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History Channel Aliens Crash Kokomo, Indiana


Active member
i believe in ufo's and seen some myself..

But i think that windmill just had its breaks broken.

We had a incident like that cuaght on camera in denmark last year.
It was spinning so fast and suddenly it exploding.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
That disc supposedly shot by the Italian Air Force is a hoaky hoax shot for sure.

It seems like it wasn't shot by the Italian Air Force, the location is simply close to a NATO air base in Italy.

The video has been in the hands of Italian UFO researchers since at least 2005 (before it was posted on Youtube) and has not been proven a fake by anyone smart enough to explain 'how' it was done, and how it shows. Which doesn't exclude that it could be a fake. Or the real deal.

i think that windmill just had its breaks broken.

We had a incident like that cuaght on camera in denmark last year.
It was spinning so fast and suddenly it exploding.

The problem here is that the turbine was hardly spinning at all, at a wind speed of 5 km/h.

The 'official' investigation established that the rotor blade broke due to a broken bolt.

You could just as well turn it around and say that the bolt broke because something interfered with the rotors.

If there was nothing more to it, that would have been a logical assumption. But in this case, there are several witnesses reporting strange lights and objects in the sky above the wind turbines.


Aliens are real and they are on the earth.........How the hell do you think we got on this rock. HA HA Hell i bet they even have pot! Hope they have a peaceful agenda. I mean just think about the milky way galaxy.......its just one of billions. I feel one would be a fool to think we are the only ones that came from the big bang. LOL The numbers say its so. Just my .02 Have a good one fellow humans.


all praises are due to the Most High
all I know is that if I were piloting one of those ufos, I would no doubt fly it around everywhere and rub it in people's noses... so much cover ups and lack of ufos flying around letting everybody see for themselves just make me think it is because the ufos are man made and still in development stages... maybe when they are good and ready they will stage an alien invasion hehehe...

if they are not man-made, I wonder why aren't they showing off more often and in ways that no cover up would be possible? no interest in doing so? don't know.

btw, I have seen my share of ufos too, first hand witness, no doubt I saw what I saw, but could not identify what it was though, yet I saw it.



Domesticator of Cannabis
Aliens are real and they are on the earth.........How the hell do you think we got on this rock.

So we're aliens eH? I'm from this earth & will remain when I'm dead. I agree though other life forms are in the universe. If they're so stupid as to run into a fan that was barely moving than they're too stupid to travel outside of their own galaxies. Let alone pull off umpteen dozen cover ups.


That begs the question....do aliens drink and drive? I bet they do, sometimes.


Pull my finger
I heard it was DJ Shorts breeding facility that had just came down to deposit some testers. Check my gallery. LOL!


Pull my finger
I live near a town called Gulf Breeze. Ring a bell?? We see lots of strange things. Sometimes in broad daylight. Matter of fact, some folks claim to have seen a large object dive from the sky in to the canal here.

I have seen some strange things. Going across the bay, I saw what looked like a big ass silver blimp, but it never moved. Just sat there, then disappeared. I think the possibility is there. Especially when you consider that physicists are trying to prove the existence of "other dimensions" via particle colliders.
if aliens are sufficiently advanced to come here, they'd take one look at us and think "what the HELL are those aliens doing" and leave us well alone.. they wouldn't want anything to do with a "civilisation" like ours.

And that's if america didn't shoot them down.

The report of a UFO in lincolnshire, UK.. where do i start.. That area is the rednecksville of the UK.. and The Sun is a rag filled with pure, unadulterated bullshit.

I do believe in aliens, it'd be colossally arrogant to believe we were the only intelligent life, but they either aren't advanced enough to get here, or decided to give us a wide berth decades ago. If there are aliens, then homo sapiens is the scum of the universe.


They can convict a murderer with shotty camera work a half blind witness wearing sunglasses at night and a pubic hair found in a lake.. But multiple eyewithnesses from across the globe, civilians, ex-Nasa personel, pilots both armed forces and commercial are all just seeing farts in the wind set on fire...? Yea, OK...


Active member
I used to LOVE the history channel before it turned into the scifi/paranormal channel. Totally ruined it..


