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Good Sir---If you do not follow NT's advice, I am going to phone LEO myself.

Be very careful---what you are doing could result in extreme consequences and your results may not be worth it.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
heres s suggestion for the door problem

i took the messurements of the inside of door frame where the door closes and hits the inside trim. the plywood cost me 12$ and lowes made both cuts for free on the bottom cut your fresh air intake holes i have 3inch 90 degree black PVC fittings for air intake, i placed mine wrong in the upward position they should be pointed down approx 1-2 inch off floor.

heres a 4inch carbon scrubber hooked to a air cooled hood and cooltube then exhausted by a modded stanely blower fan. theres a 400w mh in air cooled hood 400w hps in cooltube

tis about all i can suggest


Active member
I would def finish growing this plant out all the way but all Hydro-Soil was saying is that your grow space is not setup for that type of grow. That 150w light does not have the penetration to get the those bottom shoots, so why grow a giant plant?

I would do as he suggested: read up, learn how to do it properly, and re-design your grow space according to your specifications (i.e. remote your ballast, get proper intake/exhaust, build a cool tube, get a scrubber, and maximize the efficiency of your light by having a larger # of smaller plants).

If there's anything worth doing, (and growing marijuana certainly is) it's worth doing right.

Thank you. You can always just make BHO out of it, you're not going to get anything decent but maybe a few airy buds at the top anyway. The rest is going to be trash.

You didn't waste all that time trying to keep it alive.... just think of all the valuable information you learned on what doesn't work.

Sounds like you love stress as you're starting to jump at additives already and haven't finished dialing in a proper grow environment.

Man up, step back and take a sane look at what you're doing and where you're going. Only a chump would barrel along and discard valuable advice from multiple fronts.

Good luck, I'm done with this thread. If you're seriously interested in help, do what we've suggested to fix matters and post a new thread after you've read up a bit more on how to control things and have some ideas on what you're planning.

We'll be MORE than happy to help you make sure you haven't overlooked something or maybe point out something you could change that would significantly improve your design.

Good luck :)


the plant is 20" so i figure a small hps and cfl will be alot better than before
and i no longer have the heat issue thanks


you guys are kinda dicks..
i throw away my plant? man up because i didnt wana buy a door and cut holes in my friends closet?
all i needed to do was open the window and now temps are at 73-80
but thanks to all the people who helped after reading my thread
and knowing i got this plant for free from the trash and spent next to nothing to save it
and just needed to get my closet cooler since i added a more powerful light for flowering

...the cocky know it all growers on here is why i tend to stay at grasscity...
not all of us have the money/resources to make pro rooms and make due with what we can get our hands on


half cat half man half baked
What more could you ask for djbenzo? There was plenty of great advice offered. No one, but yourself knew what would and wouldn't be acceptable. I don't think it is fair to call anyone a dick man.

If you spend enough time at different cannabis forums you will find out that there are some differences in the general audience.

I am not attempting to stereotype anyone and there are great growers and people on every forum with all sorts of agendas. The follow is just my 2 cents.

GC/RIU are great forums for new comers. Be careful though, because of the masses of people there, there is plenty of misinformation. It is up to you to sort out the good and bad info.

ICMAG has more of a medical scene and arguably some of the best breeders posting information about their work. It is a smaller and closer together community.

You may have to search a little harder on ICMAG for the information you need, but I promise you, it is here and I have found plenty of knowledge that does not exists ANYWHERE else.


they were just extremely rude..
just because i cant/dont do everything they say
its my first grow i mean camon give the tip and move on..
dont be all high and mighty like your suggestion is the best one for every person on earth


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Have you gotten your scrubber figured out yet? You can do the scrubber from Home Depot on the cheap, there's a great DIY tutorial on the DIY Link-O-Rama in my sig.


Active member
they were just extremely rude..
just because i cant/dont do everything they say
its my first grow i mean camon give the tip and move on..
dont be all high and mighty like your suggestion is the best one for every person on earth

I gave you the absolute best advice to save you the most frustration, get the maximum out of what you're doing and provide you a route to REALLY increase the quality of your grow, as well as your personal enjoyment.

You're very emotional right now and, in a few months (or years), when you're a pretty good grower with a lot of experience and information yourself, you're going to find that we were correct.

I'm not rude. I'm very straight and to the point.
Most of the time, what I post has been posted and re-posted and re-posted and is easily found by using the search engine. Even just reading the forums for a few months would have prevented what you went through.

You can choose frustration or you can plan and DO properly. Your choice. :)

Personally, I like to do as little of :wallbash: as possible.


DJ don't trip, these people in here are jus telling you how they would go about it, if it were their grow!!! i will say the line about throwing away something that you are probably proud of was a little hard for you to accept, being that it is your first grow!!!!but you could take some clones off her and still flower her out and probably get the same amount if not more bud off of the plant and then you would have even more cuttings to work with!!really don't trip these people in here are the coolest, most gracious, and most knowledgable on our favorite past time!!!!as far as temps the plant will stop growing at 95 degrees,get a quieter fan!!!!also don't go over high 80's and you should be ok!!!!high 70's are even better!!!if it gets tooo hot you can add co2 and then you can run the plants into the nineties with the co2 without stopping growth!!!!hope this helps!!!peace djxx


another dj on here! haha tite!
yeah they just pissed me off but were all human so its whatever..
i no longer have a heat issue now that i have three small fans blowing the air where i need
and the 40 degree temps outside is making it easy to stay in the 70s and 80s
AND i have two clones in peat pellets..just waiting a week or two to see the roots coming out before i transplant
ANNNND i have some seeds germination along with a silverhaze sprout doing amazingly well..wish me luck =]