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A message from Granny Storm Crow....

Storm Crow

Active member
This is my personal call for unity among the entire cannabis community.
I am posting this at all the sites I visit- it should in no way be construed by this being posted here, that this is, in any way, a "restrictive site".

I visit, on a regular basis, more than a dozen other sites ranging from a just a few members to sites well into the thousands. Each one is a good site in its own way. But I see a lot going on between sites that looks more like junior high school cliques than forums full of adults! The disunity of out cannabis sites is troubling to me. The very mention of other sites, or mods of other sites, is sometimes forbidden. Posts inviting others to look at other sites are deleted. Character assassination, name calling and site-bashing are common. It looks very much like the kind of shenanagins I see in middle school!

Time to grow up!

I want to ask the mods of those more restrictive sites-WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF??? Are you so insecure of the quality of your site that you are afraid all your members will desert you? Don't be! Every site has its own "flavor". And just because I like "chicken soup" that doesn't stop me from enjoying "Tacos" or "bubble gum" or "International cuisine"!

By becoming more open, by inviting cross-site contact, you will gain members. Belonging to one site does not preclude belonging to another! I think most of the members of this site belong to at least a few others. Encourage the ideas and information, and even members, to flow freely between the sites. This exchange is absolutely vital if we wish to get cannabis legalized in any form! Our cannabis sites can no longer afford to be "tight little islands".

Sometimes, I wonder, if we had all united as a group, presented a united front, would OG still be here? How much knowledge was lost there? Remember the lesson behind the Roman fasces? (that weird Roman ax with a handle made of sticks) A single stick can easily be broken and can't support the heavy ax blade, a ribbon can be snapped, but a bundle of sticks, bound together with that ribbon, is unbreakable- add the blade and you've got a weapon!

Our cannabis sites are like scattered sticks! Even the largest was easily broken.

Our "ax blade" is the truth about cannabis- its safety and many medical uses.

The Internet is our electronic "ribbon" that can bind us into something far more than the sum of our parts!

Well, why not start doing it? Yeah, you guys! Share what you know! Build the weapon against prohibition! And not just between individuals, but the sites need to talk and share! Stop the petty bickering! Stop being a bunch of "little sticks"! We can be a force!

Look, I try to be helpful. I turn folks on to sites or posts that I think they should see. I supply the studies that give them the medical info they need, and I connect folks on different sites, but with similar interests. I work hard for you guys! And, admit it, all of you love me for what I do. But what I do, is something all of you could and should be doing- members, mods and admins!

So why aren't we joining together? Why aren't we being what we could be? Our immature* behavior is getting in the way! Grudges are held as though they were made of gold! I've see some internet "tantrums" worthy of a spoiled 2 year old! Well, I'm going to give you the same line I use with arguing 2nd graders! "I don't care who started it! It stops right now! Rule #1 is -We treat each other with respect."

We need to treat each other with respect. Remember that what we have in common is greater than our differences! I may not agree with the basic format of a "Busty babes with buds" site, or I might think that a certain mod is a pompous ass, but if see where I can help, I will. I do what I can. I am hoping every mod and administrator can be adult enough to put aside any past differences and join together for the common good.

It's time for us to put aside our squabbles and work together. Whether your site is focused on recreational, medical or religious use or even just growing this wonderful plant, we need to reach out and speak with one voice. If a hand is offered to you in peace and unity, take it!

Starting tomorrow, we have a new administration that says "Anything is possible!" Can we all join hands and work together to get cannabis legalized? Is that possible? I believe it is!

Granny :2cents:

* I was going to use the word "childish", but I remembered something from my past.

One of my first assignments was as an aide for lower grade "oral-deaf" children. I noted something beautiful and amazing about those kids. Remember how awful it was, being the "new kid in school"? With them, it didn't matter if the "new deaf kid in school" was black or white, whether they were "all dolled up" or in a brother's tattered hand-me-downs, pretty or "less than perfect"... nothing mattered except that they had one of those clunky, ugly, gray hearing aids strapped on their chest. Every "new deaf kid" was greeted with smiles and hugs from the moment he or she stepped off the bus!

I learned a lot about unconditional love and acceptance that year.

Cannabis is my "hearing aid". Is it yours?


Active member
I agree that a united front would strengthen the cannabis movement. I hope your message reaches all intended recipients.

If and when the community is united, where are we getting our ammo? How would you organize this so it's not just a pipe dream? Once organized, what actions are to be taken to fight against the war on drugs, cannabis in particular?

