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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Such things as money, fame, and material possessions offer a fleeting satisfaction, something that can be called relative happiness. However, when we transform our lives internally, when we develop within ourselves a brilliant inner palace, then we can be said to have established absolute happiness. If we develop a state of mind as vast and resplendent as a magnificent palace, then nothing-no matter where we go or what we may encounter in life-can undermine or destroy our happiness.

Daisaku Ikeda


I'm a Maverick Reformer... No kidding!

I'm a Maverick Reformer... No kidding!

Nichiren school
[日蓮宗] ( Jpn Nichiren-shu)

In general, any Buddhist school that regards Nichiren as its founder, or all such schools taken together. Specifically, the school whose head temple is Kuon-ji in Minobu of Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. Nichiren nominated six senior priests among his disciples to lead the propagation of his teachings after his death. They were Nissho(1221-1323), Nichiro(1245-1320), Nikko(1246-1333), Niko(1253-1314), Nitcho(1252-1317), and Nichiji (b. 1250). Among them, he specifically appointed Nikkoas his successor and chief priest of Kuon-ji temple, which he had founded at Minobu. After Nichiren died, however, divergent opinions developed among the six. Most of the Nichiren schools that exist today can trace their roots to this initial division. The major Nichiren schools can be classified as follows:
(1) The Nikkoschool. Nikkoleft Kuon-ji temple on Mount Minobu and with his disciples established a temple called Taiseki-ji at the foot of Mount Fuji. Though founded by Nichiren, Kuon-ji had fallen under the influence of Niko, whom Nikkohad concluded misunderstood and mis-represented Nichiren's teachings, and who had succeeded in making the steward of the Minobu area his patron. Nikkoenshrined the object of devotion Nichiren inscribed in 1279 (commonly known as the Dai-Gohonzon) at the new location. Later Nikkofounded a seminary at nearby Omosu and educated his disciples there. Nikko's disciples and followers spread out, while those of the other five senior priests tended to remain localized. Among the temples derived from Nikkoand his disciples, seven major temples including Kitayama Hommon-ji, originally Omosu Seminary, in 1941 became affiliated with Kuon-ji temple on Mount Minobu by the order of the militarist government.
(2) The Nikoschool, deriving from Nikoand his disciples. Also called the Minobu school. After Nikkoleft Mount Minobu in 1289, Nikobecame the chief priest of Kuon-ji temple with the support of Hakiri Sanenaga, the steward of the area. The eleventh chief priest Nitcho(1422-1500) rebuilt Kuon-ji at its present location, on the flank of Mount Minobu. During the Edo period (1600-1867) Minobu enjoyed the sup-port of the Tokugawa shogunate and thereby extended its influence. Prior to the Second World War, many smaller Nichiren schools merged with this school as part of the government effort to consolidate and control religious groups.
(3) The Nichiroschool begun by Nichiroand his disciples, which was originally based at Hommon-ji temple in Ikegami and Myohon-ji temple in Hikigayatsu in Kamakura. In the late Kamakura period (1185-1333), Nichiro's disciple Nichizowent to Kyoto for propagation. Although repeatedly expelled from that city due to the political influence of other Buddhist schools, he eventually won recognition in Kyoto and in 1321 built Myoken-ji temple there. In 1326 the emperor gave him a tract of land in Shijoin Kyoto; hence his school came to be called the Shijoschool. The offshoots of the Nichiroschool include the Eight Chapters (Happon) school, which is also known as the Essential Teaching Lotus (Hommon Hokke) school, the Buddha-Founded (Butsuryu) school, and the Nisshin branch of the Lotus (Hokke-shuShimmon) school.
(4) The Nakayama school, which originally centered around three temples in Shimosa: Mama Guho-ji, Nakayama Hommyo-ji, and Wakamiya Hokke-ji. Nakayama Hommyo-ji had been Ota Jomyo's residence, and Wakamiya Hokke-ji had been Toki Jonin's family temple. Ota's son Nikko(different from Nichiren's successor) served as chief priest of both temples. Mama Guho-ji was at first a temple of the Tendai school; when Toki Jonin converted it, his adopted son Nitcho, who was one of the six senior priests designated by Nichiren, became its chief priest. Much later, a priest named Nitchuand his disciple Nichigen propagated the Nakayama school in Kyoto.
(5) The Nisshoschool, also known as the Hama school, deriving from Nisshoand his disciples. Originally it was centered at Hokke-ji temple at Hamado, Kamakura, and Myoho-ji temple at Nase, both in Sagami Province. Later it became affiliated with the Minobu school.
(6) In addition, there is the No Alms Accepting or Giving (Fuju Fuse) school, founded by Nichio(1565-1630), a native of Kyoto, and the No Alms Accepting or Giving Nichiko(Fuju Fuse Komon) school founded by Nichiko(1626-1698).(See Nichiko; Nichio.

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"This teaching was not propagated in the Former or Middle Day of the Law because the other sutras had not yet lost their power of benefit. Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras lead to enlightenment. Only Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can do so. This is not my own judgment. Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, the Buddhas of the ten directions, and the bodhisattvas who emerged from the earth as numerous as the dust particles of a thousand worlds have so determined it."

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 903
The Teaching for the Latter Day


"Whether or not your prayer is answered will depend upon your faith; [if it is not,] I will in no way be to blame. When the water is clear, the moon is reflected. When the wind blows, the trees shake. Our minds are like the water. Faith that is weak is like muddy water, while faith that is brave is like clear water. Understand that the trees are like principles, and the wind that shakes them is like the recitation of the sutra."

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 1079
Reply to the Lay Nun Nichigon


Active member
SoCal Hippy said:
Such things as money, fame, and material possessions offer a fleeting satisfaction, something that can be called relative happiness. However, when we transform our lives internally, when we develop within ourselves a brilliant inner palace, then we can be said to have established absolute happiness. If we develop a state of mind as vast and resplendent as a magnificent palace, then nothing-no matter where we go or what we may encounter in life-can undermine or destroy our happiness.

Daisaku Ikeda

what else can be said?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam Myoho Renge Kyo<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

peace and love



Active member
Just wanna let ya'll know im a lil nervous/ unsure about how to express myself, kinda hard to explain but im sure ill come around. It seems you all have come so far im just blown away, and kinda feel i dont have anything to add but thats horseshit and i need to get over it.

Huge respect and love my Brothers and Sisters!!!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam Myoho Renge Kyo<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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Let's keep syncing up with daimoku! Chanting Growers Rock the World!

Let's keep syncing up with daimoku! Chanting Growers Rock the World!

"Make every possible effort for the sake of your next life. What is most important is that, by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo alone, you can attain Buddhahood. It will no doubt depend on the strength of your faith. To have faith is the basis of Buddhism."

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 832
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Bonz, Just glad to see you back posting!

Bonz, Just glad to see you back posting!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

"This lifetime will never come again; it is precious and irreplaceable. To live without regret, it is crucial for us to have a concrete purpose and continually set goals and challenges for ourselves. It is equally important that we keep moving toward specific targets steadily and tenaciously, one step at a time ".

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
This is my struggle........SoCal's Post

This is my struggle........SoCal's Post

SoCal Hippy said:
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

"This lifetime will never come again; it is precious and irreplaceable. To live without regret, it is crucial for us to have a concrete purpose and continually set goals and challenges for ourselves. It is equally important that we keep moving toward specific targets steadily and tenaciously, one step at a time ".

Daisaku Ikeda

I need this on my T-shirt......^

Purpose is a big word, and finding a purpose in life is just not existing.......to eat, shit, go to work, watch alittle tv, surf the net, and go to sleep..... that is a big no no.......my childhood name, "no no," my sibs gave me.

My purpose given to me by my anger management counselor (Christian spiritual advisor on the side) five years ago was to take care of Ann, get her to decent health, physically and mentally. That I've accomplished for both of us. She went through what Outkast is going through now.

