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What's your transplanting and potting regime for AFs?


ICMag Donor
It's my understanding that you want to end up with your AFs flowering in a larger pot rather than a smaller pot.

What transplanting (time) and potting (size) schedules have you found works for you? Ie; how many times do you transplant and what pot sizes do you use?


For my soil grows I start them off in Jiffy pots and then place them in 1.5g to 3g pot I know that Lowlife suggests starting and keeping them in a 5L pot(1.5G).


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
I start them out in plastic 16oz beer cups and when I see sex I transplant into 2 gallon pots.



Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
How long does it usually take them to show their sex?

Like so many things it really depends on the strain.

I think the post above this one is about right but it does vary some. I had a PowerStout show male in just 9 days from seed and a Blue Streak female took 3 weeks to show.

But mainly about the 2-2.5 weeks.



New member
I only know LR2 and made it : tiny germination pots -> 600 ml pots -> final pots.
I found them to be difficult to trans-pot in their early life - few roots and very fragile ones.

So for this year I will only trans-pot them once, from slightly bigger germination pots (500 ml) right into their final pots (5l to 10l) resp. outdoors/ guerilla.


I always start with jiffy 7s. Once they sprout in those, I plant into 500 to 600 ml pots until they have four sets of leaves, or when roots poke out the bottom of the pots.

I always have the transplantings raised, or like mounds, in the new containers. I make every effort to avoid anything even close to getting rootbound. That will seriously affect the growth of the plant.

Then they get moved up to pots a little less than 1.5 liters. I leave them there until they show sex. In these pots I water at 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes.

When they show sex and get roots to the bottom, then they move up to a 2.2 liter pot. They get 1/2 strength nutes plus supplements, if needed. "Smaller" plants like Masterlow and others will stay in these pots and get to 12" (sometimes bigger), yielding about 7 to 10 grams.

Taller plants get put into 3 or 4 liter (more than a gallon) pots and will grow out to 15 or 24 inches.

My plants never actually get "tall", because they get trained or grown along stakes. My grow space is just about two feet tall from floor to roof. Under less than 100 watts I usually have at least ten plants growing, staggered along to get one cut every week or so.

All this is done under about 80 to 100 watts of light. It works good for me.