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Any good recipes for cooking bubblehash out there?


Active member
I want to cook some full melt bubble hash up. I'm gonna cook up a gram or so.

Anybody out there know of a good way to go about this.

I'd like to extract the whole gram into something that can be consumed in one dose. I don't want to have to eat tons of food to feel the effects.


Just eat the hash with some lemon juice and avocado.

What you do is put some fresh lemon juice on the hash for 5-10 minutes, make sure it's thoroughly mixed in then mix with the avocado and just eat that with whatever you want. You can use it as a sandwhich spread or eat it as a guacamole.

I don't know if you would like the taste but I don't know how your hash taste so you might like it.

One gram of bubblehash is a lot to eat but if that's what you want have fun.
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her dankness
IMVHO... edibles are a bit of a waste of full-melt. Its beauty is in the purity and delicate flavor of the smoke. Save the cooking for when you've got some dirtier hash- like the stuff you scrape from the final re-rinse of everything, that has lint and dog hair in it, lol!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
stinkyattic said:
IMVHO... edibles are a bit of a waste of full-melt. Its beauty is in the purity and delicate flavor of the smoke. Save the cooking for when you've got some dirtier hash- like the stuff you scrape from the final re-rinse of everything, that has lint and dog hair in it, lol!

Id have to agree,,, espicaly if you only have 1 gram of FM,, if you want to hit it in one dose,,, i get a japanese coal and a vape whip and rip the whole gram in a session>>

personally,, i buy pounds of that mexi green brick @ 200 a pack>>> for every pack i pull about 26 grams of bubble>>and that 26g is VERY high in CBDs and for some reason CBD has much stronger effect on you body when made with edibles than THC does. than with that bubble,, ill simmer it down into marshmellow at a VERY LOW heat,, until the marshmellow mix is yellowish//brown,,, then i just pour it over a tray of some ceral and mash it all to gether,,, flatten it out and cut it up in squares>>>the main thing is DO not use HIGH heat,, as i believe anything over 150 or 175 starts to break down the cannabanoid structure...

but PLEEZ ,, dont be using 1 gram of FM to make edibles. I once used 10 grams of FM on a small batch,, and was SORELY dissapointed i didnt save it just for smoke,, edibles were good,, but nothing like pure FMCD to the dome

keep it ez.-BhT


The way that herb effects the body depends on what you eat with it as well as your bodies functioning.

Eating herb with just sugar based foods or highly processed foods won't be the best way to experinece herb. You should eat whole foods to get the best effect.

Drinking fruit juices such as grapefruit, orange juice or pomagrant juice will enhance the effects. Eating avocado and/or nuts while drinking the juice before taking the hash will allow you to feel the effects in full due to the nuts being high in protein, fat, minerals as well as antioxidants and the avocado allowing proper assimilation of the fat soluble nutrients and also having minerals and antioxidants.

smoking won't be better than eating when done this way because smoking allows the cannabinoids to go throughout ALL of the body efficiently such as lymphatic system as well as properly become metabolized to higher metabolites and when eaten with rich antioxidants prevent free radicals from effecting the high and breaking down the cannabinoids which means a longer high.
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Active member
I know it's a lot to eat, but I want to do it. I have plenty of bubblehash. Like over 100 grams so experimenting by eating one isn't gonna make much of a dent in the pile.

The whole foods vs. processed foods thing is interesting Truthman. I've never heard of that before.

I'm thinking I'll try some kind of Bhang thing or something. I don't want to just eat it. I want to melt it into something like butter or oil or something. I think it will work better that way.

I'll check out that recipe guide thegoodstuff.


meduser180056 said:
I know it's a lot to eat, but I want to do it. I have plenty of bubblehash. Like over 100 grams so experimenting by eating one isn't gonna make much of a dent in the pile.

The whole foods vs. processed foods thing is interesting Truthman. I've never heard of that before.

I'm thinking I'll try some kind of Bhang thing or something. I don't want to just eat it. I want to melt it into something like butter or oil or something. I think it will work better that way.

I'll check out that recipe guide thegoodstuff.

Just do the avocado and lemon juice method. This is all you need to feel the effects. The juices are an added bonus.

Eating something with vegetable protein will also enhance the effect. Nuts beans or some type of protein powder should help.

Just using oil or butter isn't necessarily the best option because all oils and butters are not the same and some take the body longer to process than others which means less thc available to you.

If you do use butter use ghee or clarified butter and the more yellow it is the better. Still use the proteins and juice trick to enhance the effects. Peace.
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Eating fresh buds or resin is a waste of the product, THC is found in plants in the form of THCA, the acid form of THC, and THCA is not very active when eaten. Decarboxylize the THCA to THC with heat by cooking and the THC is potent when eaten. Mix with an oil or fat or alcohol as a carrier and eat on an empty stomach for fastest effects.



Sam_Skunkman said:
Eating fresh buds or resin is a waste of the product, THC is found in plants in the form of THCA, the acid form of THC, and THCA is not very active when eaten. Decarboxylize the THCA to THC with heat by cooking and the THC is potent when eaten. Mix with an oil or fat or alcohol as a carrier and eat on an empty stomach for fastest effects.


Sam, do we have to constantly go through this?.

People have proven that what you say isn't true yet you still choose to say it isn't true.!. Why?.