Domesticator of Cannabis
They can convict a murderer with shotty camera work a half blind witness wearing sunglasses at night and a pubic hair found in a lake.. But multiple eyewithnesses from across the globe, civilians, ex-Nasa personel, pilots both armed forces and commercial are all just seeing farts in the wind set on fire...? Yea, OK...

Two punk gang bangers got away with it last week in Toronto lots of surveillance footage of them shooting their victims. But when everyone wears the same hoody it's hard to make out the characters.

Yes, astronauts are very clever who else would have thought to wear diapers while driving on a long trip across country.
Thats the thing ..No one has actually taken a "Good" Video of a UFO sighting...It's always jerky camera's ..Focus in and out constantly Etc Etc..

Thats not entirely true.. But a lot of the reason for those "not good" videos with shaking, jerking, out of focus, etc, is due the the fact that it is typically lay people with poor videography equipment capturing the phenomena.

Here's a good one, I still haven't seen a good graphics expert explain it as a hoax (although I'm not excluding the possibility):


I disagree with this video being a genuine ufo, not because it is a hoax per say, but because the government has experimented with saucer shaped craft like that one you see above, AND in addition crafts like the one you see in that video can me made by gear heads and the blueprint plans for such craft bought from the back of popular science magazines.

On the other hand.. Good videos in my opinion---

Note, I don't agree with all the shots from above, but there are some good examples there.

Battle of LA, 1942. Utterly ridiculous proof, probably best UFO case there is in my opinion. One idea I have had is that between the time of this incident in 1942 and 1947, we learned how to take down these craft using less than conventional weaponry (more than likely originally developed by Tesla), which leads us to the infamous Roswell incident (which I think pales in comparison to 1942).

Phoenix lights documentary (talking about how the Phoenix lights keep coming back pretty much every year.. And had been around for at least hundreds of years beforehand..) much of the footage within is shot by a medical doctor living in Phoenix.

Other footage of a large triangle ufo, dubbed "the intruder", a precursor to the Phoenix lights seen in 1997. Very odd. Try pausing the video on some of the shots of the craft, particular when the image "lights up" and you can see more of the craft..... And when you do, you can see a large 'V' outline with the lights. Watch as it passes by and the image of a light post can be seen in the right corner near the end of the video, the object is enormous.

Strange contrail plume coming out of area 51. Note that recently in January (or perhaps it was right at the end of 2008..) this year people in Alaska reported a strange boom, seeing a strange object, and a contrail much like the one in the satellite photo you will see in that video (the media of course claimed the object was a meteor). Google "Alaskan meteor 2009" or something to find the original article.

There is some good NASA footage of "UFOs" shot in outer space, particularly the most convincing one to me where an object comes into view of the camera from the right (moving left), slows and comes to a stop for a quarter second near the top left end of the frame, curving its path moving right and accelerating out of the camera's frame and field of view on the right side from about where it originated from. Now I've seen a lot of NASA video of out of focus particles and ice and other things kooks try and claim is UFOs, but that video really seems to defy explanation (and its short, probably less than 15 seconds worth). Unfortunately I can't find it, been looking. If I do I'll post it, or if someone else does then, there ya go.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Eva Braun shot better footage. LoL

Why doesn't the government come clean?

I think the question answers itself. What do you guys think will be the result when the Pres comes on TV and explains that Aliens are here, and have been here for centuries from another star system and that all of our notions about free will and self-determination were all just bullshit and that we are really just a science experiment and floor show under atmospheric glass.

Meanwhile, back on the alien mothership circa 1,000,000 B.C.E.:

"Hey Schnork, you thought the baboons were funny, look at this!"

The bright side, the president would tell us is that, "there is no longer any need to worry about the economy..."

BTW, you Aliens:

I'm on your side broheims. Savin' a little everclear candy from my current grow. Just don't, ya know, eat my cerebral cortex and stuff.



I bet they love us like we love our pets... Which is why they show up every time someone sets off a nuke. To swat us with a news paper and teach us not to chit in the house...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
a friend & I watched a UFO in the distance for about 15 minutes one night way up north here, it made a sound previously unknown to us & of course moved about the sky in the most unusual way. it was just a bit too far off in the distance to shoot at so we let it be, my Ruger .25-06 is accurate on that sized target at about 600 yards but it was an easy mile or two away.......
