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grow tent lighting ?

hello everyone i am planning on purchasing a 56x56x78.5 grow tent from htg supply. my question is wether i should put a 1kw light or 2 600w in it. they are both close to the 50w/sqft but didn't know how much less penetration a 600 got than a 1000. also the outlets in my house are grounded should i go digital or is there still some problems with rf interference? thanks all



full time daddy
it come's down to what style of growing you plan on doing...

if it's sog ie short plants go with 600's
if you plan on tree's or scrog id say 1k's

2 600's cost more on set up & i dont think they compare to what a 1k can do thats just my thought's

Care Free 1

Active member
If you can keep the 1kw light cool, then I would go for that. Remember though that 1kw lights are still useful in a 6' x 7 ' area with the right reflector. I can grow 25 plants in 7 gallon pots easy with that light.
thank you guys for the response. i think i will stick with the 1000w since heat shouldn't be a problem. any advice as far as the rf interference goes? the guy at the hydro store said as long as i am grounded it shouldn't be a problem but i don't want to find out the hard way. thanks again

how easy is it to vent the light with that setup? it seems the 2 exhaust ports for the lights are only 5 inch and on a diagnol, not straight across, what does this do to your air extraction flow??

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