What do people think of MPP as I don't hear much about it. Another NORML or better? I think they have some great features, like insta-mailing your local and state officials, printable brochures with a respectable look, and all kinds of info to help the fight. They lobby washington officials and show up when the drug czar goes a preachin too.



Active member

Whilst I appreciate the sentiment, I believe you are misguided. Bullshit interweb dramatics, squabbles and carrying on by baked ganjophiles has no bearing on the 'cause'. If you really want to try to make a difference, why not try posting an amended version of your open letter to the heads of NORML, SSDP, ASA, CSDP, MPP, etc. These are our true avenues of change, and all of them essentially compete for the same donors. Basically, more groups split the attention and funding, and we never wind up with one marketable position. Mind you, there are worse things than multiple groups protesting our absurd drug laws.

Sometimes, I wonder, if we had all united as a group, presented a united front, would OG still be here? How much knowledge was lost there?

Now, to my knowledge, OG was the first 'mainstream' marijuana-based website, certainly when you include its earlier incarnation. Basically, we were united as a front, and that played a part in drawing too much heat. Because we all congregated in one place, and shared info there, we essentially put all of our eggs in one basket. As it stands today, the feds could raid one or more of these sites, and we'd be just fine, simply because the information is more widely distributed.

As far as places sometimes feeling like middle school, I agree. But guess what? That's life. The anonymity of the internet emboldens many with a sense of freedom they don't get in the real world. For some of those people, the feeling is overwhelming, and that's where you find your Yummy's, Special K's, et al.

It is like middle school. And just like in middle school, I have no desire to sit next to the piss smelling kids with dirty fingernails, and watch them eat their boogers. I'd rather hang out behind the dumpster smoking pot with my friends. That's where out pot smoking group did it. Does that mean we were the only ones chiefing? Hell no. Everyone was blazing somewhere...The jocks were under the bleachers, the metalheads were in the back parking lot, and the teachers were in the break room.

Just because we share an interest, it doesn't make us all the same.

Also, what school did you go to, where kids with hearing aid boxes around their necks (I TOTALLY forgot about them till you mentioned it! Wow... blast from the past....) didn't get goofed on? I mean, unless those frigging devices went to 11, they prolly never heard it; or if it was a quaker school, or this was within the last couple of years (kids are fucking soft these days). Those exceptions aside, they got goofed on.

No offense? I totally have no idea what you mean by weed is your hearing aid. If you mean its something you use all day that makes you look retarded, then I'd suggest cutting down or switching back to middies. Ha, I keed. Your heart is in the right place, and I wish you well. Forgive me. I'm jaded.

Stay Safe,


half cat half man half baked
If we are going to be united as an oppressed sub culture we need some strong leaders. As members we might sometimes need to have some blind faith in our leaders when our opinions over a matter differ. But remember to keep things in perspective! We need not get lost in choosing different paths because we're all hoping to end up at the same place.

Many of us have strong feelings on the subject and it is nice to see someone express our views with such articulation that only comes from the heart. Thanks Granny.


Active member
There's an idea. A call to unite aimed towards groups like NORML, MPP and the others mentioned. What if they all teamed up and made the super cannabis reform team america friends... or something. All donations going to one collective of groups working together coordinating strategies and ideas. Could it work?

You may have just opened the gates to a new era of drug law reform organization(s).


Pull my finger
Like I said in another thread. We are all soldiers in the same army. We all share a common goal and have many things in common. Please do not let the "root of all evil" steer us away from our ultimate goals. This is what the powers that be want and need from us. They need us divided. Divided we are weak. With unity, we are greater than the sum of our parts.

I too believe it is time to take the whole movement to the next level. We need to band together and fight aggressively Against our enemy and the evil and enslavery we have to endure.

United we stand!!!


Active member
ICMAG is really just a growers site sponsored by the guy that supplies us the seeds. I really don't understand why there are any legalization forums here. Talk of legalization here is very hit and miss, no one here really wants to talk seriously about it, and that's all it is here is just TALK. Who here is gonna stand up for my right to get blazed? Anyone? Anyone? Exactly.