My purpose was on someone's advice linked to a Christian God. I find that my real purpose "NOW" is chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for very special purposes designed for individuals that I walk with in life, and for my need to remain in a relative happy state of mind so I can function positively in my everyday tasks. I'm going to be chanting on my purpose in life to see what else besides my Gohonzon can make my life one with purpose.

Bonz, in a way you never left, you just took a long breath and held it in till you were ready to exhale...........love you bro!........dag nabbit, it's so good to hear from your heart again!!!...........much respect brother........Desi!

Sleepy, my blessings to you brother, .......you make my day always much better!!!
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey dudes! I'm still here just buried up to the neck with things to do! This is the time of the year that we do our "study retreat" training course and this year I am in charge of the study part of it.

I have had the sansho shima of my kids giving me their creeping crud (as usual at this time of year), and that always effects me more than them--I have no anti-bodies in my system for these foreign cousins of what I had growing up. It's sort of like what the white mans diseases did to the American Indians--it'll fuck you up!

So I take my eyes off the ball for a few days and Bonz comes in under the wire to make his entrance! Shit! Sorry Bonz, you caught me nappin--literally.

I am so happy to see Sleepy, and Desi and Easy and Hit and SoCal just keep rolling along. A special belated Happy Birthday wish to my dear friend Babbabud! You and Mrs. B are spoken of often!

The kids bug us endlessly about when we are coming back to see you again. I found a vacation rental that is in that neighborhood you go through to get to your place. If the economy doesn't get too brutal, we'll be neighbors for a few weeks next summer!~(Your JAM should be something folks can buy at the grocery! It is beyond delicious! It is absolutely BuddhaJAM!)

Hit, what you are going through is what will ultimately give you very big balls. Enlightenment in a single lifetime couldn't be anything but difficult, and if you chant the abundant Daimoku you know you need to, then everything will turn into The Land Of Eternally Tranquil Light.

My baby girls are now fully functioning little kids and they really take a lot of my time! They love their Daddy! I am so blessed with benefits in my life that I never had the wisdom to desire and never chanted for! All my kids chant and believe the Gohonzon to be the source of all things.

I am in a state of constant prayer for their protection. I chant more Daimoku now then I ever have before in my life. It is thanks to them and all of you that this is so.

I bow in humble obeisance to you all!

Much love and deepest respect,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Living as we do in the evil age of the Latter Day of the Law*, it is essential that we advance boldly and with strong conviction. Regardless of what kind of situation we might be in right now, it is important that we firmly determine that "We will definitely win!" Let's be courageous champions who never cease to advance, no matter what!

Daisaku Ikeda

*Buddhism calls our present age the Latter Day of the Law. It is a period described in the sutras as an evil age defiled by the five impurities, in which people's lives are muddied, and their confusion of thought is extreme. (SGI President Ikeda's Foreword to The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin)

five impurities
[五濁] (Jpn go-joku )

Also, five defilements. Impurity of the age, of desire, of living beings, of thought (or view), and of life span. The "Expedient Means" (second) chapter of the Lotus Sutra says, "The Buddhas appear in evil worlds of five impurities.... In this evil world of the five impurities those who merely delight in and are attached to the desires, living beings such as this in the end will never seek the Buddha way." (1) Impurity of the age includes repeated disruptions of the social or natural environment. (2) Impurity of desire is the tendency to be ruled by the five delusive inclinations, i.e, greed, anger, foolishness, arrogance, and doubt. (3) Impurity of living beings is the physical and spiritual decline of human beings. (4) Impurity of thought, or impurity of view, is the prevalence of wrong views such as the five false views. (5) Impurity of life span is the shortening of the life spans of living beings. According to The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra, the most fundamental of these five are the impurities of thought and desire, which result in the impurity of living beings and the impurity of life span. These in turn give rise to the impurity of the age
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-75) wrote: 'Among the virtues gratitude is in my judgment most especially to be commended, and ingratitude in equal measure to be censured.' I hope you will never become individuals who lack gratitude and appreciation. Nothing is more deplorable than ingratitude."

