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Maple Leaf Garden - 2008


Snow Grower ~OGA~
The Whole Enchilada

The Whole Enchilada

:wave: Welcome Back!

I guess I should start out this post by saying that I harvested Goober yesterday :woohoo: Thos pics will follow this veg update :lurk:

Let's get all the early flowering and vegging plants out of the way first:

Pollen Chuck

^ Core's masterfull creation in action. She's growing in well and needs to grow to a good size to be cloned and ready for the next round of flower. Let's just cross our fingers this one's a lady. Then again :chin:


^ I really liked the look of this stuff from when Karma Genetics grew it out :yummy:
Didn't realize it would need a feeding this early though!

Replacement Goober - Day -1 Flower

^ This is the next generation of Goober to be flowered. I should be able to keep this one looking around the same way the current one finished (you'll get to see her in a minute)
She starts flowering now :canabis:

And now on to the early flowering plants....

White Widow #1 - Day 14 Flower

^ My biggest Widow to date. I grew these a tad bigger this time to try and get a touch more weight off them and keep them copmpetitive in height with the Goober. I might have over done it :pointlaug

White Widow #2 - Day 7 Flower

^ Soon to be my biggest widow :yoinks: I really let these Widows run wild this time around. Let's hope we see the yield to compliment that :ying:

* Both these Widows are taking from the same cut. They are just 1 week apart in starting their flowering phase.

Let's get on to the greasy bud shots and the Goober harvest :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Goober Harvest Day 73

Goober Harvest Day 73

Keeping the train rolling.....

Goober Harvest Day 73

^ I'm always finding more and more reasons to love this plant. Unfortunately this round, I let the HH get to her :no: I noticed a few early seed sacks and was the main reason she got pulled at day 73. I wouldn't have minded letting her run till 80. The seeds are very small and just forming...so now I'm bummed I didn't pull HH a few days to a week or so before. Hindsight is 20/20.
Other than that...another incrdeible performance by a highly resiliant, high yielding, great tasting and smoking plant :canabis:

She left you guys some greasy macros






^ I don't think anyone would mind having a plant that can produce those under 250W :yes:
Depending on the sexual orientation of PC and Mongrul we may see 2 Goobers next round :lurk:

I hope everyone enjoyed my 3 post update :biglaugh:



Registered Medical Patient
WOW is about all I can say right now!!! Stoned on some WWidow myself...picked it up yesterday...killer stuff...anyways, all lookin great, that Goober is amazin!!!Peace bro, see ya later

- Z


man that goober is impressive!
BR rocks some nice genetics for sure...

and that under 250!! wowza! well done my man!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Bro
Welcome back!

The Goober looks great, I have my eye on your PC, BR really liked mine

Good harvest man, should be some really tall WW when they are all said and done
Heya TML!
Ya getting stuck to various areas of y'r house again? :biglaugh:
Just joking man, happy bro

TML16 said:
Keeping the train rolling.....



well what can I say, :yoinks: very very nice man!
she looks very :yummy:
Waiting on that smokereport :wink: :kos:
:wave:, Low
PS: A celebratory WW Cigar! NICE!:rasta:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Cheers for taking the time to get us an update TML, you must be busy :D That goober looks really nice, I can't really add anything that hasn't already been said so many times so I'll keep it short:

:yes: :yummy: :canabis: :smoker: :yes:

:wink: :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
been neglecting everyone... lol...been on a small vacation i woz intitled to ...Nway its looking stellar as always ...aaaaah good to be back !

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro nice harvest, hard to believe you got all that from a 250. Goober may be put on the fall list.... hope all is well at home man, talk soon.



Congratulations dude, on the harvest and bundle of joy...Jah bless you n yours..:rasta:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Wow, so much has happened while I was away - congrats all around - welcome to the pops club!

That goober :woohoo: you def treated her right - what a beauty!!! Nice fat colas - love it!

Your youngins are looking very healthy - gonna be following closely - want to learn about these girls! :chin:

Best wishes to you and your growing family!!! :yes: -MGJ


Snow Grower ~OGA~
It's been awhile

It's been awhile

I can't believe how fast 3 weeks have gone by :yoinks:
Seems like forever since I've updated the thread or even visit you guys here on IC.

I guess i should start out by pointing out the new avatar :chin: Seems my favourite player won't be playing on my favourite team anymore, so...I guess we'll just have to use an older #16 from now on.

My current grow is still going strong and you guys havn't missed much really. As a matter of fact if I update within the next few days (as I plan to) you'll be just in time for another great round of budshots :yummy:

I've been on a parental leave and havn't had this much time to live life in nearly 20 years. It seems when I allot 8hrs+ for work everyday life goes by quickly and you miss some of the good stuff. I'm sure my regular posting habits will return when I return for work. For now I'm having too much fun with my family to be sitting on the computer.
I did have some computer issues however which was another reason for my delayed posting. I finally decided to put up and put together a new one though. Shouldn't have issues for years now. Fingers crossed.

It is great to hear from all my friends here at IC though :friends:

I apologize for the delayed replies...but replies nonetheless :smile:

SirSmokalot - :laughing:

statictattoo - Thanks so much for your compliment!

ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks bro!
I'm spending the happiest time of my life at home with my ladies. I love the fact I have so much time to take care of them so well.

NZjay - Thanks man!
I heard once that it's not how big your light is but how you use it! :biglaugh: maybe only us guys with small lights think that way though :pointlaug
Goober is actually the creation of Somoz and it's Afgooey x Strawberry Diesel. I love the killer yields and greasy buds! :yummy:

Dr Dog - Thanks Bro!
Glad you guys had a great time. I'll try and be around a tad more often now.
I'll show off the plants soon :lurk:

High Lowlander - Thank You!
With Goober, every situation is a sticky one :kos:
I'll come up with some smoke reports once I'm back to work and need unwinding time on the PC. Talk with ya soon :smile:

Sammet - A barrage of emoticons always works well! :woohoo:
Thanks eh!

Core - I feel the same way bro. Glad you got some time for a vaction though. I'm sure it was well deserved and I hope you enjoyed yourself.
The family is great! Thanks for asking. I've been spending every breathing second with them.
Always great to run into you!

BR - Was great catchin up with you today :smile:
Thanks eh!

BeAn - Thanks much for the well wishes bro :smile:

MGJ - Thanks so much :smile:
Test running those StrawD crosses has found me a winner with Goober. Can't ask much more from her but a shorter flowering phase, but even that is damn worth it.
PC and Mongrul will definately be something to watch :lurk: All Cores new gear has been stellar.
I appreciate the visit and well wishes my friend :friends:

Thanks for all the support!
I'll try and stop in on my good IC friends as often as possible :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
take your time my friend! Family always comes on first place :D
good to see you post up again though :D
Hey Bud!:D
I was about to shoot ya a PM to ask how you and the fam were doing, good to read y'r having so much fun man! And like Core says: family goes first man! Although it is nice to see ya posting again:nanana: just take it easy man!
I'll be :lurk: for the next budshots-show you've got lined up
:wave:, Low


nice to see you back my friend :wave: ....it's good to hear your having fun with your family and enjoyin your time off from work :)...I'm lookin forward to seein some more of your budporn its been a while heh...but like Core and H&L said family definitely comes first

hope all is well with you n your family, take it easy man :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
hey bro, ummmm...which ladies are u referring to??LOL...Glad things are good man, see ya soon...Peace
