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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

Oh, and ... Brilliant!

I'd give you 100 rep points all by myself if it were allowed.

A few suggested additions. The first two rocked my growing world. I dismantled everything and started over from scratch.

The original, all-in-one stealth cab. Clones, Moms and flowering. All in one box.

Bluer than MH. Redder than HPS. All in one lamp. Perfect for smaller growers who want the benefits of MH and HPS without the bother of multiple lamps and ballasts.
CMH-Ceramic Metal Halides

A variety of Wattage clubs. You've already covered the 150s.

250 Watt Club

The 400 Watt Club

600 Watt Club

A special Shout Out for some of the most INCREDIBLE micro engineering you're ever likely to see. The Tony Stark of cab growers.
microRU - Mad Russian Micro Genius

Note, the links wont work if you copy from the post. You'll need to copy from the Quote window for that.

:respect: FB


FreezerBoy said:

Oh, and ... Brilliant!

I'd give you 100 rep points all by myself if it were allowed.

A few suggested additions. The first two rocked my growing world. I dismantled everything and started over from scratch.

The original, all-in-one stealth cab. Clones, Moms and flowering. All in one box.

Bluer than MH. Redder than HPS. All in one lamp. Perfect for smaller growers who want the benefits of MH and HPS without the bother of multiple lamps and ballasts.
CMH-Ceramic Metal Halides

A variety of Wattage clubs. You've already covered the 150s.

250 Watt Club

The 400 Watt Club

600 Watt Club

A special Shout Out for some of the most INCREDIBLE micro engineering you're ever likely to see. The Tony Stark of cab growers.
microRU - Mad Russian Micro Genius

Note, the links wont work if you copy from the post. You'll need to copy from the Quote window for that.

:respect: FB

The NGB cab would have been one of my first choices, but it is already a sticky here and I thought including it would have been something of a redundancy. Still, it does feel like there is a hole in the thread without it and the only thing I regret about microRU's thread is not learning more about his magnetic lock.

To be honest, I was looking to pare the links down some, but will probably include the wattage clubs. I was holding off on the CMH thread as I am highly biased towards them (with qualifications) and wanted to wait and see how I felt about them for the long run. But, if I am going to include the wattage clubs, then, I suppose, it is time to include the CMH thread as well.

Thanks for the golden leaf. I know it isn't given out to just anyone. I shall wear it as a badge of honor!

Namaste, mess


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Your thread, your rules. FWIW, good call. Especially in light of your comment on objectivity. Upon reflection, A CMH link without an HPS and MH link seems biased.

Does basic ballast wiring interest you? HTG has the cleanest instructions I've seen. They're HUGE pdfs though. These are NOT direct links. They go to the Kits page. There you can get a low res peek and download if you like.

HPS Ballast wiring

MH Ballast wiring


FreezerBoy said:
Your thread, your rules. FWIW, good call. Especially in light of your comment on objectivity. Upon reflection, A CMH link without an HPS and MH link seems biased.

Does basic ballast wiring interest you? HTG has the cleanest instructions I've seen. They're HUGE pdfs though. These are NOT direct links. They go to the Kits page. There you can get a low res peek and download if you like.

HPS Ballast wiring

MH Ballast wiring

My deepest apologies. Although, I consider myself as the caretaker, the thread belongs to ICMag. I didn't mean to imply that the thread was mine to do with as I pleased. My main intent was to provide the beginner with a grounding in the basics and just enough tools for a successful grow, as well as, a progression, in a sense, for more experienced growers (e.g. "Research Papers, Articles, and Items of interest:" section). I included some of the less popular threads (e.g. the "Water Cure" and "Cooler Sweat Cure" threads), but, if that individual wanted to pursue more mainstream methods, they can be found in the other forums.

As for the ballast wiring diagrams from HTG, they are the very first ones I saved. I even have a couple from ATL. The difficulty I am having with posting them is that one ballast manufacturer may configure their ballasts a bit differently than another manufacturer. Nothing serious mind you, just enough to create a lot of confusion and indecision among those who are considerably less experienced and ill equipped to make the necessary adjustments.

Still, I forgot to express my appreciation for your encouraging words last post, and thank you for bringing these to our attention. I will add some of the links you suggested.

Namaste, mess


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
messn'n'gommin' said:
My deepest apologies. Although, I consider myself as the caretaker, the thread belongs to ICMag.
Thanks but, nonsense. I reject the apology as unnecessary. I've "threatened" to make a list for months. So have others. Who pulled it off?

Someone has to ride herd. Without that, it's a library with torn out pages tossed about the floor. Not to beat the horse to death, but your objectivity comment is well taken. Amusing you or I is not the criteria for inclusion in the main post. Those should be more firmly in the "Growing 101" area. Like the med cab thread that DHarvester found (what a little gem)

I believe the thread is best served by a benevolent dictator. You're openly taking suggestions and showing sound judgement on those you incorporate. William Buckley Jr once said, "It is not arrogance on the part of the King to rule. It's his job." You're doing a great job. Go, King!


FreezerBoy said:
Thanks but, nonsense. I reject the apology as unnecessary. I've "threatened" to make a list for months. So have others. Who pulled it off?

Someone has to ride herd. Without that, it's a library with torn out pages tossed about the floor. Not to beat the horse to death, but your objectivity comment is well taken. Amusing you or I is not the criteria for inclusion in the main post. Those should be more firmly in the "Growing 101" area. Like the med cab thread that DHarvester found (what a little gem)

I believe the thread is best served by a benevolent dictator. You're openly taking suggestions and showing sound judgement on those you incorporate. William Buckley Jr once said, "It is not arrogance on the part of the King to rule. It's his job." You're doing a great job. Go, King!

"The king is dead! Long live the king!"...lol...I was always more of a treasonous rebel kind of guy anyway. Still, at least to me, when it was made a sticky it ceased to be "mine" and became the community's (even though I have been entrusted with editing functions). Be that as it may, point well taken. Thank you.

BTW: I have noticed you have made many worthy posts in several of those threads.

Namaste, mess


Listen to me jerky
:nono: :jump: :muahaha: :bow: :D :woohoo: :respect: :jawdrop:

Those where all the smilies I thought described this thread the best. Damn good work. Should become mandatory reading for new members.


Thank you, a most kind and generous thing to say, you humble me. lol...Although reading through all those threads seemed less like work and more like recess, I just felt a point of reference is what I really needed to find my way when I first showed up here and I could decide what i wanted to do and how to do it. Which is why I left so many threads that had to do with types of soils, additives, and their combinations, hydro styles, nutes/ferts, hang drying and jar curing, and all the other threads that are a bit more "mainstream" and the accepted practice. I felt that something like that is part of what each of us must decide to fit one's own set of circumstances, but, at the same time I wanted to include some of the more valuable threads that one would find relegated to the back pages of its respective forum for 6 months or more at a time (e.g. the water cure thread, the overdriving fluoro tubes thread, etc. lol...Besides doing a bit of one's own research is good for the soul. I just hope this thread serves it's purpose to, 1) give the novice a firm footing on which to start his/her journey, and 2) to give even the skilled grower a point of reference to expand his/her horizons. Thanks for stopping by and thank you again for the kind words. But, to be honest, the cudo's belong less to me than to those who spent the time, energy, and effort (not to mention expense) to put their thread together. I just read them and put the link on one page for all to see, appreciate, and especially to learn from.

Namaste, mess


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
"If I have seen farther than others, it was by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton.

You may not have made the initial discoveries but, you've made a nice staircase of shoulders for others to stand.


Well, I don't know about that. But, I do know where I came from and it is the same place that every individual that ever planted a seed for the very first time comes from. I like the road less traveled. The lessons come harder, but,
the education is more valued.

Thank you, sir.

Namaste, mess
(Golden Leaf Award winner)

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Active member
ICMag Donor
Fantastic contribution you've made. And it aint a gommed up mess, either!
I'm honored that you've included me in your links.
Righteous, brother.


hoosierdaddy said:
Fantastic contribution you've made. And it aint a gommed up mess, either!
I'm honored that you've included me in your links.
Righteous, brother.

I am humbled, thank you! But, as for your inclusion in the "A Variety of Cabs" section, how could I not? The amount of forethought and planning itself warranted it, forget the level of professionalism in the construction or the growing skills. A logical, reasoned, and sound approach to "Controlled Environment Construction and Use 101!" The honor is ours. :bow:

Namaste, mess


thanks for all the great info

I am glad you found my little thread useful. I just thought it would be a bit easier for someone else if a mix of generalized and niche concepts were a bit more centralized. With a few exceptions, I have purposely left out some segments of growing (e.g. hydro or soil methods), because of the sheer number of excellent threads on the subject and anyone can find those fairly easily. So, the ones I have found, personally, to be relevant or entertaining (but harder to find), made the list. Thanks for stopping by, and be sure to let the author of a thread that has particular use to you know that their insight helped you.

Namaste, mess


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
This thread walked my dog AND picked up the poop! Now what would you pay?