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Project EDEN - the COCO-COOP



current seedling count;

0x Herrijuana (HJ)

0x skunk x tw (cheese trainwreck) (SxTW)
5x Diva G x lovepotion (DG X LP)

4x SSH x LP (SSH x LP)
2x KarmaTrain x LP (KT x LP)

3x F13 x bubblegum (pandora)
5x blockberry (BB)

4x DC x UZB (CB)
7x CT x PTK (CT X PTK)

3 x jamaican (JA)
4 x jamaican ( beeniemans choice) (Be)

4 x jamaican x UZB (Ju)
2 x Jotake (Jot)

2 x Alibi (AL)

0 x La Mula (MULA)

4 x Alibi F4 (AL F4)
1 x Cx? (C?)

mi gonna give the sativas in 12/12 more time before a check :D

peace all


i was just checking on the plants, and the ssh x ptk in 12 /12 has started flowering a little bit :D

about 1/3rd of the sativa seeds planted into 12/12 has not yet germed and most likelly they wont ever..

seedlings are growing quick and soon enough i got to transplant,.,,

peace all :D
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nice to drop in realsupreme :D hope all is good :D

later i think im gonna do an update :D

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its always a pleasure to follow ya work, we have similar latitudes so it is always quite interesting follows what goes on in your green paradise :) .. im seedling some interesting crosses for my new indoor spot and if the winter helps with the cooling will be great.. i will come later with a diary to report whats happening.

im already excited to see your photos, they are always very inspiring for any grower.
peace mate!



there is progress in the growroom..

the moms are bushing up slowly and seedlings are growing ina steady pace.

noticable is the speed the original SSH X PTK ones are getting going. these seedlings are very very interesting. the posibility to get an other keeper of the same strain is very very cool :D hope for an other more sativa like quicker vegger and maybe even a male would be to hope for. interesting times indeed :D

also a quick grower is the diva G x LP.

the SSH x PTK flowering under fluoros is slowly stretching along - and soon enough the budding will start. in 2 weeks max the buds will start building up in size - but there still is a long time to go.

the seedlings under 12/12 are growing very slowly - but its normal i guess.

ok - some pics :D

flowering cabinet;

sativa seedlings - landraces and crosses;

SSH x PTK moms bushing up slowly;

seedlings loving fluoros like never;



:D thanks mate :D

but this far its been easy.. next step is worse - transplanting all those is a bit anoying hehehe.. not to say carrying coco and similar products.. gonna need a whole bunch!

some thoughts;

also im realizing im going to need to expand the fluoro flowering area to one more space - but more about that later when i think more about it. just now its just an idea.. thinking ahead of the space all the plants are going to take..

one more problem is the amount of pots. in some way or an other ive gotten to have about half of what i used to, and all 2,5 liter pots have been lost to friends bringing clones to their growspots. same with all 1 liter pots..

guess im going to have to buy more 1 liter cups and prepare.

but anyway - still the space problem got to be solved - the plants in flowering are going to take a lot more time to finish and im not going to have space for even vegging the seedlings if im not going to take care of things soon..

peace all!!


Throbbing Member
Looking Awesome Bone....!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see how they develope. Glad to see you working some of the love potion in as well as the Alibi. :D :D


:D the lovepotion is a great smoke :D at the moment i got a cross growing (diva-G x LP) and obviously - very interesting :D

i just had a check on the sativa dominant lot (and also at the rest..) - well most have germed - the ones growing are growing slowly - but thats ok..

the ones that DID NOT germ;

5 VL (verde limon mexico)
1 SSHxLP (cloneman)
2 PET (el peten guatemala)
3 TMB ( thai mex banghi)
3 MB (mangarosa x banghi)
1 CON (congo)

so in the 12/12 room i got going (besides the 4 bigger SSH x PTK);

4 mangarosa x banghi (MB)

1 congo (con)

5 ssh x LP

4 guatemala (PET) (el peten)

7 Mex verde limon (VL)

4 thai/mex x banghi (TMB)

... wich is a nice selection of sativas for sure...

