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finally a decent news story on pot


king of the dinosaurs
Study details pot use among the middle class
Challenges stereotype of 20-something slackers
By: Misty Harris

Updated: May 16, 2008 at 06:32 AM CDT

A variety of educated, middle-class Canadians is "making a conscious but careful choice to use marijuana" to relax or focus on leisure activities, say researchers behind a new study spotlighting pot smoking behind the nation's picket fences.

These people might drive minivans to their full-time jobs or run a household, but come time to unwind, it's not Dr. Phil who's calming their nerves.

"It's an illegal activity, so it's still something people do in secret, usually in the privacy of their own home," says Geraint Osborne, whose study is published in the new edition of the journal Substance Use and Misuse. "They're a little reluctant to come forward and talk about it, using the phrase that they're still 'in the closet.'"

A qualitative study of 41 adult Canadians nationwide suggests people of all ages and educational backgrounds are toking. The University of Alberta's Osborne and the University of Calgary's Curtis Fogel led the study, which shows most participants smoke pot to loosen up or enhance various leisure activities.

"Music, television, movies, computer games, creative endeavours, the outdoors, sex -- they find marijuana makes all those things more pleasurable," says Osborne, an associate professor of sociology.

"When they're using it to relax, it's typically being smoked when they come home from work. It might be while they're preparing supper, or socializing with friends, or just having a few puffs before they go to bed."

Study participants were mostly middle-class and worked in white-collar jobs in industries such as health care, retail, social work, service and communications. And 68 per cent held post-secondary degrees, while another 11 per cent had earned high school diplomas.

A qualitative study involves a small sample size that yields a high amount of detailed information because interviews are face-to-face and in-depth. Osborne says the findings should be seen as preliminary exploratory research that provides a detailed snapshot of this demographic of pot user.

"The movies focus on the average marijuana user as a burnout, a slacker. And certainly there are those people out there, but it's not everyone," says Osborne.

"Eventually, I think we're going to see its decriminalization and legalization, with the government taxing it and making money off it."

The study also found its middle-class participants consider themselves responsible users of the drug, defined by "moderate use in an appropriate social setting and not allowing it to cause harm to others."

According to a survey released last month by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, we're seeing the slow greying of the Canadian weed-toker and the average age of cannabis users has increased from 26 to 31 since 1977.

Ian Mulgrew, author of Bud Inc., says the trend has been wafting beneath academia's radar for years and is only starting to surface because of increased cultural tolerance for the drug. A nationwide poll released this week showed 53 per cent of Canadians support the legalization of marijuana, while the United Nations 2007 World Drug Report revealed Canadians use more cannabis than any country in Europe, Asia or Latin America.

"People are finally starting to recognize that judges and lawyers and cops and doctors and other people who hold responsible jobs in society like to have a reefer," says Mulgrew.

The Fraser Institute estimates Canada's marijuana industry is worth about $5.7 billion at the wholesale level. It is reportedly second only to construction, and ahead of forestry, in terms of its contribution to the gross domestic product of British Columbia.

Mulgrew says the trendiest pot paraphernalia -- smokeless, and pricey, marijuana vaporizers -- are largely targeted to health-conscious suburban dwellers who want to cut down on their inhalation of respiratory toxins and keep the odour of cannabis out of their upholstery.

"We're not talking about a 17-year-old buying a glass pipe and thinking it's a big investment," says Mulgrew. "These are smart people with the disposable income to buy what amounts to a $700 hookah."

-- Canwest News Service


Registered Med User
Yep. news pointing out what we've been telling um for years! They shouldnt call it 'news' call it 'olds' , haha!


Us Canucks sure do like our weed, eh???

There are ALOT of us - we always find each other...

My street - 4 houses in a row - all weed smokers, all unrelated to each other.

Never had a problem with any of them - and none of us are huge drinkers, just tokers...

Ganja Kirbya

New member
Damn man, I wish the US was this supportive of weed. You say the word weed anywhere near someone here and you can almost guarantee they're going to try and get the law involved. Rural Ohio just sucks when comes to this kind of thing.


Active member
This article is 100% correct. I know a few ppl quite well who fit this description, sure is nice to see some truth come out regarding cannabis for a change...

The time will come, hopefully soon - and the real truth will be revealed. Cannabis is a way better substance than alcohol and deserves at least the same amount of freedom regarding its use + production for personal use. (For alcohol - home brewing of beer/wine is legal for personal use, for cannabis - personal gardens should be as well)

Gardening, and utilizing what you grow is not a crime!! It's called self-sufficiency, and being self-sufficient is a good thing... :rasta:
