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What is your Cruel guilty pleasure.

Rule 34-If it exists, there is pron of it. No exceptions.
Maury-the baby daddy shows
Looking up human deformities and diseases
Watching dumbass kids break their arms/legs on youtube


Active member
I'm surprized no one has said this yet.

The maury povich show.

"You are the father!"
It's shocking how much people will demean themselves just for a free trip to NYC.


**AWD** Aficianado
Drving fast, really fast not pissant fast..in the rain or snow makes it even worse when I can get my end to oversteer easily. :joint:

I promise myself I'll be chill like on a long roadf trip todays and it's like one asshole after another in the fast lane so eventually I pop 3rd and start sweeping lanes. :badday:

I've really backed off since my daughter but I have a short drivers fuse so I like to school silver spoon fed losers in their daddy's car.
I think I need to get some track days in, maybe that would blow off enough steam, thankfully I'm a corner junkie so I never get caught doing 210km/hr in the straights, besides any moron can floor the gas. :spank:


Listen to me jerky
TheGoodStuff said:
Smoking those plants.


much more fun


I am a secret lover of many vices...
The ones in which I will indulge you in.... are as follows...

Speeding (I love to go pretty much as fast as I can when taking corners, I always speed on the highway, I pretty much speed everywhere when I'm not holding)

Reading CraigsList ads...

Giving young college girls my age free drugs makes them a lot more fun.
And why can't they stop being soooo HOT and numerous?!? ;)

Dating 2 girls at once.... (both of them being the classy type of gals obviously... I'm young but I'm not married... and I'm aware that some people think this is crazy, but seriously... I'm young and I grow a lot of weed... It's easy and brings me some variety in my life... keeping the cell phone on silent always... :) And I really love women... It seems I can't get enough of spending my time with a woman...)

Going to downtown... in the city... at any time of the night for NO reason... I'll grab a sack of weed, and hop in my car, cruise down the highway, and find a nice place to drink in the city... Sometimes I find a party.... Sometimes the party finds me... Sometimes I meet wonderful people and go places I've never gone before... I always travel alone... And I always love the city when I'm by myself... Just smokin' with no agenda... Always something fun happening. Always meeting the most interesting people... The night is alive... All the time all of my friends and family thinking I'm probably at home asleep while I live this secret life of fun...

Sometimes I wear a suit and spend lots of cash at some swanky bar and shoot the shit with a bunch of lawyers just to see what those rich folks do for fun... and some of them are fun! Sometimes I wear normal clothes and go to a hole in the wall lounge in downtown... or to the bar at the Hilton... I love being out of my element... In some bar downtown... bars at BIG resorts and hotels are wayyyy fun.... usually waiting for the right person to smoke a joint with or I'll smoke alone... walking down the street at night...

I love watching some TV every now and then, usually UFC, WrekCage, all fighting and boxing, as I myself am a trained fighter...

I love doing drugs and telling no one I'm on them... I love sharing drugs with others whom I have not been "high" with yet...

I love growing weed and living a stealth life... Keeping secrets make me happy... When I die I'll probably go to the grave with a lot of stuff no one will ever know about... stuff that happened that no one experienced but those who were there... and I'll be smiling.

And the internet is the perfect place to FUEL my vices as well.... so there, I said it, I'm addicted...


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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
The End Is Near said:
Maury-the baby daddy shows
Raheem, you are NOT the father.......

same here, I LOVE it when they've tested 6 or 7 guys already for any one of those fat bloated crack ho's.


stoned agin ...
LMAO yeah i like watchin maury from time to time too. i like it when its "you are NOT the father" and the guy jumps up pumpin his fist awriiiiiiiight LOL


Active member
I'm watching to catch a predator right now.
It cracks me up when Chris Hanson reads from the transcripts.
He has such a straight laced voice
" MMMmm can I lick you everywhere"


Registered Med User
This aint my cruel pleasure but its cruel...
My lil homie(like 16) is always throwin change at bums, he gets a kick and laughs his ass off, I be like thats fucked up! One day hes gonna get his ass kicked... The sad part is how they actually go lookin for it after it bounces off um or flys by um.


C'mon folks, let's hear some other guilty pleasures...
I spilled my guts, so I know I'm not the only one...

Great topic.



Active member
GET MO said:
This aint my cruel pleasure but its cruel...
My lil homie(like 16) is always throwin change at bums, he gets a kick and laughs his ass off, I be like thats fucked up! One day hes gonna get his ass kicked... The sad part is how they actually go lookin for it after it bounces off um or flys by um.

sometimes we will like throw the roach out when we pass a bunch of bums on the street. they gotta get high to.

we also will throw change from our apartment thats on the 4th floor and homeless people on the street


Non Conformist
Cruel, guilty pleasure eh?

Cruel, guilty pleasure eh?

I spose one of my fav's is givin her one more lick when she's already shaking uncontrollably! mmm yeah... one of my favorites! hehehe... BC


Active member
getting really baked and watching hours of Spanish TV. It starts off by just channel surfing, I see a hot latina, then another. Before I know what happened I have watched
the whole show. I love the drama, short skirts, and over acting.
I have become a huge fan of sabado gigante.


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