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Humidity in the winter!


Registered Cannabis User
I am pulling winter air (20 degrees) thru my intake fan into my room. When the intake and outtake constantly run, it keeps the room at about 80 degrees, so i have to run them all 12 hrs of lights on. (too hot but its all i got to work with unless i wanna run an a/c in the winter). The humidity of winter air consatntly being pulled in, is very very dry and keeps the growrooms humidity at 20-25%. Even the the house is 25% when the lights and fans are off and no air is being pulled in! I bought a 3 gallon humidifier, and it doesnt even affect the humidity of the room at all, cuz the intake and outtake fans are CONSTANTLY running, removing whatever humidity was in there, and replacing it with dry air. Is it too small of a humdifier for the room size? Now i only have about half of the amount of plants in the room as there are gonna be, so i think once i get em all in there, the extra plants will help raise the RH a bit.
Heres some specs....
I have 4800watts (aircooled) in a 150 sq.ft. room. 110 sq.ft of it are going to be plants, the rest of the room is walkway space. Its not a sealed room with co2.
So how do i get the humidity up...? Ive heard of evaporators or foggers, or ultrasonic humidifiers, but i dont know which one of them i need and how big of one. Can someone reccomend me something or some idea on how to get my RH up?
Someone wanna take a shot at this...? thx
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Tom 'Green' Thumb
I have the same problem in the winter when the plants are small. When the plants get larger and you need to water more this usually helps raise the PH. For the space you are growing in your humidity should level out okay after you add more plants and they get larger. Also, what you can do is add larger pots than you normally would and water them well. This will help raise the humidity. Make sure you still let them have their wet/dry period so the roots can take in enough oxygen. Usually the first three weeks of growth the humidity is low, but after the plants get large and use much more water you should be okay. Keep in mind I grow tree style.

What you can do for now if keep the humidifer running even though it seems to not be doing too much. Also, add a few shallow large dish's of water and place them under each plant. A fan pointed on the water will help also. This will raise the humidity a bit, not a lot but probably enough to get you past this stage of growth until larger pots are used with more soil. This is what I do and seems to work good.

Hope this helps a bit and may be some others have better idea's I can use also. I'll be watching, good luck!



Registered Cannabis User
thanks tgt. but any humidity that enters my growroom is immediatly sucked out the room, cuz the intake and outtake are always running since thats how i cool my room in the winter. I think i got the wrong humidifier, they say in the directions that the cool mist is invisible! I would need like a huge fogger, like the one they use for fogoponics, to get that room humid.
Not the ultrasonic lol it would be raining I used one to grow mushroom that will take a small room to 100% rh I wanna say a coolmist humidfier or you could run a ultrasonic but you would have time it and you would only need the
the small one the just needs to be filled every day but I use mine 24/7 but you would time it so you might have to fill it every 2 or 3 days don't try connecting a RES to the ultrasonic it will even if you drill the hole high on the tank it leaks from the bottom but the cool mist has 5 gal RES that you can hook up for when you Go away made out of a rubber maid container
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I have the same problem but I think its my gas heat that sucks all the moisture out. I bought a humidifier and if i run that on highest setting with a few saucers for under pots filled with water I can usually at least get it between 30-40% if my heat isnt running much it sometimes it goes over 50


Active member
I can sincerely recommend the Venta ultrasonic humidifier. It had a digital display and put out VISIBLE cool or warm mist. Now I remember it costing around a hundred dollars from a local hardware; and no, Home Depot or Lowes do not carry it, they only have cheap ineffective ones. Check online, Im sure youll find the one im talking about.

In your situation, they will help. I think a single one can in fact help raise your humidity by 5-7%, so you probably want a few. In a room your size (150 sq ft)without any vetilation, one of these single units will damn near raise your RH to 80-90% in no time.

Good Luck.


Registered Cannabis User
Thanks robot, how many gallons do they hold? and how long can they run for without refilling? can you hook them up to a rez?


Active member
From what I recall it holds a little less than 2 gallons, and I remember running it on the highest setting for 11 - 12 hours berfore having to refill. I do not think it can be hooked up to a res, but maybe, with an effort and some ingenuity.

Do a search on yahoo or something to get an idea. I looked earlier and they are available.
wow go spend a hundred on a 30$ item lol what a retard the ultrasonic can be bought at any drug store and I used it in 9 by 12 room and the rh was at 90 and my humidity monitor cost 120$ so it wasn't wrong and also the ones you buy at the drug store can run 24/7 with one change of the gallon RES every 26 or 27 hours alest try them out and don't believe what peaple say try it for your self and see you could save 70$


Registered Cannabis User
I need to find one that is capable of running for 2-3days with no refill. One that u can hook up a rez to or has a big holding tank. any idea?


Active member
cyberthreat said:
wow go spend a hundred on a 30$ item lol what a retard the ultrasonic can be bought at any drug store and I used it in 9 by 12 room and the rh was at 90 and my humidity monitor cost 120$ so it wasn't wrong and also the ones you buy at the drug store can run 24/7 with one change of the gallon RES every 26 or 27 hours alest try them out and don't believe what peaple say try it for your self and see you could save 70$

I have tried the walgreens model, did not work in my circumstances and will not work in Smurfin's either. So yeah i guess im a retard for sharing my experiance.


Registered Cannabis User
Could i just a buy a transducer disc, or transducer board like the one in the URL (aka, atomizer,ultrasonic atomizer etc..) And put it inside a 30 gal trashcan of r/o hooked up to a humidity controller? I obviously would tie balloons or something to the device so that it is capable of producing mist/fog as it floats atop the rez only submerged a few inches... could this work..? if so, how many atomizers would i need?


not sure how large of a fogger you'd need, but I do know that they have Buoys on that mainland page for the smaller 3 head units.


I am in a similar situation as OP. Personally, the way I have my system configured now, I'm just letting the RH do its 15%-40% swing.


Registered Cannabis User
smurfin'herb said:
Could i just a buy a transducer disc, or transducer board like the one in the URL (aka, atomizer,ultrasonic atomizer etc..) And put it inside a 30 gal trashcan of r/o hooked up to a humidity controller? I obviously would tie balloons or something to the device so that it is capable of producing mist/fog as it floats atop the rez only submerged a few inches... could this work..? if so, how many atomizers would i need?

So nobody has ever done this eh? im surprised. Please chime in if you have


Active member
I have done that. You need to keep a small fan on the water and you will have more humidity than you know what to do with. Works perfect.
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Registered Cannabis User
sweet! thanks blinddate. Can you reccomend a specific tranducer, or transducer board for a 150 sq.ft. room? And how deep can you have these things before they start to not work as good? do some come with floats? thx bud


Active member
just get the float and a three or five transducer model. Remember that the fan is what makes it work.