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Marijuana Inc: Inside America's Pot Industry


I was expecting a total bullshit hour but it wasnt that bad. Yes some of it was stupid, they just had to show pounds of weed sitting in a babys bed and some stuff like that but really it was more pro pot then not. So all in all I was pleased.
Didnt care to hear about that smuggler again but them showing how normal it is helps the cause alot.
So all in all watch it and if your not expecting much youll b please. peace.


How did the couple know that there are 13 grow houses in their neighbourhood? That was a peculiar thing for them to say.


Active member

Yeah there was a lot of 'questionable' statements throughout the entire production.



One has to ask why are there 13 grow houses. Why is there pounds of weed in a babies bed? The current laws have created this. We have to lurk in the back alleys and act like criminals because they force us to. Legalize it and give government contracts to grow on a mass scale and tax the sales and you will pretty much eradicate grow houses and drug dealers. I am sure there are allot of drug dealers out there that would vote against legalization if they have not ever been busted. It would seriously lower the price if it were available legally at your local coffee shop. I still think they should have some law against non licensed distribution. But they should have to actually catch you in the act of selling. You should still be able to grow yourself up to a certain point. That is the only way I see to make any kind of compromise. I think in that type of scenario you would have to be pretty foolish to get in trouble with the law.


Active member
Hello all,

Going to go turn it on now...left coast don't you know.


Well well, interesting spin.

addendum: It does kind of bother me to see soo much growing and people profiting without paying their fair share of taxes. I grow in a 250W cab for myself, I still work and pay taxes, its not right....I do not think that the spirit prop 215/sb420 is being upheld.
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What I found utterly dumbfounding is how the law enforcement guy states that 60% of his county's residents are involved in the industry and that the whole area would die if it was eliminated. Yet, he's hell bent on doing exactly that. What he's saying is that he intends to destroy his county in the name of saving it. That's no leap of logic or abstract thinking on my part.

Then there was the DEA guy calling God's herb POISON. Where do these people get these ridiculous notions from? It's all just so ridiculous.

I'd love to see an intelligent debate about this hosted by a neutral party. The trouble is that the powers that be don't want it. Propaganda is their weapon.

P.S. With all that said, I've seen several MJ shows on major cable networks recently. The media clearly smells blood in the water and wants to get discussions going. That's actually a very good sign.


I didn't think it seemed all that bad near the beginning.

Hilarious how the dea agents spoke of a economic tanking in the area if the industry was removed from the emerald triangle...as if it would be a good thing. Fucking fucks.

Ending sucked bad - went from normal people stopping forclosure on their homes to mexican slaves arming up in national forests....

its great seeing our taxes dollars HAULING BY HELICOPTER already chopped vegative plants out of the forest...like leaves and sticks laying around on national forest are going to jump back up and replant themselves.

giant waste = the war on weed

OG the Globe



"so this is what gets turned into marijuana"

no bitch..that IS marijuana

...and hauling sticks and leaves out of forest BY HELICOPTER is just plain retarded.

EDIT - no offense to stupid bitches or the mentally handicapped intended.


I'm watching it right now with about 10 minutes left. I think it's shown a fair view of the marijuana industry, both the good & bad sides. The ability of it to be a legitimate business, but also the enviromental costs commerical ops. bring. Also shown some of the ridiculousness of it like Oaksterdam U. You've got to be a big dummy to pay $250 to learn to grow pot.

Blue Dot

I thought the ending was pretty telling.

That heilo guy said in the early 90's it would take them a whole day to spot even just a small grow, now it only takes them a few minutes, which I believe,

My question is, if state law only allows 6 mature then why is it only taking the heilo guy minutes to find massive pot gardens.

Obviously, a lot of greedy commercial growers are therefore trying to take advantage of prop 215. Why is this a good thing?

Shouldn't growers taking advantage of the system be punished?

Surely most people believe the system in place is good enough. No real reason to try and take a mile if they've given you an inch, right?
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Cannabrex Formulator
Surely most people believe the system in place is good enough. No real reason to try and take a mile if they've given you an inch, right?

The system in place prevents patients from getting their meds, allows the cops pretty much free reign to not only bust MJ users/growers but seize ALL their possessions and has resulted in the largest per capita prison population in the world.

Meanwhile the Pharma-Nazis make hundreds of billions legally selling chemical poisons, many of which have been proven to be useless.



clearly CNBC supports cannabis...you can tell by the nice logo they made for the show...

and yeah, a lot of ignorant sob's in the world (kinda scary)

also i lmao @ the guy that left his notebook at the denny's...

also, i'm very glad they made practically no mention of the rest of the country....and hopefully not many people saw it

good show though