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New to Cloning


Active member
Hey guys, I'm new to cloning and decided to build a bubble cloner, but I have a few questions. Let me start by telling you how I set it up

2-20lt plastic storage containers w/lid
1 dual 60gl air pump
2- 10"air stones

Basically just drilled 3/8" holes into lid took some left over air tubing sliced down one side so it will open up. Made 28 sites and using the 2 airstones to create bubbles. Pretty straight forward design. I use the secon container as a humidity dome. filled with water and added olivias cloning solution.

My question is should the stems be in the water or just above water line, and if it is above water line to I need to use cloning dip/gel on the cutting. Water temp is 73* and as you can see in the pics the air temp is 74* and humidity at 99%

You could put the stems in the water, but I'd just let them get hit with the bubbles, so they sort of get misted.

Nice looking set up btw.


Well-known member
stems should be in water-you don't have aero jets shooting water/air at the stems so its best to keep the stems submerged in the oxygenated water
my ghetto setup was very similar to LOUGREW's-a tiny rubbermaid bottom and a small wand coupled with a piece of tin foil with holes poked for stems-while i usually do cubes, i had no choice but to try it and it saved my precious SD IBL cutting-good luck-they look great


hey i was thinking of making something like this..

how was your success wickedpete?

and is your name after the wickedpete beer?


Active member
the_dungeon said:
hey i was thinking of making something like this..

how was your success wickedpete?

and is your name after the wickedpete beer?

The bubbler bombed. Out of 30 cuttings I only got 3 to root. right now I'm trying to root some clones in coco. If this doesnt work I'm going to plunk down the cash for an ez cloner(239.00) or the botonicaire clone machine 25(150.00)


Voluptuous Trichomes
Cloning in Coco

Cloning in Coco

Thought I'd drop in real quick to throw in my :2cents:
wickedpete66 said:
The bubbler bombed. Out of 30 cuttings I only got 3 to root. right now I'm trying to root some clones in coco.
By far the easiest I've ever tried--and I am not sure why, as one could master cloning utilizing one of several methods.
Long as the media is pest free
Be it Coco bubbler, or straight up coco--I get roots

Good luck!​


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
wickedpete66 said:
The bubbler bombed. Out of 30 cuttings I only got 3 to root.
I have a 400% failure rate with the bubbler and naked stems. However, I found using the bubbler with my old rockwool method worked flawlessly. Soak each stem for 1 minute in full strength B1 rooting hormones (Hormex for me) Dip in Olivia's cloning gel, into cubes, cubes into bubbler.

While this gave me 100% success, I then would lose as much as 60% when weaning them off the dome. Once I threw the dome in the trash, death went with it. Keeping cuts short and leaves trimmed removes the need for a dome and it's dangerously high levels of humidity.

The most important thing to remember is, it's all Voodoo. What works perfectly for some will kill everything for others. Keep trying new ways till something works for you.


Active member
Weird how every possible way seems to be the best way for someone. I've tried a bubble cloner, "greatfulheads super cheap mass cloner" (perlite wick cloner) and cloning with Rapid Rooters roughly following the thread "cloning with jjscorpio" and I've gotten the most success with the rapid rooters, 100% last go 'round but the couple times before were more like 90%. It's way cheaper than the ezcloner you're looking at and I've also read that the ez cloners with the lower number of sites (maybe 30 or 60) have a tendency to get too hot because of the pump, so make sure you look into that before making your purchase.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
GrassRoots said:
Weird how every possible way seems to be the best way for someone.
Excuse me, could you say that a little louder, please?

GrassRoots said:
Weird how every possible way seems to be the best way for someone.


full time daddy
wickedpete66 said:
The bubbler bombed. Out of 30 cuttings I only got 3 to root. right now I'm trying to root some clones in coco. If this doesnt work I'm going to plunk down the cash for an ez cloner(239.00) or the botonicaire clone machine 25(150.00)

try again.............

this time kick the dome
also dont add Olivia's into your water....
every 3-5 day's take a 44 oz cup and dump it out of your cloner and add 44 oz to it from tap

let me guess you had stem rot? you will get this with ez cloner's as well if it's not done properly 30/60 site's blow if your going to drop cash get the 120
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Active member
00420 said:
try again.............

this time kick the dome
also dont add Olivia's into your water....
every 3-5 day's take a 44 oz cup and dump it out of your cloner and add 44 oz to it from tap

let me guess you had stem rot? you will get this with ez cloner's as well if it's not done properly 30/60 site's blow if your going to drop cash get the 120

You got it total root rot. Ive tried stems just above waterline and in the water. I had 3 bubble wands in there so there seem to be plenty of oxygen (3gl container). I had temps hovering around 80, but even when i managed to get the temps down to 75 no more rot but they just didnt root.

