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Halloween Kush (?)


I have a couple of questions about said kush.

1. is it really a kush, I suspected it was, being very dense smaller frosted nuggets, more of a purple bud with an intense smell. kushy, I would say. Also slightly sweet. Dank nonetheless.

2. where can I find it, and where did it originate? I was told sfv, but who knows.

Thanks everyone.


I also would like to know. A local dealer is offering this, here on the east coast so more info would be nice...would ask the dealer but you know how that goes...


wow, sounds like something someone made up, like birthday kush, or christmas bud, or easter beasters..... hahahah

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classy grass
The local club has sold 'Halloween' on and off for a while. Never called anything else, strong indica but didn't remind me of any 'kush' I've smoked.


what about Christmas kush .its only 2 months away .and it smells like xmas tree/pine.
hahah sounds like cvs or any other drug store putting out their holiday stuff before
the holidays. marketing ploy .


The Kush shit is ridiculous..I was thinkin of growin out some c99 and callin it pineapple kush and see how much I can trick people into paying like $15, 20 a gram for it lol! Seriously, it's so many people around here thinking kush is the only connoisseur quality bud there is to smoke. If that name isn't tagged on it you can't get much outta them for it...unless it's purple of course -_-. It's retarded. I don't think that strain is real though lol. Funny I'm just now hearing about some weed named Halloween Kush in October...getting closer to halloween, which I don't celebrate.


I forgot to mention that this was back in 2005-2006, and was from a dispensary. Needless to say it was a very beautiful darker color, with bright orange pistils, and very stacked calyxes. My buddy also had some DANK OG from the same place, and some bubba that was 4/5.

Not something I would make up, seeing as how I have both bubba and OG strong. I thoroughly enjoyed the halloween kush,
and that is the only reason I am asking.



i agree with thc. if a rapper or artist puts kush in his or hers lyrics than thats what everyone wants to smoke.(rickross,acehood,and everybody else). people in my hometown think anything with trichomes is haze or hydro.Go figure. weed is like clothes. whatever is marketed the best will sell the best or be desired the most. stupid consumers.FUCK IT call everything kush ! i tried to tell the customer there is so many different types of kush. haze is just a strain of weed. hydro is the way it can be grown. please do not tell me my grape krush is not kush. DUMN BASTARDS. ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES THC AND DEAL WITH THE STUPIDITY FROM UNEDUCATED SMOKERS.


Active member
i thought i was the only one that was sick of this "kush" bullshit . glad to hear that not everyone gets caught up in the hype.


lol. overabundance of haters. all I asked, simply, is if you HAVE had it, please answer my few questions posted in the original post. Thats it. Not, 'No, nope, no such thing, blah'.

I had it, it was dank. I would rather reach for it than OG any day, and I only had it 2 times. I have had so many kushes, and I know what kush is. Please, don't insult someone... especially if they have already confirmed something.

Thanks again all.


first of all your, question was is it really a kush? that leads me to believe that even you the consumer is questioning the said kush variety. i am not a hater i just think this kush shit is out of control. did they breed it to just be avaliable on halloween? could be. do i think that that is possible, yes. but even you posting this thread about a question on kush is suspect to this said kush market. thats all i am saying. i could give a @!#!& about that variety. i have never had it nor have i ever heard of it. but what i do know is that alot of people do not know what a real kush is. what it smokes like,grows like and its origin. no disrespect, but to answer your question, no , never knew it existed. and since you know so much about kushes cause you had so many of them ie;(og,bubba) than that would make you the best expert on thisstrain. happy trails


Active member
A buddy said they had some cranberry kush... They said they were going to cross it with some gobbler kush and it would be available around nov. 28th. Thinking of calling it TG kush... LOL

mmmm smell the scarcasim....
Sorry could not help my self
fisher15 said:
The local club has sold 'Halloween' on and off for a while. Never called anything else, strong indica but didn't remind me of any 'kush' I've smoked.

Well then your local club is LYING TO YOU!!!! Here is the scoop on Halloween, Up here in Nor Cal, a friend of mine, a local reverend created this stain called Halloween, and NO it was not purple at all, but it was fucking killer weed. He started to sell it to the clubs in the local area, and everyone wanted it. Long story short, he got robbed at his club, beaten, taken to his house and killed along with his wife, kid, and dog. The strain never made it out, no one ever knew what he crossed to achieve halloween. Therefore halloween does not exist anymore. So anyone claiming to have anything remotely called halloween is full of shit. You heard it first, from me the true story.


707DankSmoker said:
Long story short, he got robbed at his club, beaten, taken to his house and killed along with his wife, kid, and dog. The strain never made it out, no one ever knew what he crossed to achieve halloween. Therefore halloween does not exist anymore. So anyone claiming to have anything remotely called halloween is full of shit. You heard it first, from me the true story.

Whoa what the fuck, some one was killed for Cannabis? That's twisted.


DonChron said:
according to so and so...

It reminds me of that story of the guy who got shot, he was a big cannabis supporter and they said that from the lack of witnesses they assumed the killer used a silencer and shit...I forgot the whole story but it was f**ked.

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