BTW, that was a rhetorical question and I don't want to get into an argument because you are going to believe what you want.

Anyway, where have you been?. Hope everything is going well. Peace.


I guess I don't believe what you say.
Who has proven that THCA does get you as high as THC? Please name them, I will ask them.
I know when I tried pure THCA orally it was maybe 1/10 the potency the the same amount of pure THC.
This is a well know science fact or do you deny that the plant makes THCA or that THCA is inactive compared to THC?
The people you say have proven it are maybe the same people that used to say that THCV gets you higher then THC and that CBD gets converted by the plant to THC.
THCV does not get you high at all, and the plant makes all of the 71 known Cannabinoids from CBG using different synthase's for each Cannabinoid.



I'm not going to argue this but you are taking these chemicals by themselves not with other chemicals from the plant such as the terpenoids and when you do, you even say the effects are stronger so imagine the effects if you combined them with other chemicals that are in other foods. Some terpenenes inhibit p450 enzymes in your body and actually allow more cannabis to get into your system which is another reason why they make the effects stronger while some increase the enzymes and allow your body to detoxify faster than normal.

The flavanoids are shown to strongly inhibit the p450 enzymes which is one reason why taking bioflavanoid pills make the high more stronger and these flavonoids are abundant in plants. See the connection.

Secondly, when you do take the chemicals you can't just take them by themselves and think you are going to get a good effect because the chemicals are fat soluble and all fats aren't made the same. You can't just take the chemicals and then say they don't work when you didn't take them with the right foods or worse by themselves. The body is made up of different things and if you bombard it with just one type of chemical you will get down regulation and need more to fell the same effects you once had. This is another reason why food combining is good to get good effects from herb.

An example is carrots. People say carrots are good for you because of the vitamin a but unless you eat them with some type of fat, you will get very little of the vitamin a available to you and even then if you take the wrong fats with it only a little will actually be used efficiently.

Lastly, if you do some searches on ic on avocado you will see at least a couple of people who said just taking the cannabis/hash raw with the avocado and lemon juice worked for them. You was even in one of the threads saying what you are saying now even though the person showed his results.

Anyway, glad to see you back on the block. Peace,
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These are people who TRIED what I was talking about on ic. I know you're going to find a way to discredit them also but just something for others to view:


Jon:"Just try it. It's something about the avocado and herb together. I had some really bad arthritic pain so I took half a gram of herb, grounded and mixed with a half of an avocado with some lemon squeezed into it ate it and was lit."


British_Bulldog:"Well, I tried eating about a quarter of a gram of top quality commercial hash last night with an avocado.

It wasn't exactly a scientific test, because I'd already had a pizza, which although Italian and with less cheese than an American pizza, it had fat from the cheese and also probably some extra virgin olive oil in there too.

So, the pizza could've/should've had an influence too on the effect, but basically I got very high, then wasted and it ended up knocking me out into a coma-like state...I ate it at around 7pm, felt the high properly by about 8.30pm, and crashed out and fell asleep on the sofa around 11pm. I woke up at 6am with ravenous munchies and ate for about an hour before falling asleep again until 10am, still stoned, laughing to myself about some stuff in the shower, still had red eye, had a bong, put some eye drops in and then went to work, lol

All in all good but I'd like to have stayed awake a bit longer...the high also seemed more profound with the avocado, but further testing is required ;) :) lol"


FrankRizzo:"I added a few grams of keif to a similar guac recipe I make. I just through it in there. I actually really liked the quac and ate the whole thing at once. Slept for over 16 hours."

It's a new era Sam and the other elders and we know more than we did before and just saying your way is right when others say it isn't based on experience is very backwards when you are a scientist or believe in it.

Anyway, have fun doing things your way. I still appreciate some of your knowledge. Peace.
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I would also like to add that the high might not be the same to you and others because you might be used to a more lethargic high and consider that being "high" due to free radicals from smoking and oxidation of thc to cbn when the heat hits it.

Anyway that's it for me I've done my part. PEace.


Active member
Hey everyone I still haven't gotten around to doing this yet.

I'll probably try the avocado lemon juice method sometime cuz it sounds interesting. Honestly though it goes against everything I've ever learned about how to make edibles. I thought you needed heat to extract the thc.

Anyhow right now I'm looking for a recipe involving butter. I'm also interested in alcohol methods, but they seem to involve a long soak time which so for now I want to focus on a quick method.

I'd like the recipe to be quick and relatively simple. Basically I'm not sure how long I should cook the hash with the butter. I know I should use a really low temperature.
Also about how much butter for a gram of hash? I could figure all this out on my own, but it'd be nice if someone out there has already done this and had a recipe. No makes butter out of bubble?!


Truthman said:
I would also like to add that the high might not be the same to you and others because you might be used to a more lethargic high and consider that being "high" due to free radicals from smoking and oxidation of thc to cbn when the heat hits it.

I prefer the high of smoking, it gets me much higher then eating.
I also prefer smoking to vaporizing, vaping is for girleymen, or patients.
I bet vaping does have less free radicals, oxidation, or whatever you are convinced is no good, but I LIKE SMOKING RESIN, it gives me what I am looking for, the highest effects.
To me eating is no way as clear or up or high.


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