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Grow 8oz's of Bud for Less Than $100


Active member
has anyone done it for under 100 including the price of the book? :muahaha: just messin fellas.. 00 have a go at it i'll be watching this :joint:

Cozy Amnesia



full time daddy
asher1er said:
has anyone done it for under 100 including the price of the book?

00420 said:
i have not read the book and do not plan to.... but as the thread says...8oz less then $100 is all the info i need to play
:laughing: :asskick:

16 of 25 have popped and been planted light was started 7-18-08 so i now have 90 days..... i put them all under the 175mh i will not have the cfl room ready tell monday

5 for 5 on MaT
5 for 5 on S & M
1 of 5 DP X SK1
5 of 10 on T*h x SK1 {half will stay to this project & half will go outside no matter how many open i dont think 3-4 are going to but i want to keep it even }

3 of 16 have broken soil and have there heads popped up :jump:

Care Free 1

Active member
I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Anyone interested in trying SeeMoreBuds grow method, please post up the results. I will do my best to make this happen.

I could very easily drop in some Snowdog clones in right now from the mother room, but I want to see if this method will give me the performance in 12/12 from seed. I think I'll pop a 1/2 pack of Snowdog and 1/2 pack of Blue Sonja, which is a killer Blockhead. Lets see if these will perform better.

In the book, he uses Mango. I was wondering if Mango is more of a Sativa plant. Maybe I should look for a more Sativa dominant plant for 12/12 from seeds??? Any advice would be appreciated.

Care Free 1


full time daddy
i went with more sativa dominants to get the reach.... if its a heavy inda it will stay short & fat {fat is good} but if it dont get to the 15-20" range after flowering i dont think yeild will ever be there.
if i remember right mango is a really heavy yeilder like hog bigbud chronic ect......
i have never growen it but i have smoked it... it tasted like burning stems [wood] and it was from a med club...... not that good to be honest.....


Active member
if i may say..i know seemore....he's a cool cat..but that book was a way for him to make some ends....i dont even see him using this system.....peace az


full time daddy
Cozy Amnesia said:

t*haze x skunk1 ( 36 hr's 5 of 10 )

safari mix ( 36 hr's 5 of 5 )

menage a' trois ( 36 hr's 5 0f 5 )

175watt mh ballast & plug

the start.......... this is 24 hr's after planting

Last edited:

Care Free 1

Active member
Well, after taking the wife camping in the Sierra's, she decided thats enough traveling for the year, thank God. I knew that would do it!!!

I just dropped 10 Blue Sonja Blockheads into the soil to give it a go again. The Mummia are still going but very short. Not sure what those will yeild yet, but it doesnt look like much. I'll snap some pictures at lights on tonight.

I should be able to focus on this grow with no interruptions now.

Care Free 1

Care Free 1

Active member
Yeah MO. Some of the stuff we saw out there was incredible. I swear I could have reached into some of the streams and grabbed fish with my bare hands, but the wife wouldnt let me.



Active member
Care Free 1, I was there just a few weeks ago backpacking.

I know what you mean about the trout, they will eat ANYTHING!!

Great pics.


00420 said:
for soil i was thinking about getting supersoil from walmart 3.95 or 4.95? but then thought about not being able to feed any nutes and that kinda worryed me when it came to yeild so i bought nute's and going to find soil free some where i went with floranova for 1 reason...... ph balance @ lucas formula
16oz flora nova 9.99 + tax = 10.71 (local store) cheapest i found it online was 11.99 http://organic-hydroponicsupplies.t...products.asp&gclid=CML_8aTtzJQCFRIuagodBCfQjw

for free soil i went to a local excavating place and asking them to donate 5 gallons of soil for my son's summer camp........ they said go walk the yard and pick out what u want.... this stuff even has perlite mixed in it about a 30/70 mix.... score

cost so far
room 1 room 2
$48.54 $98.54

money left
room1 room2
$51.46 $1.46

room 1 need's light
both need airflow/exchange "cooling" {this is going to be the hard part}
there is attic access/crawl hole i opened it up and was hoping for air movement and i got it............but it was the wrong way!!!!!!! :asskick: who da fuck it? hot ass air just dumping out of the attic in to the room.
im gonna be a flea market/yard sale mofo for a fartfan this weekend.... and offering ppl 1.46 for it to................ lol

Just out of curiosity, did you play around/experiment with that free soil at all?

Like, did you check as best you could for any visible pests? That can be a big problem with using soil from outdoors in your indoor grow room. That's one of the reasons that I will only use soil (and/or Pro-Mix etc.) that I buy at my local Hydro Shop. You know that it's sterile & also because the soil(s) from the grow store are more-less designed specifically for growing MJ - at least/especially compared to that Miracle Grow soil they sell at Walmart (etc.). I wouldn't even consider buying/using Miracle Grow soil or any Miracle Grow nutrients for that matter.
Also, did you run any plain water through that soil before planting in it(to flush it out)? If so, did you check the ph and ppm of the run-off water (the water that drips out of the holes in your pots) to make sure that the ph wasn't too high and also to make sure that the soil wasn't contaminated with anything or loaded up with nutrients/has high ppm run-off water?

If you didn't do any of that stuff and have plants to put into the pots still, I would at least flush that soil out real good and just check the ppm of the water that runs out the bottom of the pots.

Well, best of luck with everything. Stay safe,



Too bad the experiment faltered. Such is life, eh?

For future consideration.....I would go with the warm white 2700K CFL bulbs in a 12/12 from seed grow. The temperature grade (2700K, 6500K) has nothing to do with light's intensity, only the "color" of the light emitted. I can see where one would assume that because the number is much higher that more light is being produced, but that is not the case.

Also, I would be able to save quite a few bucks by using 23 watt (1600 lumens) purchased at Costco for $2 each (in a pack of 4 or 5). You could use 10 of these (230 watts) and spend $20, and buy a couple of 6500K bulbs to round out the spectrum hitting your plants (and add another 60 watts oomph), and still save $25 on the $58 you spent buying the 42 watters.

I have been trying to find out the difference, exactly, between the light's intensity being emitted from a 23 watt CFL and that of a 42 watt CFL, but haven't found any good info. I'm pretty certain that the intensity of the light is based on the size of the bulb emitting that light, and to the best of my knowledge, light intensity would be the same for the 2 bulbs mentioned above because the bulbs are approximately the same dimensions. Therefore, I'm predicting that the ability of the 23 watt bulb and the 42 watt bulb to penetrate the canopy is about equal. So the only difference between using the 2 is the extra fixtures that would be required for the extra bulbs to equal the final wattage desired.

Although I haven't been able to find this info either, it seems that the new T5's would emit a more intense light due to their smaller diameter. Just guessing though...if anyone knows where this info is located, please inform.


Care Free 1 said:
Yeah MO. Some of the stuff we saw out there was incredible. I swear I could have reached into some of the streams and grabbed fish with my bare hands, but the wife wouldnt let me.

OMG I swear I have JUST the dry fly for that stream... Imagine fishing it, real early morning when the fog is still hanging over the water. Paradise!


New member
Thundurkel said:
Don't Give up CareFree !!! CFL Grows are the future I have a good yield coming from them soon. Good enough to make my buddy want to trash his whole room with 1000w HPS and go to a box full of 42w CFL so just try again, and you may find this post from H3ad Seeds very interesting about lighting and coming from a seed company owner I'd say it has some meaning to it..

where on the bulb package will it say the wavelength?

all i see is wattage, lumens and 2700k.