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expectant yield from bubblebags using bud


New member
using good middies, what should one expect to yield if one were to use bud for ice extraction (per ounce of bud)?


New member
id like to know that too. i wonder what would be better to do though with that ounce of mids. sift out the trichomes on a dry silk screen, or do water extraction? im thinking if you just sifted them you could take the sifted product and use it in baked goods.


hey big man, what size bags are you using?

ive been thinking about getting some bags for making hash...just done know what size would suit my needs.


New member
i have the 5 gal size right now, and i'd say it would seem to be the ideal size for the average med patient, although it is the only one i have. i have the 7 bag version, and personally think the more-bag version is the better choice in the long run, finer control, etc.

right now it is the 8-bag kit, don't know what one i'm missing, but i don't think it matters as much as just having more than 4 bags. if ur hard up for cash (who isn't?) u might want to consider just buying the 2 largest bags and use them for gumby extraction (let trics settle and then u siphon off water on top, takes a while, but effective).



Active member
always better to get the 8 bag set get more quality, but let me see if you can old afford 4 bags let me find the info there are a few micron sizes you should get 2 for decent bubble and the other 2 for that FM/FMCD since thats the real reason you want bubble anyways. :rasta:


I think the pecentage would depend on the bud.If there is no trichromes on bud or trim wont get none in the bag. IMO its not worth it trading a zip of bud for 2-3 g of hash.Unless you have more bud than you can smoke.
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Active member
fumancu said:
I think the pecentage would depend on the bud.If there is no trichromes on bud or trim wont get none in the bag. IMO its not worth it trading a zip of bud for 2-3 g of hash.Unless you have more bud than you can smoke.
which is why you should just use trim...


Active member
In all honesty, trim is much better for making bubble than bud because there's far more surface space with exposed glands for the ice to break off. I think 20% is pretty optimistic unless you're blending the shit out of it to get some really green hash. I get no more than 10% in my 5 gallon 3 bag kit blending for 15 minutes on low, and about 5% in my bubblenow xl running on normal for 5 minutes.
I woould get closer to 10%, 15% for super frosty like the man says! Never grind your buds or dry them to the bone to get full melt. Breaking up the buds is enough or you will get a lot of green. Well frozen with a lot of ice is the way to go. Yield is train related just like potency, the rest is experience in the making. RR


Redrooster said:
I woould get closer to 10%, 15% for super frosty like the man says! Never grind your buds or dry them to the bone to get full melt. Breaking up the buds is enough or you will get a lot of green. Well frozen with a lot of ice is the way to go. Yield is train related just like potency, the rest is experience in the making. RR

Well said RR. I agree.

I see you are using Filter bags in the washing machine now!!



Active member
It doesn't matter how potent your product is, if you use nugs it's gonna hurt your yeild, and you're NOT going to get 15% of fmcd. Hate to burst your bubble but it's just not going to happen.


Listen to me any you will save time money and anger.
Do not get the bags there great but not for you're needs I got them tried it and got next to nothing/wasted ALLOT of stuff.

Get this http://www.everyonedoesit.com/online_headshop/Magnetic_Wooden_Kiff_Box.cfm?iProductID=4402

If you dry an oz of mids to the bone break it down and shake it in there for like 20 minutes maybe a bit less(take it out the bottom every few minutes to separate grades.

You will get 1 to 2 GRAMS of tricrome stalks and heads and still half an oz of less potent stuff (even if every tric is gone trics burst and are absorbed into middies.)Which you will need to smoke double the usual amount for the same effects.

10 euro this is you're best course of action.

This is a magic box that turns you're trash to stash LITERALLY.
Ever stare at that oz or 2 of stems you saved up...this will turn that into 2-3 grams low quality hash. What els u gonna do smoke the stems lol.
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Bursting bubbles!

Bursting bubbles!

High Bowlgrinder, most people who use bubble are heavy users and/or users of high quality only. Most don’t bubble for economy, well in my opinion anyway.
Bubble bags are the only way to go if you want the highest quality hash and have little experience. RR


Active member
I have always told people the returns are between 3% and 10%.
I have never personaly gotten higher than 10%, but then again i am constantly weighing what i've started with, drying the hash properly then weighing the hash.
The first time i ever saw someone claim they had over 10 was BOG, and he was saying 18%.
however once he learned how to properly dry his bubble, that went way down..Water is very heavy guys.
My two cents.

Bubble man