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casey jones, bubblegum, jillybean


Bubblegum 55 days in just started flush

Casey Jones 71 days cut at 73
it's pure funk

Jillybean day 42 - got a bit too much N, made it a lil leafy but is still pure frost

Hope you like!


Great looking plants Dr Snow, the Jillybean looks insane for only day 42 man, resin machine to the max, howz the aroma from the Casey Jones?



it was great meeting you, I was hoping I'd get a chance to see some
some of your stuff... and you are a top-notch grower....
it's really awesome how much talent we had gathered in one place...
you were very kind to me as well as very interesting... I had a lot of fun getting to know ya! and oh yeah, before I forget,,,,
NICE BUDS!!! looks like someone knows how to grow tha FUNK
ANDDDD work a camera! looking frosty, keep up the good work,,,
also what bubblegum is that? k+

I harvested my outdoor CJ and a HPxDC. The CJ was a few days early due to unforseen circumstances. Bth grown from seed. 5 beans each,one girl of each!! I'm re-vegging 'em now inside under 24hr. light since I didn't have means to take/keep clone at that time :(


I'll have to let you know when fully cured but while growing she is rank. Many layers, can't quite put my finger on it all but all the influences come through strong (sour trainwreckish). Really unique I like it alot, probably more than E.C.S.D. but i'll get back on that :)

Hazeseeker said:
Great looking plants Dr Snow, the Jillybean looks insane for only day 42 man, resin machine to the max, howz the aroma from the Casey Jones?


you see my post?
was wondering what bubblegum that was at least,,,



Awsome Jillybean, the bubblegum is pretty sweet as well. What are the smells like?

Would think that the Jillybean and bubblegum would make a nice cross. I like to save a little pollen in a small glass vile with some dry rice, let it sit out fir a week and just shake is around with the rice intill it's dry then pop it in the freezer.

Nothing like having ten or twenty beans to work with.

Nice grow!


exceptional buddage dr snow.......that casey jones i must have (shakes piggy bank) :rasta:


hey gpunched, sorry i missed ur question... the bg is from a friend the original source is apparently some nerd working at some university, it was received rooted in sand, don't want to say more because it's not my story but bottom line is it's dank


Active member
Dr.Snow said:
hey gpunched, sorry i missed ur question... the bg is from a friend the original source is apparently some nerd working at some university, it was received rooted in sand, don't want to say more because it's not my story but bottom line is it's dank

That Bubblegum is the same Bubblegum that you, GP smoked at the party...

Top notch pics Dr.Snow, she sure does frost out alot :)
she definitely treated you well

Theres alot more to that story than some nerd working at some university building sand castles...
It was sourced in North Carolina many many moons ago...
just started floating around these boards till recently...


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