coming week i will buy transplant suplies and start transplanting seedlings in the vegroom - also i will buy nutes and a few other things. most likelly i will have to buy some more bigger trays also, or try to squeeze in my big hydro-trays i use for the bigger plants normally in the flowering. some selection might have to be done in the transplant..

also this weekend i think i might have to spray against mites. specially the seeldings seem affected - and before they get too damaged.. i will have to sort it out.

forgot to say the ssh x ptk flowering under fluoros are starting to get small clusters of white hairs.. lets see how they are looking like in a month and a halfs time. :D

also im thinking it might be a good idea to ad moe lights to the fluoro spaces.. lets see what i do about that.. man i really want to forget about this fluoro stuff and hook up the HPS - but i just cant do it yet. in a few months time - maybe.


peace all!
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well i thought it was time for an update with pics.

thanks to the fact the closest big town where the growshop is, is in its "fiestas" - i have not been able to go and buy nutes for about 2 weeks.. well thanks to this i think my seedlings are very healthy and there is no sign anywhere of nute burn hehe :D actually they look really well - and i remember i got a mix with also soil and other amendments besides coco in the mix, but neither of the aditives are really rich in nutrients... so the then i remember i used a comercial CAT-SAND wich is a expanded mineral, with no aditives what so ever. on the back of this fantastic cat-sand there it said it could be used in planting for giving plants a higher nutrient uptake. well i thought it was bulls**t and i used it for its humidity holding abilities anyway. but indeed it seems the one and only watering with nutes i gave the seedlings has really been well used and i honestly dont think i see too many signs of lack of nutes yet, besides some plants are of a slightly paler colour.

all seedlings are in 200 ml cups - that is almost only half a can of soda u know..

there is not much root-growth out of the bottom of the pots yet but soon i have to transplant..

today i also moved the sativa dominat seedlings from the 12/12 space to the vegspace - since i realized if a moved around things a bit i could with no problem fit the 2 smal trays of cups in there to fatten up the plants a bit before i return them to the flowering space. instead - soon enough i will move over one of the big vegging SSH x PTK moms to flower - since 2 big moms is more than enough.. and i rather take some clones in a months time or so of the SSH x PTK to multiply the existencies and prepare a bigger bunch of the for flowering with the HPS.

i think i will be able to use the HPS sooner than i thought.. and maybe in only a few months time everything is more or less back to normality.

for now i think i will veg the sativa dominant with the rest - and go putting about 10 of them at a time to flower untill im done with all of them. this will begin when the first 4 plants i put in to flower are finishing off, wich should be in about 5-7 weeks time or maybe i do a sneak start in a few weeks when i put the one more SSH x PTK to flower..



a few thoughts about my guerilla attempt this summer.

well.. i have not yet gone to check if they are alive. i dont know if im the most slack guerilla grower ever - but it has just been imposible to go and have a look. the last days we have been getting very heavy rainfalls, and since i know the spot i have choosen is very humid - im presuming the worse. if they survived this far, this must have been what it took to finish it off.

well since i havent gone to see yet - im just preparing my self mentally for not finding any plants at all.

next year i will plant in the same area - but choose slightly dryer/higher ground. i just have to give it a shot, since that is the only place around here where watering would not be necesary at all. that is defineltly a bonus thinking im living very close to the dryest region of europe. we get occasional rainfalls but it doesnt mean we get enough..


just went ahead and transplanted one more sshxptk mom and put her to flower. its one of the bushiest ones and had a whole bunch of nice branches.

also i transplanted 12 seedlings (all the biggest ones) and i put them to flower. i suspect a whole bunch of them will be males - so soon i will have to cut down a few.

one SSH x PTK seedling of the original seeds was very bent and broke in transplant - right of at the base. a pity on a juicy looking plant. this one is for sure very fat looking and vigorous so i cut the seeling up into 3 clones and put them to root. i hope for the best...

i put to flower a whole bunch of different kinds, i should actually go down and check up on exactly wich and come back later..

