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Saibai vs. the monkeys



Saibai said:
Back from the concert, I think I might relax at home and watch some Monty Python. Beats working. :)

I've been practising Silly Walks and Arguing for years!! :muahaha: :joint:


Checked on them, nothing interesting to report. A little more progress like pistils, little trichs etc.
It was meant to rain and didn't...it hasn't rained much for weeks and weeks... :badday:
They're looking pretty dry, even with the marathon water run I did on Saturday. I also have all these butterfly-looking things on the plants, I'll have to look them up. Also found some spider-mite webs on the Zamals little buds. I'll have to get them quick too!

The Zamal, leaves like razors:

Snow White:

A Satori, not much budding happening yet.



The zamal is heavy sativa , sure looks like And snow white uhhh she have a nice little bud i like to taste MUhuhahaha

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Nice shots man, the plants are super nice looking. Your making me very envious over that SW plant, mine passed away today :badday:.... Imma keep on keepin on.



kalle: Yep, if it wasn't for the Skunk in it that Zamal would flower for about 16-20 weeks I hear! I actually wanted FMS Sour NL x Grapefruit, but cause it was out of stock at SB I made a last minute decision to get the Zamal. Its my "wildcard" this season. :)

Prof: That sucks, I'll smoke some Snow White for you...if that makes you feel better :D At least she'll get her prince. :muahaha:

Just a note: I was looking at the fine Satoris on the bottom tier, thinking that they're taking ages to start flowering and not really putting out many pistils...(not really, just behind the others)...when the possibility of more males passed through my mind...one would be OK to get some pollen for f2s and perhaps some crosses?

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Hahaha thanks man, enjoy it most definetly. I have 2 seeds left. Maybe I can get a female outta them. Peace :joint:


Hey, just got some shroom supplies in the mail! :)
Will post the pics, if I'm successful I should have the first flush in 2 weeks or so! :jump:
Told ya 2008 was going to kick ass!


lol....maybe not so many....:D
But I plan on making an outdoor plot...so who knows! Looking nice there bro.


Went to a temple last night and took this pic. Will update with my visit to the plot today after it gets a little cooler (its noon here now).

ps the mycelium is taking hold, not full cover but lots of white patches! :jump:


Confirmed the bottom two Satori as males, thats a bummer. Chopped em and put a cutting from each into water to maybe catch some pollen. They both had a real nice lemon odour.

Zamal, going OK. All the seeds have pretty much fallen out of the seed pods, I just hope it doesn't decide to die now that its passed it genes on.

Two plants in there, first time I've done so. With the two pots that the Satori males were in now free, I could transplant one of them if I could be bothered...

Hashberry, starting to smell very nice. Actually, most of the strain are pretty sweet and fruity smelling, except for the Snow White.

Speak of the devil...here she is:



Hey made looking good but i would not transplant the two in the pot because the roots are now together and you will do more harm then good I think , but m8 its starting to bud up real good :) :jump: :jump: :rasta:
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Now is when the real work starts...it hasn't rained here for weeks on end, been hot every day. I did another heavy water-run and am really starting to envy those people growing outdoor but not guerrilla!
At least theres two less to water now. I think I might move a few plants in pots from the second tier to the bottom one, it gets more sun.

Just one decent downpour, please...

Mushie update:

Mycelium blobs spreading, been about 5 days now, maybe harvest the first flush in about 10 days time? I dunno, but damn cellars jars look good.
No pinning at all, much too early. It might be a bit hot, which I will try to rectify. Compared to weed, shrooms are looooow maintenance. :D


Nice thread and good looking grow!!
Thanks for the details. I was tempted to put some hashberry ( flowering clones ) outside to see how they would do.... the plot I had access to was way to wet for them..... and the giant marauding slugs loved them ALOT!

Ill be back to check in on your grow.

Good Growing


ThoC: Thats too bad, I had bad trouble with slugs and snails last year, none so far becuase its too dry!

Prof: Sure you will...stalker...:muahaha:


Saibai said:
. Compared to weed, shrooms are looooow maintenance. :D
aint it the truth! many pins here, and already a few drying out. cant wait to eat em though..thanks for stoppin by the cellar bro!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
hehehehe :stalker style:

Ha, well my luck ran out with my struggler, and I have to start my grow from seed again, I just dropped 2 Snow Whites. Im hoping to get mine to look like yours.

Peaceee :joint:



It has come to my attention that I have been severely neglecting some of my girls, not in feeding etc but in exposure in this thread. Sorry girls, but the others are maturing faster and have bigger buds. Then there was the thing with Zamal getting pollenated, then the two Satori males...anyway, I decided to make up for it today.

Allow me to introduce the co-stars:

Satori, Sativa pheno.

One of my Skunks, this one was the freaky mutant.

Satori, Indica pheno.

Possibly my last Menage A Trois...this one is unconfirmed as to which strain...

Anyway, brought home 8 mature seeds from the ZamalxSkunk, it had the best smell I've ever smelt on a weed plant! So sweet and fruity...mmmmm

Just for my records: Watered the top tier SW and Satori, gave both some molasses, a little to the bottom HB. Ants on my plants. Neemed everything (light). Removed plant from pot - male!
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