The funny thing is the 3 that rooted. I took the cuts on the same day. So whatever I did i did it right. Only problem is I dont know what that was. I may try it again with stems in the water and temps between 72-78*

Here is 2 out of the 3 that rooted. The 3rd one has roots but no new growth. These were just a pair of leaves a week ago. They are in coco been feeding them 5ml/gl of cns17 grow. watered everday till about 15% run off

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Active member
-VT- said:
Thought I'd drop in real quick to throw in my :2cents:

By far the easiest I've ever tried--and I am not sure why, as one could master cloning utilizing one of several methods.
Long as the media is pest free
Be it Coco bubbler, or straight up coco--I get roots

Good luck!​

I have 6 cuttings in coco right now. It has been 10 days no roots yet


Pete .......You`re drownin em..........They haveta dry out while they`re young so they`ll put out roots , search for moisture and explode with growth....Once they`re established rootwise in the container they`re in you can keep em fed regularly but you need the proper aeration in coco for the plants to stay wet all the time...I use cheap coir mixed with chunks and the powdered muck gets tossed so I use what`s left as the bales are hydrated.......You CAN overwater coco if it`s the consistency of coffee grounds like what I throw out instead of fibrous , fluffy , and chunky like everyone oughta be using IMO...............Good Luck.......DHF......... :joint: .............
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Active member
Pete .......You`re drownin em..........They haveta dry out while they`re young so they`ll put out roots , search for moisture and explode with growth....Once they`re established rootwise in the container they`re in you can keep em fed regularly but you need the proper aeration in coco for the plants to stay wet all the time...I use cheap coir mixed with chunks and the powdered muck gets tossed so I use what`s left as the bales are hydrated.......You CAN overwater coco if it`s the consistency of coffee grounds like what I throw out instead of fibrous , fluffy , and chunky like everyone oughta be using IMO...............Good Luck.......DHF......... :joint: .............

So what your saying is i should treat the cuttings and seedlings like a soil grow with coco . then once they have established roots then start watering everyday. Gets confusing because everybody says dont treat coco like soil.

Since we are kind of on the subject, Just started 10 white widow in 3oz medicine cups.(about the size of a watered peat plug) and after 3 days they have sprouted(fastest I have ever had beans sprout)I then took a 16oz cup and made a hempy bucket out of it. I made a hole about 1 1/2" from bottom filled with perlite to just above the hole filled with coco making a hole for the coco plug and dropped it in. Should I also make drain holes on the bottom of cups so the coco doesn't stay too moist or just let it go until the medium is just a bit damp then refill. I'm thinking eventually the roots will make it into the water and coco tends to dry up pretty quick anyway that it shouldn't be a big issue as long as I don't flood them out


Active member
Wickedpete, all I have to say is try a Wick cloner....
I made this thing in a pinch (actually 15 minutes from concept to finished cloner). Cut six holes in top of 10/$1 container. Insert 3 inch cotton string/yarn a half inch into bottom of the 6 Rapid Rooters. Insert clones into RR's. Fill with tap water to half inch below RR's. Roots in 8days.
Here is the cloner with the inaugural run of a legal plant, basil. BTW I did not need to refill the reservoir for the run.


Hey Pete....It depends on what consistency your coco is......That`s the determing factor on how wet you can keep their feet when they`re that young.........If the shit`s mushy and looks like wet coffee grounds then you`ll have problems just like overwatering soil mixes........If it`s fibrous, fluffy , and chunky like I use then they will hold more O2 in the rootzone as they`re drying out and absorbing nute juice till the next feed.......Too many versions and differences in the mixes of coco from one manufacturer to the next and there`s a lot of mushy shit being used by folks trying it and losing their plants......That`s the only reason I posted was to try and help yas Pete.......Take care and good luck .........DHF.......... :joint: ..........


Just Call me Urkle!!
Hey bro first off I would toss the dome like FreezerBoy said also I made a smaller Bubble Cloner for $20 and it's 2.5 liters with a 5" Bubble Bar and boy oh boy is it a strain saver!! I dunno maybe you have too big of a container you should check out my setup I have a link in my sig with step by step instructions (not like you need em) and I have 100% success and yes keep the stems in the water I had 1 above it for a while one day and within a hour or 2 the water line had gone down a bit and my cut was all wilted and looked like it was done for :badday: but I just pulled the stem down into the water and let it be and 4 hours later my cuts was perked up and happy as can be.... I'm not sure if it helps but I use 10 drops of Superthrive per gal for the water in my cloner and I've tried all ways but Aero and this gives me the healthiest clones I've seen I don't even get the yellowing leaves....

Thats how my cuts look freshly transplanted from the Bubble Cloner...

The clones on the left were done in pure perlite with a humidity dome....
notice the difference in health... :rasta:


Active member
Thanx dedhed thats good info too know, I have been using the sunleaves brick coco it seems pretty fibrous, it has nice long fiber strands and seems to hold water well. I have been watering every other day and that seems to helping.

Hey smoke thats an awesome idea. I think I'm going to try that route, But what I will do is instead of using plugs(dont have any) I will fill these little 3oz cups with coco.(they are about the same size as a rapid rooter)
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