cant help noticing its definetly time to spray them again against mites. all of them. 7 seedlings are looking a bit worselly attacked and i have allready lost 4 weak seedlings - well i write "lost" but honestly i pick the seedlings up and throw them when they are not looking too good. there is no time to waste on unhealthy plants generally. only when its a very important seed or one of a kind item etc - i spoil them..

gonna have a few bongs and decide if i should transplant a few more now.. or leave some for tomorow..


went back and transplanted 2 ssh x ptk of the original seeds for more veg, and one nice looking chunkbeki.

also got to ad - as usually any nice looking or interesting male will be used for something..

but i wont make lots of crosses this time. atleast i havent thought about it yet. lets see when time comes..

peace :D
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wow.. i just today decided i should go and ahve a look at the plant i got growing together with this friend..

well the last days rain has affected the plants a bit - i had a tiny bit of rotten leaf in some nugs - i went thru every single one cutting them all up and cleaning out anything nasty. i rather have clean nugs than big nugs..

well - all in all i have to say things have gone quite well, despite the earlier mentioned problem with the leaf ripping kids.. wellsome dog hairs should be mentioned.. but anyway all in all very good. i got them in the rigth time - before the rain ruins it and late enough to get a nice high..

tiny nugs. should expect else from this crappy intent.. well one thing is for sure - colabs get better the more interested and the more "know how" the parts put into it. these nyugs are smokeable but nothing to celebrate too much - but atleast this is nugs as a change to hash that ive been smoking for the last few months..

well i got anyway some other good news . my good old trusty co-op partner vend is going to get down for winter.. and there is some interesting projects going to get sorted out.. 2 growlocations is better than one. and together we will have a quite nice infra-structure of vegging and flowering spaces.. well well.. lets not anticipate.. things gonna show when time comes.. but indeed some interesting projects are thought out and planned.. our keeper pheno gotto be reproduced in seed form. the long quest will be for males. i have some possible good candidates thought out - talking about strains that is. but all has to be worked out to details later.

part of the plan is to save the best male(s) of the quite large lot of seeds and strains we have access to. i do have in mind to even use pollen from tried dads of my friends.

now when i have moved into my house i will atlast start seriously with the plans i have had for a long time.

also one more recent decision is THE FLOWERING space will get duplicated, and i will run the second room on and off oposite to the first one - this way i dont double the strain on the cables. im still running the whole grow-op with extension cabels since i havent done the electrical instalacion work yet.. and i wont for a while either... for the moment this is ok for my needs. i will just get used to flower smaller plants for a while..

SOG under fluoros works pretty ok. the nugs dont get huge but they do get resinous. also the benefit is the whole space under the lights can be used - and since the whole cieling is covered with fluoro-tubes, i just bend the branches and tops out to flower ALONG the LENGTH of the tubes. this is not really complicated at all - but a few tubes can flower a quite big plant with no problem. takes some work on the training of the plants though..

also i do cut out all small branches in the bottom of the plants - or really anything that is too far from the ligths to become productive. alsoin the tops i thin them out taking away short and thin branches that will not stretch out past the canopy.

there is a lot of sacrfice of plant materia - but it is thinking about the nugs that counts.

ill see if a remember to take the camera down later..

also tomorow i will go up the mountain to the riverbed where i had 2 clones transplanted many months ago.. hopefully there is something i can salvage from the weather and animals.. it will be a tough cool journey thru MUD, THORNS, LEECHES and other goodies.. also should mention the 200 meter of climbing uprigth that needs to be done on a half kilometer journey along a wall of a canyon..

im going to try that area again next year. be there nugs or not tomorow.. i will sort out a better spot(s) even higher up..

tiny outdoor nugs cut up to chunks;



some pics of the growroom from last night..


veg room - and a few clones mentioned in earlier post..



went up the mountain.. and i had a few nugs there waiting,,

not that bad for leaving them abandoned for 4 months almost.. i can see i should have prepared a bigger hole and maybe a bit more lifted up. i will prepare this spot for next year.. and lets see what i do.. anyway - funny!

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Throbbing Member
Awesome.....no expectations of finding anything and lookie here.....free nugs of resin.

That my friend is Karma and mother earth smiling upon you :D

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