~Abbie :joint:


New member
If we all do nothing, then nothing will ever change. It starts with a thought and an action soon follows. Do you always want to be on the bad side of laws for your right to do what you chose with your body? To live in fear of jail? Or do we want to change that? If all you have to do is agree to say yes, let us work together, and co-operate, then we can start. Would you not do that? We don't know where this will go but foreward together is a good start.



fred norris

One of my first assignments was as an aide for lower grade "oral-deaf" children. I noted something beautiful and amazing about those kids. Remember how awful it was, being the "new kid in school"? With them, it didn't matter if the "new deaf kid in school" was black or white, whether they were "all dolled up" or in a brother's tattered hand-me-downs, pretty or "less than perfect"... nothing mattered except that they had one of those clunky, ugly, gray hearing aids strapped on their chest. Every "new deaf kid" was greeted with smiles and hugs from the moment he or she stepped off the bus!

I learned a lot about unconditional love and acceptance that year.

Cannabis is my "hearing aid". Is it yours?
one of your former students?

pack a bowl

don't you have to wonder... if every cannabis activist / supporter showed up to the inauguration and rallied for the legalization... what would happen?


all praises are due to the Most High
Who here is gonna stand up for my right to get blazed? Anyone? Anyone? Exactly.

~Abbie :joint:

the idea is that you stand up for your own rights, not that someone else does it for you.

that is like saying: who here is gonna eat up all that food to calm my humger? anyone? exactly :wink:



Pull my finger
I think serious though needs to be put into the fact that no matter if it is just talk, or militant activism, the various sites need to maintain a diplomatic relationship as to stay united and not leave any member of any site without critical information.


all praises are due to the Most High
I think serious though needs to be put into the fact that no matter if it is just talk, or militant activism, the various sites need to maintain a diplomatic relationship as to stay united and not leave any member of any site without critical information.

very well put, I second that thought. k+

peace :)


Active member
Who here is gonna stand up for my right to get blazed? Anyone? Anyone? Exactly.

You guys are missing my point here.

Where is the MLK of marijuana to represent us? Someone with the same kind of passion he had? Someone to send chills down my spine? Someone that Presidents want to invite into the White House to talk about marijuana rights? I'm sorry, but everyone here is hiding behind a moniker on a web site. I'd be glad to join with you in a march to DC. I've already talked to SrPlantManager about it for the July 4th DC march. I'm willing to stand up and be counted, feed myself, if you will.

HOWEVER...Which of YOU is the MLK of pot? That's my point. Are YOU willing to stand up, give YOUR name to the media and nation, march with thousands from state to state all the way to DC, give a speech, and potentially TAKE A BULLET for my right to toke? That's my point.

~Abbie :joint:


all praises are due to the Most High
AbbieDoobie, well, when you put it like that, yes, I for one did miss your point, but I get it now :)

Bob Marley was the MLK of the true cause for cannabis, and like the song goes: "i don't believe Bob Marley died of cancer, 30 years ago i would have been a panther"

on the contrary, inspire-less people like that famous dude from canada who used to sell seeds for 500 dollars do so much damage to the cause...

we should also remember that there are many nameless heros of our cause out there, who have taken a bullet already and who are already in jail as it is for standing up for everyone's right to cultivate and partake of cannabis.

united we stand, divided we fall


Active member
Yeah, I guess all I'm saying is every movement has a pivotal leader. And, this one has yet to find that leader.

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
We do have a leader..BUT he lives in Canada[Mark Emory] and Americans can't get their shit together enough to EVER get it legalized...

But you are exactly right IMHO! I have been posting for 4 years now on weed sites researching for MMJ legalization in Florida as I am a retired OCN RN and my patients need it badly... without worry of arrest, loss of children, or employment.

But mostly what I have seen is slly "high school like" behavior on some sites eg...MH who had an idiot as a mod.

But it does appear better here and the mods seem fair and equitable also...but I see that mysogenous asshole posts here now as MH has closed down due to lack of interest I guess...

But I am goin' to do my mission and avoid the assholes because guys...There are assholes everywhere ya know?

Us "True Stoners" do need to stick together for the cause and I as a retired nurse will certainly be speaking out for the cause now that I don't have to deal with drug testing anymore..TRUE FREEDOM AT LAST!!!!
People need courage to change the status quo soooooo......get some balls and campaign...write your congressman...senator...OBAMA.....ANYBODY and say "WE WANT TAKE THESE ANTIQUATED LAWS ANYMORE"

Excuse me guys....just an old stoner granny venting at the system of supposedly the greatest and most powerful country in the world!!!! USA!!!

Time to get our heads outta our arses and protest till they FIX IT!


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Oh Please. Marc Emery IS NOT a leader. He did us no favours up here and basically set us back when we had just started to move forward.