SGI Newsletter No. 7648, 22ND SOKA GAKKAI HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING--PART 2 [OF 2], Imparting Joy to Others, Sep. 30th, 2008, translated Oct. 15th, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Advance with Conviction!

Advance with Conviction!

Quote by President Ikeda after finishing "The Human Revolution:"

"If I struggle to write one page, then I have written one page. And if I write two pages, I have accomplished two pages. If I don't write anything, nothing will be gained. I have to challenge myself and progress, even if just a little bit. Each day I want to accomplish something."

Hiya T!!! thankyou for sharing.........One of your main purposes in life is taking care of your babies and wife.....protecting their every molecule....

Hey Scegy, now come on bro, Bonz is back, we need a cameo bro......Please!!!......love you all, Desi!
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MUGI WASSHIN means Doubt Free Faith!

MUGI WASSHIN means Doubt Free Faith!

The mighty warrior General Li Kuang, whose mother had been devoured by a tiger, shot an arrow at the stone he believed was the tiger. The arrow penetrated the stone all the way up to its feathers. But once he realized it was only a stone he was unable to pierce it again. Later he came to be known as General Stone Tiger. This story applies to you. Though enemies lurk in wait for you, your resolute faith in the Lotus Sutra has forestalled great dangers before they could begin. Realizing this, you must strengthen your faith more than ever.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 953
General Stone Tiger

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Understanding the Law of Life (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) to avoid collisions
By Buddha in Daily Life, Richard Causton, pg.29

Buddhism teaches that everything in the universe is an expression of this Law and acts in accordance with it. LAW here is used in the scientific rather than the legal sense, in that we obey the Law of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo in the same way that we obey the law of gravity. If we act contrary to the law of gravity – by walking off a tall building, say – we usually suffer grave consequences. Similarly if we go against the Law of life – for example, by denying cause and effect, a central aspect of this Law – eventually, and inevitably, we will end up suffering.

This is one reason why it is so important that we should learn of the existence of this Law, because even if we do not understand theoretically what it means, or how it works, we can put ourselves in rhythm with it simply through chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. In this way, and quite naturally, we can begin to use this universal Law to create value for ourselves and others, and gradually come to understand it. As Daisaku Ikeda explains:

“Birds fly about high in the sky. Yet is does not happen that two birds collide with one another. Again, many fish live in the sea. Yet it is unheard of for two fish to bump into each other. In the immense breadth of the sky and sea, birds and fish live and move about freely because of their instinctive knowledge of the routes of the sky and the sea as well as the principles that govern the processes of flight and swimming.

In the same way, when living in accordance with the Law in the depth of life, human beings will not uselessly collide with one another. They will not come into conflict with each other on account of minor negative feelings such as jealousy, hatred and arrogance, thus creating unhappiness and misfortune for themselves. Therefore, when we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo with deep faith, we call forth the power to be able to develop a noble life-condition and respect and cherish one another with mind as vast as the sky and the sea.”

(The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin states that the root causes of the sufferings in the world are incorrect philosophies on which people base their lives in thoughts, word and deed. Buddhism presents the way to know ourselves by illuminating our lives with an awareness of our potential rather than our limitations. Such a positive stance enables us not only to tackle the difficulties in our lives, but also to be able to look outward to society with hope and courage.)
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ICMag Donor
Hello everyone!!!
T, cant wait for next summer!..I hope it all works out, Ill be chanting for that to happen!!
So happy you all enjoyed the goodies and we love you guys tons!!

It all starts from RIGHT now! ...lets make it rock!
nam myoho renge kyo!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
H E L L O MyohoDisco, I am standing on a sunny hill overlooking a light green valley watching you dance around the Tiger Stone. Your face is full of joy! You are pretty much flying bro, you know,........it's hard to keep your feet on the ground with so much positive energy everywhere. Just remember to get some rest,..... good rest is priceless with all the compacted days you have brother..........Blessings & Respect bro.........Desi!
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