LolaGal! You certainly are a busy little bee, I remember it was just a couple months ago you joined this place...And now you are the star of the Growing by the Moon scene.

BTW -it works so well it can not be refuted. Thousands of years of experience with growing plants of all kinds has led to this knowledge.

Perhaps we should revitalize the Astrology for Growers thread and learn even more about how the moon, sun, and planets affect the world.

I thank you again for sharing the knowledge, and best of all, insisting on not arguing about it! Either one believes, and tries it, or they don't. Everyone is different.

But plants are plants, with their own individualities...!



Thanks for this "illuminating" thread LolaGal! You certainly are a busy little bee, I remember it was just a couple months ago you joined this place...And now you are the star of the Growing by the Moon scene.

BTW -it works so well it can not be refuted. Thousands of years of experience with growing plants of all kinds has led to this knowledge.

Perhaps we should revitalize the Astrology for Growers thread and learn even more about how the moon, sun, and planets affect the world.

I thank you again for sharing the knowledge, and best of all, insisting on not arguing about it! Either one believes, and tries it, or they don't. Everyone is different.

But plants are plants, with their own individualities...!


ROFL, "star of the Moon scene", Groovy man! Picture me as Jane Goodall of the MJ Moon Garden. Thanks for the kind words! I better do a search on the Astrology for Growers thread, never heard of that before. Thanks.

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